Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1585 Immortality, Han Laoliu

"Huh?" Ye Shisan was a little surprised.

But Ding Lan hugged Ye Shisan tightly with her arms, and green leaves sprouted from the tips of her fingers, growing crazily.

"Ah? No, I was fooled." Ye Shisan reacted, raised his hand and struck Ding Lan's head again.

Ding Lan's arms were still growing crazily like vines, and he shouted at me: "Jiulin, do it quickly!"

This voice... is not Ding Lan, but Han Laoliu!

Snapped! Ye Shisan's palm struck hard with great force.

Most of Ding Lan's head suddenly shattered into pieces. Just like what he said, it was torn apart like a watermelon, and a big hole was forced out of the floor.

The people downstairs started shouting wildly!

I didn't have any hesitation at this time. The invisible needle came out with a swish sound and penetrated through Ye Shisan's heart!

There is no yin and yang technique, just treat it as a hidden weapon and a sleeve arrow.

Although Ye Shisan was highly skilled in martial arts, he was still a mortal body after all, and he immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood. He turned to look at me, then at Ding Lan, who was paralyzed into a piece of green juice, and said with trembling lips: "No... I won't die..."

With a thud, he fell to the ground.

Ding Lan, who is half human and half vine, hugs Ye Shisan tightly. The blood and green juice are mixed together, which is particularly dazzling under the light!

I rushed forward to check on Ye Shisan. This guy was already out of breath. I was afraid that he was still alive, so I snapped his neck.

At this time, when he looked at Ding Lan, who was hugging him tightly, his appearance also changed, and he turned out to be Han Laoliu.

"Lao Liu!" I shouted loudly, tears welling up all of a sudden!

"Wine, wine..." I suddenly heard a faint voice.

The sound wasn't loud, but it startled me.

Looking again, only half of his head was left, still shaking slightly, and his lips were opening and breathing heavily, as if he was saying something.

After being beaten like this, Han Laoliu is still not dead?

"Why are you so stunned? Why don't you... hurry up and give me a sip of wine!" Seeing that I was indifferent, Han Laoliu held it in for a long time before he gathered enough strength to say.

"Hey, good!" I quickly found the wine bottle on his body and poured it in.

As soon as the wine entered, the green juice stopped dripping, and a small fluffy filament immediately appeared.

"Let me tell you, can you just move a little bit? Can you have some discernment? Quickly pull this pervert aside. His arm is still inserted into my heart. It's so uncomfortable!" Han Laoliu complained to me. .

"Hey, good!" With tears in my eyes, I didn't know whether I was crying or laughing, and I quickly pulled Ye Shisan's body out.

At this moment, half of Han Laoliu's head was smashed, a big hole was cut across his heart, and his heart was shattered into pieces. Even if he was lying in surgery right now, surrounded by the best doctors in the world, there would probably be nothing he could do!

But this guy can still ask for a drink, and he still has the energy and thought to complain about me! He also said that he is a pervert.

You are like this and you are still not dead. What else is it if you are not a pervert?

Speaking of perverts, there is probably no one more perverted than you in this world!

From his broken head and the big hole in his heart, twigs and buds sprouted, spreading and growing.

It's like being woven by a pair of invisible hands, constantly coiling and shuttling.

Seeing those green sprouts weaving layer by layer to form bones, and then they gave birth to muscles, and then they were covered with skin.

In the blink of an eye, another living Han Laoliu appeared in front of me!

However, his face was a little pale and his eyes were a little dim.

"Open the door, go get the wine!" Han Laoliu ordered.

"This time I finally know why you always drink." I smiled happily and wiped away my tears and opened the door.

When I got outside the door, I saw that the whole corridor was full of people.

Those blocking the door were the people from the tour group, and the one standing at the front was the fat man who spilled a drink on the bus.

They all crowded in front of the gate with their eyes wide open.

"What are you..." I was a little stunned.

There were so many noises coming from the house just now, but not a single knock on the door was heard. Why are they all stuck here?

The fat man didn't answer my words. He turned around and pushed the food truck through the driveway: "Hurry up and send it to Brother Six."

When I took a look, the car was filled with wine!

ah! So this is ah.

Now, I finally understand! The entire tour group belongs to him, even the hotel has been booked by him, and even the service staff are his.

All of this had already been planned by him. It seemed that apart from the dead Ye Shisan, the only one who was kept in the dark was me!

I pushed the dining cart in, opened a bottle of wine and poured it into Han Laoliu's mouth. I asked angrily: "Lao Liu, is it fun for you to lie to me like this?"

After Han Laoliu drank a bottle of wine, he looked much better. He smiled at me and said, "Isn't this just to complete the trick? Besides, do you think Ye Shisan is so easy to cheat? You know that I prepared this game in order to design this game." How much time did it take and how many resources did I mobilize? Of course, if you, the leading actor, were not present, all the preparations I made would be in vain."

"Then you are quite busy. You are both a screenwriter and a director, and you even played a guest role as the heroine. Now that the drama has been completed, please tell me, what is going on?"

"Two more bottles of wine." Han Laoliu said, smacking his lips.

Others drink by the glass, but this guy drinks by the bottle, and he drinks more than a dozen bottles in a row without taking a break.

After a dozen bottles of wine, Han Laoliu's complexion improved a lot, and he started talking to me.

Ever since all the undercover agents of the Jiangbei Zhang family lurking in Longquan Villa were killed, Han Laoliu felt that something was wrong. Then, Hani was killed, and Han Laoliu realized that someone might be trying to catch his attention, so he hid secretly and inquired secretly.

Then, I heard an even more surprising news. Index Finger was actually captured alive by Longquan Villa, and the Supreme Elders in the Villa were not used, but some ordinary people were hired. It is said that the person presiding over this grand undertaking is actually a newcomer.

After asking again, he said his name was Ye Shisan, and sometimes he would occasionally mention the God of Death.

Han Laoliu unfolded all the relationships and channels. After several months of investigation, he only found clues about this guy's childhood. He knew nothing about what happened after he was nine years old.

After discussing with Chu Yi, he felt that this guy was very problematic. However, we can try to open a breakthrough from him.

Coincidentally, they tracked down the clues about Miss Caiyun and finally landed in South Korea.

So the plan began!

Han Laoliu first deliberately gave Ye Shisan a false news, saying that there was a clue to the artifact that Dong Lao had hidden in South Korea. This guy wanted to keep it all for himself, so he definitely chose to come alone.

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