Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,581 The strange dead end

Ye Shisan looked at it and then looked at the passengers around him.

No one noticed anything unusual. Several couples were chatting and laughing. The fat man hugged his shoulders and squinted his eyes as if he was taking a nap. Even the few passengers who were near the car window and taking pictures with their mobile phones didn't seem to notice anything. They were still in high spirits. .

This guy turned around suddenly and looked at me. He might have thought it was me!

I shrugged, my face full of confusion, and asked him with my eyes and expression: "Why do you look at me like that?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Ye Shisan's eyes, and he raised his fingers as if to touch his chest.

The bus continued to move forward, and the little boy appeared again!

Only this time, when he was about to cross the road, two people suddenly rushed out from the side.

From the looks of it, they should be a couple.

The husband ran ahead, with disheveled hair and a greasy face. He was wearing an old light green military uniform and worn-out rubber shoes covered in mud.

The wife who followed closely behind, wearing the same old dirty clothes and covered in mud, waved her hands and shouted something.

Although she is so close, we can't hear anything!

The bus driver still didn't see it and rushed over.

The child passed by and the two people behind him were hit!

Ye Shisan suddenly became nervous, straightened his back, and wanted to stand up to take a look, but in the end he didn't move.

He turned to look at me again, then closed his eyes tightly and pressed his eyebrows.

The bus continued to move forward, with more and more pedestrians on the road, and the tall buildings on both sides became more and more dense.

While waiting for the red light, another familiar figure appeared in the crowd ahead.

Not the little boy, nor the couple who had just been hit.

But me!

That man looked exactly like me, was dressed exactly the same, had a red hat on his head, and held a small red flag in his hand, as if he was waiting for the bus.

His eyes met Ye Shisan's, with a smile on his face.

This guy looks almost exactly like me!

I'm afraid even Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue may not be able to tell the difference between me and this person!

Ye Shisan glanced at him, then turned to look at me, the doubts in his eyes getting stronger.

The bus drove for a while and finally arrived at the hotel where we were going to stay. As soon as the bus stopped, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky!

Although the black shadow fell extremely fast, Ye Shisan and I could see everything clearly.

That's a person!

A man wearing an old-fashioned gray suit with his hair parted in the middle.

Looking up, there was only one open window in the entire building on the seventh floor. Standing by the window was a little boy wearing a dirty red scarf, looking steadily down. A woman's figure vaguely appeared behind him, holding her head as if crying uncontrollably.

Ye Shisan's hands unconsciously clenched into fists, and he turned to look at me again!

Until now I finally understand! This is a trap.

It must have all been planned by Han Laoliu in advance just to confuse Ye Shisan!

As for his background, the only clue we know now is what happened when he was a child.

And, there are only two pieces.

My parents were in a car accident and my uncle jumped off the building.

That little boy was himself back then!

Along the way, I acted it out for him again!

Ye Shisan stared at me motionless for more than ten seconds, then suddenly smiled and said: "Zhang Jiulin is worthy of being the top eunuch merchant of the younger generation. However, you may be disappointed. Do you think this little trick will work?" ?"

"Everyone, wake up and get your things. We are at the hotel." The tour guide asked everyone to get off the bus in order and not to walk around, while walking first.

"Zhang Jiulin, you have thrown yourself into a trap!" Ye Shisan said with a cruel smile: "Don't worry, I am also a pretty good tour guide. I will definitely take you to see Longquan Villa." After saying that, he also stood up. Walked down.

It seems that even now, he is still thinking about taking me back alive.

Our group of tourists walked into the hotel lobby under the guidance of the tour guide. One of the two waiters standing at the front desk turned out to be Ding Lan!

Ding Lan first said hello to everyone in Korean, and then in Chinese, and then issued room cards accordingly. When it was my turn, she clicked on the room card without surprise.

I woke up immediately, and when Ye Shisan wasn't paying attention, I held it in my hand and took a peek. There were two words written on the back of the room card: "Mirror."

This tour group is quite high-end. If there are no special needs, everyone will have a private room.

For some unknown reason, Ye Shisan switched with that fat man and lived next door to me.

When I entered the room, the first thing I did was look for a mirror!

There are two pieces hanging in the bathroom, one above the sink and the other slightly larger piece hanging horizontally on the wall.

There is nothing special about the mirror itself, but on the lower right corner of the larger mirror, there is a symbol painted on it through the water vapor on the mirror.

This is the meaning of perspective.

I immediately completed the other half, and the image in the mirror immediately appeared.

The person standing in the mirror opposite me turned out to be Ye Shisan!

The two of us stared at each other through a layer of glass and stood silently for dozens of seconds.

The see-through symbol is one-way!

In other words, only I can see him, and there is no way he can see me.

But looking at this situation, he clearly saw me too!

Didn't it mean that he didn't know the art of yin and yang?

boom! Suddenly, he raised his fist and hit the mirror.

The mirror ripples away like ripples on the water. When I recovered again, Ye Shisan had disappeared, and I was the only one left in the mirror.

Suddenly, Ye Shisan's figure appeared again.

Only, this time it was not opposite me, but behind me.

"Mr. Zhang, although I don't know any magic, I still don't want to embarrass myself with such little tricks!" This guy stood behind me and said coldly with his hands on his shoulders.

I turned around and saw that this was not a shadow, it was indeed his true body. There was a shadow on the ground, and his profile was reflected in the small mirror.

But how did this guy get in?

Although our rooms are next to each other, I have locked the door long ago. And I didn’t hear any sound just now. He just disappeared in front of me for less than twenty seconds. How did he come around to my room?

I'm sure he didn't use any Yin and Yang techniques just now! It's because of his light and agile figure and his thief-like lock-picking skills.

This is too scary! The disciple of the God of Death is indeed worthy of his reputation.

If he suddenly attacked me just now, could I have defended him?

"Mr. Zhang." Ye Shisan looked at me steadily and said, "Since you have found out so many details about me, you must also know that not long ago, I just captured the index finger in the hand tissue. You Do you think you are better than him?"

"I, Ye Shisan, have never failed since my debut, and I will never leave a chance for my opponent! Therefore, I advise you to be more honest. You also know that I don't want your life. I just want to take you with me." Just go back to Longquan Villa. If you are honest, I will never mess around. You will only treat you as a guest invited by Longquan Villa. But if you are not honest, I have a hundred ways to make you Be honest.”

"Mr. Zhang, you are a smart man, I believe you will make the right choice!"

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