Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1590 Tactical Cooperation

Han Laoliu spends most of his time in a team command position, just like a general who led troops in ancient times, able to discover tactical problems at any time and make the most appropriate adjustments.

When he realized that we all seemed to have chosen the wrong opponent, he suddenly shouted.

With his shout, everyone was alerted.

After a few swishes, they moved and changed positions, and each of them changed their opponents!

On the first day of the junior high school, he challenged the beautiful girl holding an umbrella head-on. Xiao Bailong stood in front of the sword formation.

Han Laoliu hid behind Xiao Bailong, protecting his blind spot.

I jumped up and blocked the path of the two giant men chasing Han Laoliu.

"Thunder God Slash!" Chu Yi shouted, the blue light on the Eight-sided Han Sword flashed brightly, and he slashed diagonally towards the girl.

The girl quickly held an umbrella to resist.

Clang! The two weapons collided together, and a spark flashed out.

The girl took a few steps back, her face flushed.

Although that girl is not very old, her kung fu is very superb! Although it was far inferior to the first grade of junior high school, it was impossible to win in a short period of time.

"Thunder God Slash!" Chu Yi thrust out his long sword and struck down with the same move as before.

Although the girl didn't understand Chinese, her two consecutive intonations, pronunciations, and movements were all exactly the same. She immediately changed her tactics, hoping to sneak up on the first grader while avoiding him.

Unexpectedly, the first grade of junior high school turned out to be a false move this time!

With the Thunder God Slash in his mouth, blue light emerged from the Eight-faced Han Sword, and it was slashing towards her shoulder and neck. But when the girl raised her umbrella to greet her, she kicked her hard. .

boom! The girl was hit hard in the middle of her stomach and took seven or eight steps back.

If she wants to have an abortion, all the surgery and medication will be waived, and this kick will solve the problem!

"Thunder God Slash!" Chu Yi took two steps forward and chased after him, swinging his sword and slashing again.

This time I didn't want to be fooled, I took back my umbrella and tried to avoid it.

But this time in the first year of junior high school, it was really lightning slash!

Click! A ray of sword light struck down horizontally, hitting the girl's neck. It was too late for her to avoid it!


At this moment, the thin old man rushed up from nowhere, put his palms together, and clamped Chu Yi's Eight-sided Han Sword tightly.

I twitched twice in the first year of junior high school, but didn’t even twitch!

"Invisible needle!" Chu Yi reached into his arms and threw it out suddenly.

The old man was shaken, and he quickly let go of his hands. His fingers crossed and formed a strange mark. A black mist appeared all over his body and enveloped him.

But how did he know that there was an invisible needle in the first year of junior high school? This reminds me to help out.

Whoever he's pointing at, I'll just shoot the other guy!

I was stopping the two giant men at this time - my purpose was very clear. These two guys were very good at close combat by looking at their size, and they looked almost exactly the same. Maybe they were brothers or twins, and they were related to each other. The cooperation must be extremely tacit. If I rush forward, I will definitely not be able to take advantage. Now I can just drag the two of them around. Fight when there is a chance, and run away when there is no chance; besides, there is still use in keeping them both. .

I led the two of them around in a circle while observing the situation of the other people. At this time, when I heard the first grade of junior high school shouting about the invisible needle, I took it out, raised my hand and threw it, and directly pierced the girl holding the umbrella!

The little man standing aside saw me throwing a cold light and heading straight towards the girl. He jumped up and threw a sharp knife.

The sharp knife was so sharp that it knocked the invisible needle off course.

However, Chu Yi's sword also flew over, and it came from behind him.

Wrapped in blue light, I screamed at the cold wind!

Man and sword unite!

At this time, the little man's moves were old and it was impossible to change his moves.

He probably didn’t expect it at all. On the first day of junior high school, he called out the invisible needle, but the needle was in my hand; on the first day of junior high school, he pointed at the thin old man, but I shot at the girl holding the umbrella; when he went to save the girl, on the first day of junior high school, the needle was in my hand. The flying sword just happened to be freed, and instead of taking the usual path, he directly used the killing move of combining human swords.

The sword struck firmly, going in at the back and out at the chest. The huge inertia carried him running for another seven or eight steps, and then he was nailed to the wall with a click.


It was only then that his blood spurted out, his head tilted, and he lost his life!

This blood is not from injury, but from anger!

When the thin old man and the sword-wielding girl saw each other, they couldn't help but scream in pain.

But the screams were all drowned out by the screams of many warriors.

Xiao Bailong held two snow-white crystal balls in his hands. With him as the center, a blizzard blew violently within a radius of five meters. And the scope turned out to be bigger and more violent!

The warriors who rushed forward were not even able to stand firmly, let alone attack. They could not even open their eyes. They could not hear or see anything amidst the whistling wind. Their figures were stiff and the handles of their swords were cold. .

In the middle of this snowstorm, green vines suddenly sprouted!

Wrapping the ankles, dragging people somersault.

Wrapping his wrist, he picked up the sword and slashed at the Japanese samurai beside him.

It's wrapped around your neck, hey, then strangle it hard!

I don’t know where these green vines came from, and I don’t know what kind of trajectory they follow. They suddenly appear and disappear again.

Maybe they never thought about the relationship between the vast blizzard and the green ivy?

In front of this strange and helpless combination, dozens of Japanese samurai screamed one after another, and only five or six people were still standing in the wind and snow.

They finally gained some experience!

Five or six people formed a circle, guarding the vines with knives.

Suddenly, the storm stopped, as if it was all a nightmare and didn't exist at all.

"Jilin, explode one!" Xiao Bailong put away the wind and snow and shouted.

"Okay!" I raised my hand, and a thunder talisman fell from the sky, landing right in the middle of a few people.

boom! With a loud bang, the defense they thought was the safest exploded from the middle.

Pieces of corpses and debris were scattered all over the sky. Maybe even when they died, none of them could figure out what the hell was that killed them?

Wind and snow? Ivy? It was the same loud noise.

Not a single Japanese samurai was left. The ground was littered with corpses and broken knives, and the little man was nailed to the wall.

Only the skinny old man, the girl holding an iron umbrella, and the two giant men were left.

The situation in the entire casino immediately reversed!

I invited two little guys to carry me on their backs, leading the two giant men around. All the gaming tables in the room were knocked over and smashed by them, and even several large round holes were made in the walls.

These two guys may seem clumsy, but they are extremely dexterous when running. It can be seen from their footwork around table corners and debris that they should be sumo wrestlers or wrestlers. As long as they don't get caught, they are basically useless.

But the thin old man and the girl holding the umbrella were both eyeing the first grade of junior high school, and they may have seen him kill the little man.

"I think Jiulin might be faster."

"Two bottles of wine!"

"It's a bet!"

Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu sat side by side in the corner, watching Chu Yi and I each deal with two enemies as if we were watching a show, and even made a bet!

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