Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1588 Zongheng Casino

Han Laoliu put his arm around Xiao Bailong's twisting waist and sat down on the sofa. Chu Yi and I stood behind him neatly with our hands behind our backs.

The gambling method on this table is very simple, just guess the dice.

There are the most people sitting around here, but most of them are retail investors with one or two people. Only our formation looks the most scary.

Three or four sets were played in succession, but we never moved.

Han Laoliu was holding a big cigar and drinking wine, while pretending to be intimate, talking to Xiao Bailong in a low voice.

The people around us were a little angry when they saw that we had not placed any bets and had occupied the best position, but they were intimidated by our momentum and did not dare to speak out!

At this time, a little man in a black suit came over, bowed his head to Han Laoliu politely, and then said something in his ear. It seems to be a warning to Han Laoliu. If you don't place a bet, please don't occupy the position.

Han Laoliu spat out smoke in his face with disdain. Without even looking at the table, he pushed all the chips over with a wave of his hand and placed them on the table.

At this time, everyone around was a little shocked. Our pile of chips amounted to five million US dollars!

The dealer opened the jar, five five six, big!

Our chips immediately doubled to 10 million.

Han Laoliu grabbed a few chips, smashed them in the face of the little man in front of him, and cursed in Korean: "Go away!"

The muscles on the little man's face twitched a few times, but he didn't say a word. He probably said something like "Wish you a happy day" to Han Laoliu and left.

Everyone else had placed their bets, and the female dealer asked Han Laoliu, presumably asking him if he should continue to press all in.

Han Laoliu scolded her rudely and slammed the table hard.

The dice came out again, six six five, big!

There was a burst of exclamation in the crowd, and many people's eyes were directed here.

The croupier pushed over the winning chips and asked again.

Han Laoliu drank up the wine in one gulp, threw it to the ground with a snap, slapped his hand, and yelled something.

The crowd exploded with a roar.

Although I didn't understand it, I knew what Han Laoliu was talking about: "Squeeze fifty big ones in a row!"

What is before us now is a total of 20 million U.S. dollars in chips, fifty in a row. What is the concept?

No matter which big country in the world today, I’m afraid they won’t be able to take it out for a while!

The female dealer's expression changed, but she still opened the door.

Four, five, six, big! There was a shout from the crowd.

Not only our table, but also the guests at several other tables were attracted. More and more people gathered around the table.

The croupier's hands shook and his face turned pale.

He bowed to Han Laoliu, turned around and walked away.

A middle-aged man with a big black mark on his left face came in. He lowered his head to Han Laoliu, handed us a large box of chips, and then started shaking the dice again.

This guy's movements were extremely fast, but extremely violent. It was as if there were several big iron balls in the can, and he shook it so hard that it made a deafening sound!


The can of sex was smashed on the table.

He stretched out his hand and made a gesture to everyone to bet.

Although there were many people around the table, most of them came to watch the excitement, and even the people who were busy in the excitement stopped. Only a few people waiting to take advantage of him glanced sideways at Han Laoliu.

Han Laoliu slapped the table and stood up, stretched his neck, and said something to the croupier fiercely. It seemed as if he was scolding him: "Are you fucking deaf? Didn't I say that you should press fifty times in a row?"

This momentum was particularly astonishing, full of deliberate provocation.

I noticed that the eyes of the two rows of young men in black standing by the wall were all focused, but then they looked at the little man who came to us first.

The little man stood in front of everyone with a calm expression, staring at this place with his hands behind his back.

Many people who joined in the fun and took advantage of the situation also quickly invested their chips to put pressure on the big players, but the amount was not large, and the most was only ten thousand US dollars.

The middle-aged man's face darkened and he slowly opened the sex can.

Four four six, big!

A shout broke out from the crowd, and it suddenly became boiling.

Han Laoliu grabbed several handfuls of chips one after another and threw them out like a goddess scattering flowers.

The two big eyes were still staring at the man, shouting loudly for him to keep driving!

The man turned his head and glanced at someone. He seemed to be hesitant, afraid of another big shot.

In fact, no matter how many times he drives it, it will still be big.

Even if he shakes all the dice, every point will definitely be up!

Junior Grade One and I both had prosperous gambling talismans under our feet, Xiao Bailong held a luck-gathering charm in his hand, and Han Laoliu pretended to slap the table to seal the luck field around the dealer, trying to make a small leopard turn. transport? At least don't think about it tonight.

Seeing that the croupier was hesitant, many people gathered around and booed, and even some who liked to join in the fun also started shouting.

Suddenly, the roar of shouts dropped, and the row of men in black standing by the wall lowered their heads at the same time. Even the little man who looked like a manager stopped respectfully.

A group of people walked out of the casino.

Leading the way was a very beautiful girl with an oval face, and in the middle behind was a little old man with a head full of gray-white hair.

This old man looks to be about sixty years old. He is skinny and skinny, with not much flesh on his body, but his eyes are bright and shining, and his walking posture is also particularly impressive, which can be seen from his walking posture. , this old man’s skills are not ordinary!

Following behind him were two super giants who were two meters away. They had a palm-sized bun on the back of their heads and had a fleshy face, looking stupid and stupid.

The old man walked across from us and bowed to us. Only then did the entire casino staff raise their heads.

The thin old man stretched out his hand towards the middle-aged dealer, and the dealer took out two more boxes of chips and poured them on our pile of chips.

The chips were piled high across half of the table, like a hill!

The old man said something to Han Laoliu respectfully, and then bowed again.

Han Laoliu shook his head in dissatisfaction and stretched out his hands to make four and eight signs!

It seemed that the old man didn't want to gamble anymore and wanted us to leave, but Han Laoliu said stubbornly, "That won't work, we have to suppress it forty-eight more times!"

The old man stared at a pair of sharp little eyes, looked at Han Laoliu quietly for a while, then glanced at a few of us, and said something in a deep voice.

Han Laoliu stretched his neck and nodded, still making the sign of forty-eight, as if to say: "Yes, it's forty-eight times bigger! Not even one less time will do."

The old man asked something briefly again.

Han Laoliu grabbed the edge of the table with both hands and jerked it upward.

The old man put one hand on the table, and the table was immediately suppressed, with one side high and one side low, and the chips all over the table fell down.

The men in black gathered around. The little man stared at us, flashing two cold lights, and the two giant men also took a step forward.

Seeing a fierce battle about to break out!

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