Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1582 The Past of Death

"I guess you are also a smart person, and you will also make the most correct choice." I smiled slightly and said: "Ye Shisan, don't even think about it, why do I dare to come to see you?"

"You are right. Index Finger's cultivation and abilities are naturally much higher than mine. Since you can capture him alive, it is not difficult to capture me. But why would I throw myself into a trap?"

"The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole follows behind. It's hard to say who is the cat and who is the mouse." I smiled.

What I said sounded very similar to that, but in fact I had no confidence at all!

Although I have never seen the index finger, let alone know what his abilities are, but if I compare it to the middle finger, he will definitely not be far behind, at least it is more than enough to deal with me!

But such a fierce and terrifying guy was actually captured by Ye Shisan, and he himself didn't know the art of Yin and Yang at all. So what is his trump card?

I can't even figure out his details, let alone fight against him.

I joined the tour group to follow him, completely in accordance with Han Laoliu's arrangements. What kind of plan he made and what kind of back-ups he had left, I still don't know anything about it until now.

To be honest, if Han Laoliu was not one of the famous people in Bafang who once almost died in the Devil's Valley to save me, I would never take this risk!

However, even I don’t know what my trump card is, and Ye Shisan doesn’t even know!

When he saw that I spoke so confidently, he showed no fear at all. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and then he became firm again. He smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I can't wait."


As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into an afterimage and flew over. I didn't even see clearly how he moved or which part of me he was heading towards.

Just as I was about to activate the Gentian Armor, I heard a click.

The mirror behind him suddenly shattered!

The countless fragments did not fall to the ground, but just floated in the air, forming a human form again, vaguely like me, shining brightly under the light.

The rays of light converged into one point and shone on Ye Shisan's fingertips.

And the fingertips were less than an inch away from my eyebrows!

At first glance, the light seemed to be emitted from his fingertips.

It turns out that this mirror is not only a window for spying, but also a life-saving talisman!

Half of the talisman was originally painted on the mirror, and I filled in the other half. Just when Ye Shisan became murderous, the formation was already activated.

Under the influence of the spell formation, my life has been divided into two parts.

Part of it is in my body, and the other part is in the person who drew the talisman.

Of course, I also have half that person's life in me.

In other words, even if Ye Shisan chops off my head and beats me to pieces, I still won’t die! As long as it's stitched together, I can still run and jump.

The only way is to kill both of us at the same time!

But the problem is, let alone him, even I don’t know who that person is?

boom! The light flashed and a flame exploded.

Ye Shisan took a few steps back and bumped into the half-open door. The entire wooden door shattered into pieces.

That was truly shattered!

Not broken pieces, but turned into sawdust as fine as sand and dust.

"Interesting!" Ye Shisan snorted coldly: "You really have some arrogance! I thought that after the death of the master, no one could stop me anymore, but I didn't expect that we would meet today."

"Dead? You mean the God of Death is dead." I was a little surprised.

"Of course, do you think you won't die if you call the name of the God of Death?" Ye Shisan said coldly: "But I haven't decided yet what the name of the person who executes the God of Death should be."

"What does this mean? Did you kill the God of Death?" Upon hearing this, I was even more surprised.

"Isn't it possible?" Ye Shisan asked me back: "No one will live forever, and the living will not be called the God of Death. The master said that there is no one who cannot be killed, and only the dead will understand the true meaning of living. significance."

Suddenly, I remembered something and asked, "So, you killed your parents and the uncle who adopted you?"

"Yes, you are very smart!" Ye Shisan smiled and said, "My parents were born deaf and mute, and have been deceived and ridiculed by others. While I feel deeply inferior, I also feel pity for them. One day I I saw that the old man who was the least popular in our village and lay in bed all day, being yelled at and scolded by his children, died. All his daughters burst into tears, and the villagers kept waiting in front of his coffin. I think well. Every year on the death anniversary, my daughters will kneel in front of the grave and burn paper and kowtow. I suddenly felt that this might be the best relief. There is no dignity in life, but there is in death..."

"I think my parents also long for this day, but they are reluctant to die and don't dare to die. But I am their son, I can help them!"

"So, you caused a car accident?" I was horrified.

"That's right! There are always big trucks passing by on that winding road, but they can't hear anything. I stole the money from selling piglets at home to buy seeds for planting, and led them to the winding road. As I wished, a big truck As soon as the truck drove over, they were relieved, and just as I thought, the villagers at the funeral respected them more than usual."

"What about your uncle?" I asked.

"That bastard is a violent maniac. He beats my aunt all day long. He gambles and prostitutes and wants to sell my aunt. Of course I don't want him to continue living. I opened the window while he was drunk and deliberately caused trouble. Let him come He hit me, dodged and dodged, and then he jumped down, his head shattered like a watermelon, and exploded all over the floor with a bang!" Ye Shisan smiled and gestured with his hands.

This Ye Shisan turned out to be a cold-blooded pervert! And since childhood.

"Do you know why I am telling you this?" Ye Shisan waved his wrist.

"Why?" I was also a little surprised.

"For so many years, I have never been able to get rid of his shadow, just because of this knot in my heart. But those who really had a chance to listen were already dead after I made a shocking move! Therefore, no one can listen to me. These knots will always exist, and I can't really forget myself, and I can't really kill for the sake of killing."

"Speaking of which, I really have to thank you very much! I just need to kill you now and let him go with you. Then I will be completely free and can truly live! Hahahahaha." Ye Shisan Suddenly he burst out laughing.

He, who is he?

relief? Really alive? What does it mean.

When I was on the bus, seeing the scene reenacted, Ye Shisan's expression was very unnatural, or in other words, it looked extremely weird compared to his cold-blooded character.

He was nervous, he was scared, and he even had a hint of regret and guilt. He was completely different from this extremely cold-blooded killer!

Wait, I get it!

I straightened my expression and said, "So, should I call you Ye Shisan now, or the God of Death?"

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