Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1584 Grandpa’s Secret

"Belongs to me?" I was a little surprised.

"I heard from Long Qingqiu that your grandfather broke into Longquan Villa at the risk of his own death and stole two things in total. The same was a secret book that could open the door to the great road. Although there was only half of it, without this half, the other half of Longquan Villa would be nothing. Trash, he hid this thing in your shop. Unless he captures you alive to sacrifice to heaven and earth, otherwise it will turn into fly ash under the attack. And the other thing is said to be a divine weapon." Ye Shisan He said calmly.

"An artifact?" I was a little confused.

"Yes." Ye Shisan also nodded confused and said: "I only know that your grandfather couldn't stand the hot pursuit of many masters in Longquan and released the thing halfway, thus attracting half of the people. The pursuers barely escaped."

"After several twists and turns, that thing finally fell into the hands of Longquan Villa, but it also became a disaster..."

"Many people are willing to engage in internal strife in order to get this thing, and the vast majority of people don't know how to open it when they get it, so they can only treat it as prey to be fought over again!"

"In the end, the person who stole the thing fled to South Korea with it. Later, Dong Lao took action and blocked him head on. In order to avoid disputes, he hid the thing in South Korea. But with Dong Lao's sudden death, No one knows where that thing is hidden. I came here just to look for a clue and try my luck."

"Of course, the reason why I came here is to have it as my own. No, I ran into you as soon as I got off the plane!"

"By some mistake, you broke my knot again. This time I will kill you first and then hunt for the treasure, but I kill two birds with one stone!" Ye Shisan said, glanced at me and Ding Lan and said, "Okay, if It’s not that today is a good day, I won’t talk so much nonsense to you! Just let me get on my way.”

After saying that, he rolled his eyes and disappeared in a whoosh!

"Get up!" I quickly used Zhao Zilong's gentian armor.

A layer of silver-white halo lit up all over his body.

All offensive Yin and Yang techniques have almost no effect on him, but the defensive Yinwu armor is still very effective!

Bang bang bang!

There were three crisp sounds in succession around the Gentian armor, as if it had been hit by a bullet, and it was extremely painful. I took several steps back and hit the wall. The tiles on the wall rattled and shattered into pieces.

Whoosh! When the black shadow saw that it could not attack me, it rushed towards Ding Lan again.

With a swish sound, Ding Lan pulled out the ancient sword, and a light green light spread out, covering his whole body.

As a result, he soon stumbled to the ground, and the green light faded a lot.

"Let's see how long you two can hold on!" Ye Shisan laughed wildly.

As soon as he laughed, a strong wind rose out of thin air between Ding Lan and me.

An afterimage of a humanoid figure moved from left to right, attacking both of us one after another!

This guy's figure is extremely fast, like light and electricity, it is impossible to catch him, and all the yin and yang techniques have no effect on him! In other words, there are no ghosts and gods in front of him. If you want to defeat him, you can only rely on the most primitive methods and fight hard.

But we can't even touch his shadow, see clearly, let alone aim at his vitals!

Even though I have the gentian armor and Ding Lan has Han Laoliu's ancient sword to protect my body, Ye Shisan can't be hurt.

But whether it was the gentian armor or the ancient sword, they all faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it seemed that they could no longer hold on for much longer.

If you don't think of a way, you will definitely be eaten alive by him!

"Combine the curse!" Ding Lan yelled, bit his fingertips and started drawing out of thin air.

"What, a combined spell?" I was a little confused upon hearing this.

Originally, under the influence of this concentric formation, half of our life bodies had been separated from each other and merged with each other. No matter who the other party killed alone, nothing would happen.

In other words, Ye Shisan must kill both of us at the same time.

In this case, even if we can't kill him, we still have a glimmer of hope.

But if the curse is combined, it means living and dying together!

As long as Ye Shisan kills any one of us, both of us will die at the same time!

This is usually used by lovers in ancient times to pursue freedom of love, resist arranged marriages, and coerce parents of various families.

How could she come up with such a stupid idea at such an emergency?

If you kill one person alone, no one will die and no matter who you kill, both of you will die together.

For such a simple multiple-choice question, do you have to choose the stupidest one?

"Combine the curse! What are you waiting for! Hurry up." Ding Lan urged loudly.

The green light on the ancient sword has become weaker and weaker, and is about to dissipate.

The silver light on my body also faded away. According to Ye Shisan's attack frequency, I can still last for half a minute at most!

If we don't think of a way, both of us will inevitably die.

I never expected that after experiencing so many lives and deaths, at the most dangerous moment, the craziest enemy would actually use this most common and primitive attack method to push me into a desperate situation!

"Quick!" Ding Lan shouted wildly, almost using up all his strength.

Since the plan she arranged was so detailed, Ye Shisan's true colors were exposed immediately. Maybe she really had some plan to eliminate the enemy.

Either way, you will die, so just give it a try!

When I thought of this, I bit my fingertips and drew the other half of the talisman with blood.

Two talismans floated out of thin air and approached quickly.

I keep my mind together, let go of all the distracting thoughts in my mind, and try my best to think only of Ding Lan's appearance - when the two people come together, I need to draw a spell that the two people are connected and only think about each other. If there are any distracting thoughts, they will disappear together. Shared loss!

Originally, at this critical moment of life and death, Yin Xinyue, Wang Xun'er, Fanfan, Chu Yi, Li Mazi, and even all the dead people might appear in my mind. There was no way he would ever think of Ding Lan, whom he had just met not long ago.

But precisely because we worked together on the mirror to create a concentric spell, I still have half of her life in my body at this time.

So under the influence of the combined spell, she was the only one left in my mind!

boom! The two pairs merged into one, forming a dazzling little circle.

At the same time, the green light on the ancient sword suddenly dissipated, and Ding Lan couldn't hold on and lay down on the ground.

"Hey! Idiots, let's get on the road." Ye Shisan shouted loudly, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards Ding Lan.


I yelled and rushed forward. This guy was too fast and his figure was erratic. Although I held the invisible needle in my hand, I didn't dare to release it for fear of accidentally injuring Ding Lan.

puff! As soon as I took two steps, I heard a muffled sound and the afterimage stopped.

Ye Shisan's arm penetrated deeply into Ding Lan's heart, completely penetrating through it.

But what is extremely strange is that what is flowing down the arm is green blood.

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