Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1862 Thunder God Slash

As Chuyi said this, he put two fingers across the edge of the sword and shouted sternly: "I respectfully invite the God of Thunder, Tachibana Doyuki!"

Because the Eight-faced Han Sword has been tempered twice last time and incorporated with the Yin spirit of the Japanese thunder god Tachibana Michuki, it already possesses thunder and lightning attributes.

Boom, boom!

I saw thunder roaring loudly in the plains, echoing repeatedly on the four walls.

The red-winged ghost was startled by the thunder, and looked at Chu Yi with a pair of bloody eyes. Then he found that apart from the muffled sound, there seemed to be nothing special about it, so he boldly rushed forward.

"Thunder is coming." Chu Yi raised his sword in one hand and shouted loudly.


Click, click, click...

Rays of lightning shone in all directions, hovering over the sword's edge and roaring.

On the arm that had been reborn in the Devil's Valley on the first day of the new year, golden runes also lit up.

Golden spells surrounded him, circling and flashing.

At this moment, it was like the god of thunder descending to earth to punish the world.

The red-winged ghost had just approached, and when he saw this scene, he was immediately shocked. He was trembling with fear from this extremely powerful pressure, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Thunder God Slash! Break."

On the Eight-sided Han Sword, thousands of lightning beams suddenly converged into one point and turned into a dazzling blue light pouring down.

The red-winged ghost half raised his head, staring blankly at the lightning, physically and mentally afraid! Just when the lightning was about to fall on his head, he finally couldn't withstand the pressure, and his legs gave out and he knelt down.


Thunder struck, falling overhead.

A cloud of black smoke rose from where the little old man had just stood, and a pungent burning smell filled the air.

After the smoke and dust cleared, a large deep pit with a radius of several meters appeared on the ground.

When I got closer, I saw that the thin old man had been blown back to his original shape. His clothes were in tatters and his hair was standing up. He was lying on the ground motionless.

As the saying goes, the thunder suppressed the evil ghost. This blow not only killed the red-winged evil ghost that the little old man had summoned, but also destroyed his cultivation in one fell swoop. At this time, he was just an ordinary person.

This Thunder God Slash looks extremely fierce, but in fact, it was left alive by Chu Yi in order to find clues.

Otherwise, the power of Thunder God Slash would be far from that, and the two more red-winged ghosts would be blown into ashes!

Seeing that the battle here was over, Han Laoliu locked the two giant sumo men with a withered vine, and stepped forward with Xiao Bailong.


Little Bailong raised his hand and poured cold water mixed with ice into his pocket.

The thin old man shuddered and woke up, staring up with a pair of small, dim eyes, looking up in great horror.

Han Laoliu shouted and asked something in proficient Japanese, and Chu Yi also cooperated, raising the eight-sided Han sword with flashing lightning.

The thin old man couldn't bear to be frightened and started talking intermittently.

As soon as I saw that this guy finally confessed, I put away the charm I was secretly holding in my hand - it seemed that there was no need to torture his soul anymore.

The purpose of our trip to sneak into the casino is to find clues about the Amaterasu Society.

Judging from the situation just now, this thin old man must be the leader of this stronghold, so he must be kept alive.

After Han Laoliu asked something more, he winked at Chu Yi.

On the first day of the month, a sword light was thrown down, and the guy suddenly turned into pieces of meat.

A few of us quickly put on samurai clothes, untied the two sumo wrestlers, secretly controlled them with spells, and then opened the iron door openly and walked out.

There was a dense crowd of people outside the casino, the dealers and waiters were hiding far away, and many bodyguards with firearms were staring at the door, waiting seriously!

As soon as the flashlight light hit us, Han Laoliu, who had changed his appearance, yelled something in Korean.

The group of thugs agreed repeatedly and dispersed.

We took the two sumo wrestlers straight to the back of the island, boarded a speedboat, and headed straight to Japan.

Not far away, Xiao Bailong cut off the heads of the two men and threw them into the sea.

"How's it going? What did you find out?" Chu Yi asked.

"The old man doesn't know much." Han Laoliu said while driving the boat and taking a sip of wine: "Maybe his status in the Amaterasu Society is not high, and his knowledge of the situation is very limited, and he doesn't know at all Regarding Caiyun, he found the secret base of the Amaterasu Society. It seems that we can only go there to investigate."

"According to him, there was a big battle between the Amaterasu Society and Chinese ghost merchants not long ago, and they suffered heavy losses! In order to prevent being attacked by surprise, the current generation leader of the Society has recalled all the three guardian elders to the headquarters."

"What are the abilities of those three guardian elders?" Xiao Bailong asked.

"I don't know. With this guy's status, it seems impossible to know. Anyway, it's going to be a tough battle, huh? Why are you changing clothes?" Han Laoliu turned his head and glanced at Xiao Bailong.

"This samurai uniform is too ugly. I feel uncomfortable wearing it. Besides..."

"What the hell!" Han Laoliu glared at him and said, "We are getting closer and closer to Japan now. The little devil's patrol boats on this route are very good. It's better if we can't touch them. If we do..."

"Coming!" Chu Yi suddenly interrupted him, shaking the compass in his hand, and the pointer pointed straight ahead.

Han Laoliu said with a serious look on his face: "If you can avoid it, just avoid it. If you can't avoid it, kill them!" After saying that, he turned off the light.

I saw a beam of light coming from a distance on the dark sea ahead.

It was only when we got closer that we could see clearly that it was a small patrol speedboat flying the sun flag, pushing through a snow-white wave and rushing towards us.

Immediately afterwards, a noisy Japanese message came from the communicator on our ship - no need to think about it, it must be claiming that this is Japan's territorial waters, please return immediately or something like that.

Han Laoliu grabbed the communicator and replied politely, but the speed of the motor did not slow down at all, and he rushed towards the patrol boat on the opposite side.

Putting down the communicator, he turned to us and ordered: "Do it quickly! We only have 30 seconds, we must not let them sound the alarm."

The patrol boat and our boat were facing each other, and they were only a hundred or ten meters away.

Several bright searchlights were lit on the patrol boat, scanning us.

Under the dazzling light, a group of fully armed soldiers stood on the deck, and there was a black cannon on the bow of the ship.

However, it may be that our samurai uniforms and Han Laoliu's proficiency in Japanese gave them some illusions. They really thought that we were Chinese who had lost their way and just wanted to board the ship for inspection. Therefore, not only did the gun barrels show no signs of being mobilized, but even the soldiers were not on guard.

"I'm in charge of the cockpit, you go kill the others!" Xiao Bailong took out the crystal ball and whispered.

Chu Yi and I nodded and secretly clenched our weapons.

"Get ready!" Han Laoliu lowered the speed and was very obedient as he slowly approached the patrol boat.

The group of soldiers also approached our side of the deck. Some were on guard with guns drawn, while others climbed down the ladder and were preparing to board the ship for inspection.

"Do it!" Han Laoliu shouted.

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