Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1844 Amaterasu Society

Chuyi said: "It is a force secretly supported by the Japanese royal family: Amaterasu Kamikai! This was originally a private organization. It was taken under its command starting from Tokugawa Ieyasu. After several twists and turns, it finally became loyal to the imperial family."

"The masters among them are roughly divided into three categories. One is similar to samurai, good at kendo and swordsmanship. The second is ninja, with Iga and Kaifa being the most famous, good at stealth and hidden weapons. The third is ninja. Onmyoji, this one is a bit similar to us, you can think of it as a Japanese ghost dealer, but their training methods are more cruel, and their spell effects focus more on killing."

"Early on, Miss Caiyun told us that the Amaterasu Association was not originally called this name. It was renamed after it was united with the Emperor. The purpose of the Amaterasu Association is to find a place called Amaterasu!"

"The Emperor's family has the blood of Amaterasu, and the first Emperor Jimmu hid many treasures and artifacts in the gods. The Amaterasu Association wants to find this place. And there is a secret door inside the gods. The only way to open it is the bloodline of the Imperial Family.”

"Because the royal family knew that their blood was not pure. After learning that there was still pure blood, even in China, they began to search aggressively. During the Anti-Japanese War, they found some clues with the help of the Kwantung Army, and He is Caiyun’s grandfather.”

"Later, his grandfather pretended that his whole family was killed by artillery fire and escaped. As time passed, Caiyun was born."

"Originally, when we were in Siberia last time, we all received a letter from the Blood Crane from Lao Liu at the same time, and we planned to go there together, but Caiyun didn't arrive for some reason. After finishing things there, we have been While I was busy, I discovered that she was probably traced by people from the Amaterasu Society and captured."

"Subsequently, we have been trying our best to trace it, and finally confirmed that Caiyun has been captured by them and taken back to Japan!"

"But the clues we have now are limited, and we don't know where she is being held. It will definitely be a tough battle to break into the Amaterasu Society. I'm afraid it will be difficult for just the three of us. Listen to Liu Laoliu He said that you went to the Wusuli River with him and gained a lot. Your cultivation level increased very quickly, and you even joined forces with others to kill the middle finger, so..."

"There's nothing to say!" I interrupted Chu Yi's words: "How many sacrifices have you made to protect me? Now you are just asking me for help, and it is to save people. What else can I say? When to set off?"

"The sooner, the better." Xiao Bailong said simply: "And you must be fully prepared. This time we will definitely have a bloody battle. As long as we take action, we will never leave anyone alive! No one will be left alive. "

"Okay!" I responded readily.

"Well, let's do this for now." Chu Yi stood up and said, "Just like last time, you follow Han Laoliu and go ahead. Xiao Bailong and I are going to borrow some from Taoist Yiqing and the head of Tianjian respectively. Thing, let’s meet in Seoul in ten days.”

"Seoul?" I was stunned for a moment.

Aren’t we going to Japan to find the Amaterasu Society? What to do in Seoul, South Korea?

"It's true that Amaterasu is in Japan, but who knows its specific location? After some investigation, we finally found out that in Seoul, they have a secret base for gathering information, disguised as an underground casino , let’s get a feel for the situation there first. As for the specific things, let Han Laoliu tell you.” After Chu Yi finished speaking, he looked around the antique store: “Xiao Bailong is right, this scene is indeed It's a tough battle. To be honest, we have been arguing for a long time about whether to find you or not. But now that we have said it, there is no turning back! This may be the last time any of us come here."

"Hey, let me tell you, can you stop being so frustrated!" Xiao Bailong said, "In wartime, we will pull you out and shoot you first. Do you know that you are called the Bewitching Army?"

"I hope so! I hope we can all come back safe and sound." Han Laoliu took the last sip of wine and stood up.

"Bah, bah! Shut your crow mouths, both of you." Xiao Bailong glanced at the two of them sideways, then looked at me and said: "In a word, be careful on the road. Don't hesitate when you can take action. Directly Kill us! We are out to kill people this time, not just for fun. See you in Seoul."

As he said that, this guy suddenly entered the door, turned into a white light, and disappeared in a swish.

The first grade of junior high school patted me heavily on the shoulder, turned around and walked out without saying anything.

"You pack your things first, I'll buy some wine and come back to you later." Han Laoliu said and stood up, and the tree stumps on the ground disappeared at the same time, as if they had never appeared.

The antique shop was immediately left to myself again.

The whole house was in a mess, but a fire rose up in my heart and was burning!

All along, people from all over the world have been protecting me openly or covertly.

They didn't hesitate to bleed, get hurt, or risk their lives for me!

Today I have learned a skill and can finally give back!

Just thinking about it, I feel extremely excited to be able to fight side by side with Chu Yi, Han Laoliu, and Xiao Bailong.

Not to mention saving people, I am willing to go through fire and water!

He hurriedly packed his backpack and left a letter for Li Mazi in the house——

Of course, I also thought that maybe as Chu Yi said, the person who couldn't come back might be me. I also wanted to write a letter to Yin Xinyue.

But I hesitated for a long time when I picked up the pen and still couldn't put it down.

Xiao Bailong was right! I went to kill the Japanese devils, not to die, so why should I write my last words?

It won't be long before I come back and treat it as a trip to Japan!

After a while, Han Laoliu also walked in carrying a big baggage.

When I took a quick look, I knew what was inside. It was all wine!

The height of Erguotou, which is about the size of a grenade, is filled with a large bag, almost more than a hundred bottles.

"Let's go. If you don't grab it, this wine will be enough for me to drink on the way." As he said this, he poured in more than half a bottle of Luzhou Laojiao.

"I said, you don't have any other hobbies besides drinking?" I asked a little strangely.

"Occasionally I kill people." Han Laoliu replied calmly.

Han Laoliu was naturally unable to take a plane with so much wine on his back, but this guy had already made arrangements and chartered a special plane to fly directly to the Northeast.

If I hadn't seen the row of serially numbered Hummers at the airport, and the bodyguards in suits standing like javelins. I almost forgot that this guy who is addicted to alcohol and never gets drunk is a standard black brother. Even the arms dealers in the Far East are very frightened!

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