Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1847 Twenty seconds, knock them all down

As soon as Han Laoliu and I jumped out of the car, the thugs rushed in front of us like a swarm, shouting wildly and wielding sticks and machetes.

Han Laoliu took a sip of wine as if nothing had happened and rushed into the crowd!

These guys are extremely ruthless, and every blow goes straight to the vital point. If they are hit, the bones and tendons will be broken.

But Han Laoliu was even more ruthless——

Every punch and kick would be followed by a crisp sound of bones breaking.

Ribs, wrists, calves, everything was broken.

I just brought down two or three people, and the thugs were already lying on the ground!

Han Laoliu shouted something, drank all the remaining wine, and smashed it on his head, breaking it into pieces! Then, like a raging lion, he rushed in with loud curses in Korean and kicked anyone he met.

The man he kicked flew away like a broken sack.

These guys were all beaten to the ground. When they saw Han Laoliu being so violent, they were all scared out of their wits. They cowered on the ground and shrieked with fear on their faces.

Click! Han Laoliu kicked him again, and a thug's calf was broken directly at the knee and flew into the ruins.

Click, and another person's arm was crushed.

These guys really couldn't bear it any longer. The person closest to him was so frightened that he quickly fell to his knees, covering his broken arm and kowtowing repeatedly.

When the others saw it, they quickly knelt down.

Han Laoliu asked angrily what he was talking about, and those guys responded submissively.

After a while, Han Laoliu grabbed the gang leader and drove out a Hyundai.

The guy had one of his legs broken and was shivering in the back seat, sweating profusely.

Under his guidance, we quickly arrived outside a very grand manor. Han Laoliu turned around and confirmed with him, then raised his hand and slapped the guy unconscious. Then he said while drinking: "It seems that we are lucky. This den of thieves is not small! According to this guy, their boss not only sells drugs, but also has many other businesses. He has many brothers. As long as he is taken care of, That’s about it.”

"What do you mean?" I am getting more and more confused about Han Laoliu now.

Han Laoliu put a black paper crane out, pointed at the manor and said, "Just leave the rest to me. You go and do another thing." After that, he took out a photo and handed it over.

I took it and took a look. The person in the photo was about thirty years old, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, smiling and polite.

"This man's name is Ye Shisan, he is from Longquan Villa."

"Longquan Villa?" I was suddenly surprised.

"Yes!" Han Laoliu nodded and said, "Longquan Villa is extremely ambitious. They not only want to rule China's underworld, but also want to get involved overseas and expand their sphere of influence to the whole world. In recent years, under the leadership of Dong Lao Now, many of their seeds have been sown all over the world.”

"However, people in the industry in other countries are not vegetarians. With the death of Dong Lao, their forces in various places suffered heavy losses. Especially in South Korea, almost all the strongholds were wiped out. It is said that it was not the Koreans who took action, but the Amaterasu Society. !”

"Amaterasu's ambitions are not small. They have sent people to sneak into our country several times, but they were killed by Longquan Villa and Jiangbei Zhang Family."

Longquan Villa and Jiangbei Zhang Family are old enemies, but no one wants to let foreign forces get involved, so under their tacit joint stranglehold, so far, there are no foreign Onmyojis in the country.

Han Laoliu continued while staring at the black paper crane flying into the manor: "A few days ago, the Amaterasu Association had a fierce battle with Longquan Villa. The nine outer guardians of the Amaterasu Association were suddenly Killed seven."

"Outer protector?" I'm not sure about the level of Amaterasu, and some of them don't know which level it is in their power.

"It's equivalent to the first-class offerings in Longquan Villa, just like Bing Yinzi and Jin Snake Sou whom I met last time in Devil's Valley. However, because they always have only nine outer sect protectors, it may be more than the number of offerings in Longquan Villa. The strength is higher." Han Laoliu explained.

The power was higher than that of Longquan Villa, but seven people were killed at once?

So how terrifying is the strength of Longquan Villa?

Last time in Devil's Valley, if Master Feng and the others hadn't arrived in time on the first day of the new year, Han Laoliu and I would have almost died in their hands.

There were only four worshippers who besieged us at that time!

"It was done by Qiu Feng Zhan." Han Laoliu took a sip of wine and added: "He is the supreme elder of Longquan Villa. The four supreme elders are Spring Flowers Blooming, Summer Wushuang, Autumn Wind Zhan, and Winter Is Always Here."

"Among these four, Third Elder Qiu Fengzhan is the most terrifying, and he is extremely murderous. When the gate is closed, he still pours a bucket of blood at the door every seven days. He is almost as broken as Xia Wushuang. When he came out of the gate, he caught up with the Amaterasu Society's invasion and immediately started a killing spree. In that battle, Longquan Villa also suffered heavy losses. Three or four worshipers died. Qiu Fengzhan was also seriously injured. If Long Qingqiu hadn't come out personally, he might have died. Already..."

No wonder Longquan Villa has been so quiet recently, it turned out to be a fierce battle!

"Ye Shisan came to South Korea this time. Firstly, he wanted to make a way forward for Longquan Villa to enter South Korea. Secondly, he wanted to get something back. We have already found out that he will pretend to be an ordinary tourist there tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Seoul, this is why we split into two groups and came to South Korea in such a hurry. The search for Amaterasu is to save Miss Caiyun, but we cannot let Longquan Villa succeed."

Han Laoliu looked at me and said: "I have made arrangements. When you go to this address in a while, someone will arrange you in their tour group and just follow him. Remember, if your life is not endangered, Don't show off your abilities, so as not to alert others! We learned this news accidentally. If he feels that he can't succeed and gives up voluntarily, it will be troublesome. When will Longquan Villa send someone to pick it up next time? If it were taken, we might not know.”

"Okay!" I nodded and put away the photo and said, "Then what kind of strength is this guy? What kind of magic is he good at?"

"He doesn't understand magic, not at all." Han Laoliu took a sip of wine and said, "He is the only first-class priest in Longquan Villa who doesn't understand the art of yin and yang at all."

"However, no one in the villa dares to look down upon him! Although he has just joined the villa less than half a year ago, he has completed several major projects that shocked his colleagues, and he has won the respect of Long Qingqiu."

"Long Qingqiu sent him out this time. It seems that the purpose of this trip is not simple."

"Oh, right." Han Laoliu thought for a while and added: "It is said that he is the last disciple of the God of Death and the thirteenth disciple, so he is called Ye Shisan."

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