Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1845 Domineering Han Laoliu (Additional update)

After getting off the plane, we slept one night in a hotel in Han Laoliu.

Under his arrangement, we got into an inconspicuous van and headed straight for the border.

We are out to kill people this time, so naturally we cannot take the normal route.

Smuggling is nothing to this guy!

What surprised me the most was that as soon as the smuggling boat reached the high seas, Han Laoliu quickly slashed the necks of all three Korean snakes one by one and threw them directly into the water.

The whole process is neat and tidy and can be done in less than a minute!

Judging from his extremely skilled techniques, this guy has done many things to kill people and silence them.

Now I finally understand what he meant by killing people occasionally!

He might have seen something unnatural in the way I looked at him, so he said to me while drinking and driving the boat: "Although I have killed many people, every one of them is a damn ghost. I just asked them to leave early." . Let’s just say that these guys specialize in defrauding the Chinese. Once on their ship, the men will pull out their skin and the women will get their oil. After a while, even if I don’t take action, they will blackmail us! And once they arrive Over there, they sell people to illegal factories and brothels, and then threaten your family members to send money. If there is really no money left, they will maim them to death and sell their organs. Originally, they were in the business of smuggling people, and they were on the high seas. The Chinese police have never had any evidence, let alone arrested him. Therefore, justice and justice here can only be carried out by me."

"There is justice in this world, and it doesn't matter who supports it. If everyone is really waiting for Buddha, God or something to avenge you, then they have to be busy to death? This is considered a convenient job for me, and I don't expect anything in return. Another day, if the police from the two countries are drinking and chatting, thinking that there is a Han Laoliu who has done a lot of things for them, and if they ask me how to repay them, I will say, give me a sea, a sea full of wine! Hahaha , tell me, is that so refreshing?"

Han Laoliu kept talking and laughing, drank up the wine in one gulp, and threw it into the sea.

If you knew that he had just killed three people with his own hands, and at this moment, there were still drops of blood splattered on his face, would you think of him as a big pervert? Anyway, I think so.

But I also feel that the more perverts like this, the better, and the crazier the better.

Before landing, Han Laoliu told me, from now on, don’t speak in front of outsiders, not even a single note! No matter what I do, don't make a sound or move, just follow him silently.

From now on, we are going to pretend to be Koreans and go on an exciting and fun trip to Korea!

When we were still more than a mile away from the coast, he sank the boat and, taking advantage of the darkness, he took me around the coastal outpost and landed on the shore in a well-familiar way.

Immediately afterwards, I followed Han Laoliu and truly experienced how a powerful man was made.

First, he sneaked along the street to the parking lot and smashed the surveillance camera with stones from a distance. Within three minutes, he stole a car and got out. Along with it, he also caught a couple of dogs having fun in the car. They forced the two of them to strip off their remaining clothes and took away their wallets and mobile phones. Then he drove the two of them and dumped them in the troubled area.

Then, in a few words, he found a gangster who collected stolen cars in a dilapidated small disco and exchanged a sum of cash for him.

Went to a more upscale nightclub and bought all the drugs.

In the blink of an eye, he went from buying drugs to selling drugs.

We continued to seduce others to buy, and we continued to rob people who were buying goods. Among them, we also robbed two colleagues who were trying to cause trouble for us. Even the police didn't let go -

A police car passed by us. He yelled to stop the car, and then punched two Korean policemen who looked like idiots and knocked them unconscious. Then he took off the police uniforms of the two unlucky men and threw them both into the trash can on the street.

After that, he and I put on police uniforms and walked around the streets picking out expensive cars to hit. Then he abandoned the police car at the end of the street, followed the high wall, climbed to the roof, and took two taxis to a villa.

After arriving at the villa, he smashed the glass and rushed in, locked the hostess into the bathroom, and threw a big rat he caught along the way, which scared the woman and screamed; he took the hostess out and forced her to After watching him eat two big lumps of dog shit, he then picked up the sofa and smashed it into pieces. His hands and feet were completely severed on the spot, and he stepped on his lower body severely. The man in pain screamed and broke out in cold sweat!

Immediately afterwards, he lit a fire on the gas stove, poured a pot of soybean oil, took me back to the cloakroom, selected two expensive suits in the closet and put them on, combing his shiny hair in front of the mirror. Asked me: "Do you think I'm crazy when you see me doing these things?"

I looked in the mirror and nodded.

This is not an ordinary mental illness, it is simply a terminal illness!

"If I tell you that the male owner of this house has a porn habit, he specializes in raping Chinese students and female tourists, and he also sells photos for fun. How many people are suffering from depression because of the breakdown of his family? Do you still feel sorry for him?"

"And that woman. Maybe it's because her husband likes Chinese women very much. She is surprisingly disgusted with China. She is a well-known reporter in Korea who insults China. She specializes in making up all kinds of insulting remarks and publishing all kinds of false news that insults China. ! I prepared this gift for her." He said as he picked up the oil pan from the kitchen, opened the bathroom door, and poured it in.

Then, regardless of the woman's screams, he drove their car and walked out in a swaggering manner.

"Then how do you know these things?" I asked curiously.

"It's very simple!" Han Laoliu said as he drove the car: "The couple who were looking for excitement just now had a pornographic magazine in the car, which contained photos secretly taken by the male owner; those on the street In the building’s advertisement, there is a report about the female reporter’s insulting remarks about China.”

"I robbed the police car. Along the way, I used the police fingerprint to open the police identification device and found the home of the female reporter. I didn't expect that she and the perverted porn maniac were in the same family, so we just happened to deal with it together. "

"If you can't catch such a blatant guy, or you won't catch him at all, what are you if the Korean police are not idiots? Shouldn't they let their police department shed some blood and let these two idiots suffer a little?"

After hearing what he said, I immediately admired this guy!

Just by wandering around casually, I mastered so much information invisibly. Moreover, the route is clear and the thinking is not chaotic... It is really unimaginable. And this guy kept drinking along the way, and drank at least seven or eight pounds.

"What are we doing now? What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Of course we are going to meet the Korean drug dealers. We robbed their goods and money, beat up their people, and disrupted the market. It would be strange if they didn't come to us. But these idiots can't be found at all. We can only deliver it to your door." Han Laoliu said with a bitter smile.

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