Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1587: Cross-dressing Boss

"Didn't you have something to do with Xiao Bailong? You won't be able to come back until ten days? Why did you change your career to become a screenwriter and director?" I asked angrily.

Chu Yi finally stopped laughing and explained: "Aren't we going to Japan soon? We must not let Longquan Villa add such a strong foreign aid. He must be eradicated. In addition, this is also for the Zhang family in Jiangbei. A few undercover agents took revenge! It was just that they were in a hurry and couldn't think of any good solution, so they wronged you two. However, when you two see Xiao Bailong, you will know that you It doesn’t matter at all, he is still very afraid of seeing you.”

"What? Could it be that he is pretending to be a little girl?" Han Laoliu said while drinking wine, knowing whether intentionally or unintentionally, he twisted his thick legs in black stockings.

Chu Yi glanced at Han Laoliu again and said, "It's a little more disgusting than you. His current character is gay."

Han Laoliu and I looked at each other and raised our thumbs at the same time: "Well done!"

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Chu Yi added: "Then your character will also be gay, and he will be a couple with Xiao Bailong."

Han Laoliu, who had just raised the bottle of wine as if celebrating, suddenly paused, took a sip towards Chu Yi and said: "I asked you what you were practicing in the Taoist temple all day long. You used to be a very aloof person. , when did he become so immoral? Either he is a cross-dresser or he is gay."

"Everything is to get into the casino service." Chu Yi defended.

"There are so many ways to sneak into the casino! Didn't we agree that I will play the role of a drug dealer leader and a gangster brother, and you guys will pretend to be gangsters, and when will there be another gay scene? "Han Laoliu said with eyes wide open.

"The casino has recently changed its rules. It says that each guest can only bring two bodyguards, but he can bring one more female companion. Xiao Bailong doesn't want to pretend to be a woman, and Jiulin and I don't have the same figure or appearance. It's so suitable. Besides, you have been wronged, so you can only let him sacrifice for a while." Chu Yiyi.

"Yes." Han Laoliu nodded, and then shook his head vigorously: "No! That means I suffered twice."

After a while, Han Laoliu recovered completely and asked me to get a set of clothes from outside and put them on. The three of us left the hotel and rushed to meet Xiao Bailong.

It turned out that after Chu Yi and Xiao Bailong left my antique store that day, they did not go to Tianjianmen and Taoist Master Yiqing, but later came to South Korea. As for Tianjianmen and Taoist Master Yiqing, they had already been there.

However, I didn't know all this.

It was Chu Yi and Xiao Bailong who took care of the den of thieves in the manor.

Afterwards, the two of them split into two groups. Chu Yi secretly protected me, while Xiao Bailong pretended to be Han Laoliu's gay mistress and took over the rectification of the gang.

Although Xiao Bailong was far inferior to Han Laoliu in terms of managing gangs, he had his own unique method and managed the gang in a matter of days.

After seeing the little white dragon and fighting off many of his men, the three of us couldn't bear it anymore. We all laughed out loud at the unique shape of the little white dragon!

Little Bailong is fair and fair, with a slim figure. When paired with white stockings, a miniskirt, a bunny girl outfit, and high heels, her appearance is simply stunning.

Little Bailong put his feet on the coffee table, holding a goblet filled with red wine, gently twisting his butt disapprovingly, and looking at us sideways with a look that was both arrogant and coquettish.

"Hey, I'm talking about Xiao Bailong! If you really enjoy this one day, I will go back and set up a special place for you, and I will definitely promote you as a big star!" Han Laoliu joked.

This guy was originally afraid that Xiao Bailong would laugh at him, but now he is laughing more happily than anyone else.

After a while, Han Laoliu and I both stopped laughing and couldn't even straighten our waists while squatting on the ground.

Even Chu Yi, who was always serious, couldn't help it and his face turned red.

"Have you three laughed enough? If you haven't laughed enough, hurry up." Xiao Bailong suddenly sat up straight, smoothed his shawl and white hair back and said: "If you laugh enough by then, you won't be able to find out what happened." According to the address of the Shenhui, Caiyun cannot be saved, but you will regret it!"

Upon hearing that he mentioned Miss Caiyun, Han Laoliu and Chu Yi immediately became serious.

Pushing away the wine glass and fruit plate on the table, he laid out a casino floor plan and performed it on the spot.

In the next few days, the four of us committed crimes, smashed, looted, and became a gangster, using both soft and hard tactics to recruit a large group of underlings.

In front of outsiders, the four of us have clear roles.

Han Laoliu has a dark face and a few long scars. He looks like a big brother. Besides, he also plays his true character.

The more Xiao Bailong traveled through the coquettish world, the more he became more and more confused in terms of form and shape. In Han Laoliu's words, he became more and more professional. But the laughter among us became less and less, until later, he hugged Han Laoliu's arm and twisted around, and we became accustomed to it.

I was carrying Han Laoliu's ancient sword on my back, and Chu Yi and I were wearing upright black suits. I followed them closely behind them, acting as bodyguards.

Our group of unique and ferocious looks appeared one after another in major black market places. At first, some people were disapproving of them, but after several bloody and vicious battles, we have gradually established a firm foothold in the Korean black market.

On this day, I finally got my wish and got into the casino!

This casino is built on an isolated island between South Korea and Japan.

Although this is an underground casino, it is never open to the outside world. Every new member must be recommended by at least five members before joining.

However, this is only an ordinary member. You can only enter when you receive an invitation. If you want to participate at any time, you have to go through a verification period of up to half a year.

What we need to win is the recommendation of five senior members, and the initial exchange fund must be at least five million US dollars.

Only with this qualification can you bring two bodyguards and a female companion inside.

Until now, all our efforts have been just to get this ticket!

As soon as I walked in, I felt that this place was extraordinary.

Just the guards standing at the door are all top-notch masters, and there is an indescribable strange aura spreading around them.

The casino is built in the basement of a luxury villa.

It is said to be a basement, but it is more spacious and brighter than the lobbies of many five-star hotels. It is filled with various long tables and short tables. In front of each energetic dealer, gambling equipment is neatly placed, and there are paintings on the table. With various lines. On both sides of the wall, there were two rows of young men in black standing with their hands behind their backs, each with a burning gaze.

After all the guests had passed the security check, which was like facing an enemy, the large iron door at the basement door, which was more than half a meter thick, slowly lowered.

A loud bell rang in the casino, and it was officially open for business!

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