Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1591: Invite the ghost to take over

The two big men who were chasing me chased me for a while but still couldn't catch up. They were tired and panting, and their foreheads and temples were covered in sweat.

Originally, I was being carried by the kid, so I didn't feel too tired. But when I turned around and looked at Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu, I suddenly became furious.

Do you think this is for fun?

It's okay for you two to work together to deal with a group of samurai soldiers. You won early and didn't come to help. You just sat there and gambled!

What's going on? In the past few days, have you two been acting real and fake?

I thought, and led the two giant men to run in their direction.

"Jiulin seems to be causing trouble!" Xiao Bailong first noticed something was wrong.

Han Laoliu took a sip of wine and said, "Anyway, you will lose if you take action."

I ran up to the two of them and threw out an invisible talisman based on the "Yin Fu Jing" with my backhand.

The two giant men were immediately confused - they had been chasing for a long time, and when they were about to catch them when they were surrounded, they suddenly disappeared.

The two guys were stunned for a moment, glanced at each other, and rushed towards Xiao Bailong and the others.

No matter which one it is, let’s catch one first!

Xiao Bailong shook the crystal ball in his hand, turned his head and warned Han Laoliu: "But as you said, whoever takes action will lose." After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Han Laoliu burped, turned around and ran away.

The two giant men were confused for a moment, then they split up and chased after each other.

I was using the invisibility charm at this time, and no one was looking for me to fight. It was relatively easy, so I turned to look at Chu Yi.

At this time, the thin old man and the girl holding the umbrella had forced the first grade of junior high school into the corner.

The thin old man kept changing the seals on his hands, and the black mist was either like a snake or a tiger, heading straight towards Chu Yi.

The girl holding the umbrella gritted her teeth tightly, her handsome oval face was covered with stains, and she wanted to split Chu Yi in two right away.

Although it seems that the first grade of junior high school is full of dangers, and life may be in danger at any time.

But if you look closely, you will find that Chu Yi is not fighting desperately, but stealing moves.

His sword moves were copied from the girl's umbrella moves, and his footwork and body shape were imitated by the thin old man and his smoke.

The smoke beast transformed by the thin old man using smoke was different from the one transformed by the Jiang Dayu brothers.

Although they all turned into beasts by gathering smoke, it was obvious that there was no Yin Qi in the smoke released by this person.

Moreover, those smoke beasts will not weaken over time. Both their strength and speed are exactly the same as when they were first condensed.

It seems to be much stronger than Jiang Dayu's smoke-eating beast, but it is a little afraid of light.

Especially when the blue light flashed on Chu Yi's long sword, the smoke beast would avoid it uncontrollably.

Moreover, the seals made by the old man did not seem to be controlling the attack of the smoke beasts, but continuing their existence.

In other words, this thin old man is only responsible for summoning these smoke beasts. As for when to attack and which angle to attack, it is up to the smoke beasts to judge by themselves.

It's like this thin old man is a beast breeder, and these smoke beasts have developed intelligence.

This is quite interesting!

Although the sword moves of the girl holding the umbrella are wonderful, it is obvious that she has not practiced enough. Both the strength and the dismantling of the moves are unsatisfactory.

However, if you practice and become familiar with this set of tricks, they are extremely powerful!

I vaguely felt that this trick seemed familiar, but after thinking about it carefully for a long time, I couldn't remember who had used it.

At this moment, the old man suddenly screamed, and with the movement of his fingers, wisps of black smoke went directly into the nostrils of the girl holding the umbrella.

The girl's eyes suddenly turned red!

The iron umbrella in his hand danced faster and faster, becoming more and more urgent, many times sharper than before.

Dang Dang Dang!

Continuous collisions with Chu Yi's long sword produced a stream of extremely bright sparks.

As the thin old man continued to condense the black mist, and penetrated into the girl's nostrils one after another, strange dark black runes appeared on the girl's forehead and temples on both sides.

"Ah! Drink!" Not only was the girl's sword moves fierce, her strength also suddenly increased a lot, forcing Chu Yi to retreat continuously.

No, this old man used evil magic!

Blood flowed from the girl's eyes, and a pair of fangs sprouted from her mouth.

"I couldn't bear to learn so many tricks from you at first, but since you have lost your mind now, I have nothing to worry about. Let's get on the road." Suddenly, Chu Yi spoke coldly and waved his sword. out.


He raised his sword and struck it on the girl's neck.

The head rolled to the ground and rolled several times in succession, and that beautiful, flawless, slightly terrifying little face stopped in front of me. Blood was gurgling under her neck, and the expression on her face was still lifelike. She still had her eyes bulging, biting her lips tightly, revealing her two white teeth, maintaining the expression she had at the last moment before her death.

It's both innocent and pitiful, terrifying and endearing.

No matter how beautiful a person is, they are just a withered skeleton after death, not to mention that a little later, this girl will slowly decay. This may very well be the last 'human face' she leaves in the world.

When the thin old man saw that the girl's head had been cut off abruptly, he yelled and cursed loudly with great pain, and sped up the movements of his hands.

Suddenly, the guy bit his thumb suddenly, knelt down on one leg, and hit the ground with his palm.

Centered on his palm, blood-red runes spread out in all directions, forming a spider web-like shape about five or six meters in size!

boom! As soon as the pattern was formed, black smoke rose from the old man's feet.

The guy also changed his appearance. Two long fangs stuck out of his lips for more than three inches, a sharp horn grew in the center of his head, and two blood-red wings sprouted from his back.

This is... the red-winged ghost!

The red-winged ghost is one of Japan's hundreds of nocturnal ghosts. According to Japanese legends, this kind of ghost specializes in hunting children and only eats the heart and liver.

This old man can actually summon ghosts.

"Ah!" The evil ghost flapped its wings, spread its fangs, and waved its sharp claws, grabbing Chu Yi directly.

"Red-winged ghost?" Chu Yi recognized it instantly, and then said seriously: "Okay, I'll show you how the Japanese God of Thunder subdued the Japanese evil ghost! It will also make you convinced to death."

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