Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1864: Trip to Tokyo

Two days later, we finally arrived in Tokyo and spent another afternoon identifying the Amaterasu Shinkai headquarters building disguised as a business group.

Under the cover of Han Laoliu and I, Xiao Bailong threw a crystal ball on the steps while the security guard was not paying attention.

The crystal ball was like a snowball placed in the oven, instantly melting and soaking a piece of marble.

Then we got back in the car and waited for them to get off work!

It is said that the Japanese worked overtime, but it was really crazy. Seeing that it was almost dark, people came out one after another.

Little Bailong quickly bit his fingertips and dropped a few drops of blood on the other crystal ball in his hand. Then he squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the hurried flow of people.

The water stain is at the door, and everyone who comes in or out from the door will inevitably step on it.

There are twenty-one floors in this building, and there are quite a few employees inside, but the vast majority of them are ordinary people - although many of them have steady and strong steps and look like practitioners, they are just ordinary warriors.

At this moment, the crystal ball in Xiao Bailong's hand suddenly lit up, and a faint white smoke came out from the top of the head of a guy in the crowd. It was fleeting and impossible to spot unless you looked carefully.

"This guy is one!" Xiao Bailong shouted: "But his cultivation level is not very good, he shouldn't be a key member."

"And this fat guy." Xiao Bailong raised his chin.

Anyone who has practiced the art of yin and yang will have a puff of white smoke rising above their head after stepping on the water mark. From the thickness of the white smoke, you can tell the level of this person's cultivation level.

I held up my camera and took pictures of every guy with smoke coming out of his head.

"This ugly guy must be a real guy!" After a while, Xiao Bailong said with certainty: "This guy's cultivation level is much higher than that of the old man in the casino."

Han Laoliu, who was lazily leaning on the seat and drinking, pointed with his hand, and a leaf happened to fall at the man's feet, stuck to the sole of his shoe, and followed him into the parking lot.

By the time everyone had almost walked out and the lights in the whole building had almost gone out, we had locked down a dozen key members.

"It seems that this is not their real headquarters." I said a little strangely: "The Amaterasu Society, which can compete head-on with Longquan Villa and also wants to invade China, will definitely not have such a little strength! It seems that the Korean stronghold has That old guy’s status is still too low, and he doesn’t know the real situation at all. These guys must have another stronghold.”

Han Laoliu said while starting the car: "Then let's catch another capable person."

Following the leaf marks left by Han Laoliu, we were traced to the door of a club, but immediately we were stopped by the security guard, saying that this was a private club and did not accept outsiders.

"It should be right here." After far away from the door, Han Laoliu said with certainty: "Those guys have gathered here! Even if this is not the real headquarters, it is definitely an important stronghold. At least something can be found out. Something is coming.”

"Then what are you waiting for? Rush in and leave no one behind." Xiao Bailong said.

"No!" Chu Yi shook his head: "It's too dangerous to do anything here, and once we alert the snake and make them alert, it is very likely that we will never find the location of the tomb of the god, or the other party will move Miss Caiyun and hide it again. Get up, that will be troublesome."

"What should we do? Just wait here stupidly for them to come out?" Xiao Bailong said helplessly, crossing his shoulders.

"There are definitely more secrets hidden in this den than any of them know individually. Doesn't this mean abandoning the big ones and catching the small ones?" Han Laoliu, who had finished his drink, took the cigarette from my hand and was about to light it. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he said: "Yes!"

We followed his gaze and saw that there were several drunk American soldiers on the street, each holding a Japanese girl in their arms, walking unscrupulously and shouting something.

For a moment, none of us understood what this meant, and looked at Han Laoliu with some confusion.

Han Laoliu clicked the lighter again and lit the chimney: "We can't get in. If we let these soldiers break in, won't it be over?"

When it comes to mixed society, I'm afraid the three of us combined are not as good as Han Laoliu, especially in this foreign country with a language barrier. If Han Laoliu were not here, we alone would not be able to find any clues, and I'm afraid we wouldn't be wanted. Repatriation is considered a good deal.

When he saw that we still didn't understand, he simply made it clear: "If we beat up these American soldiers, then turn around and run into the club, what do you think will happen next?"

"That's right!" Xiao Bailong clapped his hands fiercely: "As long as we run here, even if we are driven out later, the American soldiers will come to ask for people. Then let the American and Japanese devils do it. Let's Just wait. Wait, that's not right, it seems like just these few soldiers can't rush in, right?"

Han Laoliu blew out a smoke ring and said with a smile: "What if they are all crippled or even killed? Do you think the US military stationed in Japan will seal this place?"

"This is a bit big to play!" Xiao Bailong was a little surprised, then he smiled and said: "But, I like it! Let's go!"

As he said this, he clenched his fists and was about to make the first move.

"Wait a minute!" Han Laoliu stopped him and said: "The white hair on your head is too dazzling. Besides, your Shan Leng family's special skills are also easy to recognize. There are cameras outside. You will know after checking. It wasn’t the Japanese who did it.”

"It's the same in the first year of junior high school. Your boxing and kicking skills are so precise that they've been drilled into your bones for a long time. You can't even learn the gangster's fighting style. Let me and Jiulin handle this matter. You two hide it first. I won't call you." Don’t come out at this time.”

"This..." Xiao Bailong glanced at the American soldiers who were retreating with some reluctance.

"Hurry up, we won't have time for a while!" Han Laoliu urged, and then wiped his face. He immediately gained a lot of weight, with sunken eye sockets, a garlic nose and splayed eyebrows. He almost looked like a completely different person.

Then he smeared my face again and said, "This trick of disguise can only last five minutes on others, so you can hit me as hard as you can! Let's go."

After saying that, he chased directly towards the group of American soldiers.

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