Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1589 Bloody Battle (Additional update)

The thin old man whispered something, and everyone gathered around stopped.

He stared at Han Laoliu and clapped his hands gently.

Snapped! As soon as he clapped his hands, the soles of my feet pressed against the talisman began to vibrate involuntarily, and Xiao Bailong's hands also trembled slightly.

The air outside the old man also produced a few ripples.

This old guy is not simple!

He actually saw through the three doorways we had set up at a glance and clicked them out casually.

Then he stopped, pointed at the chips, and then at the door.

That means, just pretend nothing happened today and just take the money and leave.

If you are an ordinary person, you will naturally give up when you see something good.

If you are caught cheating in gambling, it will not be difficult for you, and you will be allowed to leave with the money you cheated. This is simply a good thing that you never dreamed of.

But we are different, we are here specifically to find trouble!

Han Laoliu took a deep puff of his cigar, then waved his hand and threw it towards the old man!


The old man didn't move at all. The little man who had been standing far away suddenly stretched out his hand and flew out a sharp knife from a distance of seven or eight meters.

With a click, the cigar was neatly cut into two pieces!

There was a bit of anger on the face of the thin old man, but he still bowed to us politely and signaled for us to leave.

This old guy, why the hell is he pretending to be well-educated?

Xiao Bailong raised his hand and threw the wine glass in his hand.

The old man still didn't move. The oval-faced girl standing next to him pulled out an umbrella from behind with a gasp, unfolded it in front of him, and spun it quickly.

All the drinks were blocked, and the girl turned the handle of her umbrella and pulled out half of it, which turned out to be a thin sword.

Now the old man couldn't bear it anymore and waved his hand outward.

The dealers at all the gambling tables nodded and bowed to everyone at the same time, and quickly doubled all the chips on the table and returned them.

The large iron door of the basement slowly rose, and the guests exited one after another. It seemed that they were preparing to clear the place!

There were still some people who wanted to watch the fun, but they were persuaded and sent out by the casino staff. In the blink of an eye, except for the four of us, there was not a single customer in Nuoda's casino.

Quack quack! Amidst the continuous sound, the big iron door closed again.

He was surrounded by people.

"Go to hell with your grandma! I've had enough for a long time. Go to hell." Xiao Bailong yelled and cursed, charging directly at the old man like a sharp sword.

The men in black surrounding him cheered and swarmed up.

"Do it!" Han Laoliu shouted loudly, kicked the gambling table to pieces, took advantage of the situation, pulled out the ancient sword from my back, and attacked the old man from both sides with Xiao Bailong.

Everyone has seen just now that this old man is not easy to deal with, and at this time, who is telling you about a fair fight, kill each one first.

boom! As I turned back, I raised my hand and threw out several spells.

Five or six of the men in black who came towards them were immediately knocked down by the blast. Before the remaining ones could wake up, their throats were slit by Chu Yi's sword light.

when! The little white dragon rushed towards the thin old man and was greeted by the girl holding an umbrella.

Dang Dang!

Han Laoliu, who was flying quickly, was caught in the middle by the two giant men, one on the left and one on the right.

Both of these two guys had long black wrist guards on their forearms, and they clanged against the ancient swords, with fire radiating out!

The old man had his hands behind his back and didn't move at all. The little middle-aged man pinched his lower lip with one hand and let out a roar.

Along with the roar and the rapid footsteps, dozens of Japanese wearing black clothes and holding samurai swords rushed out from the back door of the casino.

The steps of these guys are steady and uniform. Their eyes are like lightning and their steps are like wind. At first glance, they are real warriors who have been tempered for a long time!

Judging from their knife-holding postures and clothing, they must be little devils!

We are here to save Miss Caiyun this time. The Amaterasu Society is the culprit, so there is no need to be polite to them.

Xiao Bailong is right, we are here not only to save people this time, but also to kill people.


Still seven or eight meters away from us, these warriors suddenly shouted loudly at the same time, accelerated suddenly, ran three or four steps, jumped up at the same time, and slashed in the air.

Many samurai swords shine together, reflecting the aggressive lights on the top of the wall!

"Seeking death!" Chu Yi's long sword was unsheathed, and a bright blue light flew out.

Dang Dang Dang...

There were several crisp sounds in succession, making a sound.

The row of warriors at the front all fell down and had their throats cut open! Even the shining katana in his hand was only half in half.

If these were ordinary warriors, or if they were as unorganized as scattered sand, they could all be killed by Chu Yi's sword light sweeping across them.

But this is a katana array!

The blades of one person and two people may not be much, but once the sword formation is formed, a sword energy will be generated invisibly, which will naturally disperse and offset some of the power of the sword light. Therefore, this sword attack only killed the row of people at the front.

Seeing that the people in the front row all had their throats cut, the sword array behind them was not chaotic at all. They still stepped on the exact same pace, accelerated, jumped up, swung their swords, and slashed at them uniformly.

"Broken!" I followed closely and threw a thunder talisman.


Thunder rang out, causing a roaring sound, especially in the underground space, bouncing off the walls, reverberating continuously, and deafening.

Although the thunder talisman is not one-tenth as powerful as Taoist Master Bai He, it is enough to deal with these warriors!

Thunder rang out, and a dozen warriors within the bombardment range all fell to the ground with broken arms and legs.

Under the dripping blood, the pungent smell of blood assaulted his nostrils.

"Abandon your pen and join the army!" Han Laoliu suddenly shouted!

This is the tactical code of Bafang Mingdong!

Just like the 'change of stars' and 'winter and summer' used last time when we jointly dealt with the golden snake old man's sacrifices in the Devil's Valley.

After these days of running in, I am very familiar with these secret codes.

What this sentence means is to change the opponent.

But it's different from simply exchanging positions. Instead, you need to find the opponent that is most conducive to your attack - to exchange the opponent that is difficult for you but easy for others to your companion!

For example, Xiao Bailong is good at ice and snow spells, and his first grade is melee swordsmanship.

But now that Xiao Bailong is entangled by the beautiful girl holding the umbrella, he can't use his original power at all.

What Chu Yi was facing now was a sword formation composed of many warriors. With the swords and swords canceling each other out, the power of the swords was different from the past, which was naturally very disadvantageous. You must adjust your tactics and opponents at any time, so that you can save more time and effort and eliminate your opponents in the shortest possible time!

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