Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1848 Disciples of Death

Of course, the God of Death does not refer to the god in charge of life and death in myths and legends, but a killer.

To be more precise, a killer mentor.

No one has seen him, no one knows his specific identity, and almost no one even knows what earth-shattering things he has done.

But his disciples are all famous, and they are all super killers that make people change their minds.

I have never heard of Ye Shisan’s name before, but I have heard the names of the other twelve people.

These people are not on the list of killers because even they themselves hate the profession or title of killer.

They never regard themselves as killers. Judging from their killing habits and clues, they seem to have their own professions in reality, such as lawyers, doctors, teachers, police, and scavengers.

No one knows who they are, and no one has ever seen them. Even their names and nicknames were given by their peers. They never kill for money, and no one can hire them.

At every murder scene, a number is left, from 1 to 12.

Show the outside world that this is what I did. A good man should do what he does, and don’t blame others.

And their common master is the God of Death!

Back then, at an extremely luxurious aristocratic party in Europe, a group of top wealthy people somehow started talking about the killer.

Some of them, under the influence of alcohol, talked about the legendary God of Death unscrupulously, and their words were mostly ridiculing and insulting.

Not long after the banquet ended, these people received a letter at the same time, saying that they had insulted the master and would pay the price!

July 22 is the master’s birthday, and at 12 o’clock in the evening on this day, it is the time of punishment.

These rich people all have special identities. Some are congressmen, some are arms dealers, and many are gangsters themselves. Although they are not frightened by this letter, they are still a little scared and have started to prepare.

On July 22, some took advantage of their connections with the military to hide in US military bases, some hired a large number of bodyguards to protect themselves with guns and ammunition, and some hid in sealed basements.

But at 12 o'clock in the evening, everyone who received the letter died without exception.

The cause of death of each person was different. Some were shot through the heart by a bullet, some had their throats cut with a knife, some were poisoned, and some were strangled alive.

Behind each body is a number marked on the wall, from 1 to 12.

Among them, the number 9 appears 5 more times.

This guy has always been accustomed to leaving a sentence at the scene. He used extremely superb surgical skills to cut the skin of the deceased just right, and left a complete sentence in six languages ​​on the belly of the six deceased: "Why are you all in England, preventing me from having a rest!"

These seventeen rich people, except for those who died in the UK, all died at almost the same time - even the time difference was calculated exactly.

This is definitely not the work of one person, and it is even more incredible. None of the murderers left any valuable clues.

This is simply a blatant provocation to the police of various countries!

Through Interpol, they formed a joint investigation team and investigated for several years, but still found nothing, not even any progress, and the reputation of the Twelve Apostles of Death became famous!

Later, some murderers also deliberately left numbers after killing people, trying to impersonate them.

But soon afterwards, the murderer's body will be sent to the police station.

Because the reputation of the God of Death and the Twelve Apostles cannot be slandered, nor can anyone impersonate them!

This Ye Shisan actually openly admitted that he is the thirteenth disciple of the God of Death. Until now, nothing has happened, but it is a bit unbelievable. What is the purpose of joining Longquan Villa?

"Whether he is the disciple of the God of Death or not, you must be careful when following him." Han Laoliu looked at me and said: "Although he is the only one in the tour group coming to Korea this time, Longquan Villa may also Other reinforcements are being sent one after another.”

"In addition, as you are an important target of Longquan Villa, he must have seen your photos! Moreover, you were suddenly added to the tour group after they arrived in South Korea. Even if you disguise yourself and make up, he will definitely be secretly wary, so , neither of you is in the dark."

This time, I was a little confused.

Didn’t I say not to alert others?

Since the other person is likely to recognize me at a glance, what's the point of asking me to follow him?

Han Laoliu seemed to see my doubts, but he didn't explain anything. He drank the wine in one gulp and said, "You will know when you go there. I have already made arrangements over there. You don't have to hide your identity, but you must not reveal it." For what it’s worth, just pretend to be an ordinary person.”

Isn’t it contradictory to not hide one’s identity or reveal one’s abilities?

Regardless of whether Ye Shisan is really a disciple of the God of Death, since he has taken refuge in Longquan Villa, how could he not know about my situation? Even if I don't show it, he probably knows what I'm good at.

Isn't this unnecessary?

"I will contact you when they come over on the first day of junior high school. Okay, you can get off the car here, I have to work too." I was about to ask again, when a black line lit up on Han Laoliu's wrist. It seemed that he had received a signal from the black paper crane, so as he spoke, he stuffed me with two bundles of Korean won and hurriedly urged me to get out of the car.

As soon as I got off the car, Han Laoliu stepped on the accelerator and rushed straight to the gate of the manor.

I walked out of the intersection, took a taxi, and handed the driver the Korean address left by Han Laoliu.

The guy muttered something and started the car.

More than half an hour later, we stopped in front of a cafe.

The cafe is not big, and there are not many customers inside. I don’t know who Han Laoliu asked me to come here to find. Just as I was about to choose a seat and sit down, I saw a long-haired girl glance at me, shook her watch and said complainingly: "Why are you always late! Don't mention the traffic jam again."

This must be the person who answered me.

I pretended to be in the wrong, walked forward and said, "It's really a traffic jam, and there's nothing I can do about it."

The girl snorted and ignored me. I pretended to be coaxing and sat down next to her.

"Hold my bag." The girl whispered, then pushed me away, picked up half a cup of coffee on the table and poured it on me, and shouted unreasonably: "You lied to me, didn't you?" ? Never come to me again!" He said and ran straight to the door.

I was stunned for a moment, and without even bothering to wipe the stains all over my body, I grabbed the women's bag on the table and chased it out.

When I walked out of the door and saw the girl getting into the car, I quickly opened the door and got in.

At the same time, she also started the car.

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