Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1865: Beat up the soldiers (additional update)

The American soldiers were a little drunk, each holding a Japanese girl in his arms and swinging around unscrupulously. When pedestrians on the street saw this situation, they stayed away long ago.

"Baga!" Han Laoliu cursed drunkenly as he took a few steps closer, picked up a wine bottle they had discarded, and smashed it from a distance.


The wine bottle bloomed on the head of an American soldier.

The guy was very strong. The bottle was not hurt when he smashed it, but it made him extremely angry. He roared and threw away the girl in his arms, and rushed towards Han Laoliu.

The other companions turned to look at me and Han Laoliu, all laughing and waiting to see the joke. Obviously, in their opinion, the two of us are simply not strong enough to fight.

The soldier who rushed towards us was the tallest and strongest among the several people. He clenched his fists while shouting.

He threw a left hook, diagonally downwards and hitting Han Laoliu in the face.

As if he was drunk, Han Laoliu stumbled away and fell down, hitting the soldier's belly. In fact, he used the soldier's body to hide it from others, and secretly struck a fatal blow to the opponent's heart.


The soldier fell straight down like a half-cut down wooden stake.

Immediately, Han Laoliu swayed on the soldier, cursing loudly, grabbing his hair with both hands and smashing it to the ground.

boom! boom! Again and again.

The soldier's whole body was limp and motionless, as if he was dead.

In fact, this person is really dead!

The killing move he just made was so powerful that it shattered the heart of the American soldier!

Unless Han Laoliu doesn't take action, he will be vicious and scary when he does.

When the other soldiers saw it, Jiu Jin immediately woke up and rushed over, screaming in shock and anger.

Han Laoliu pretended not to see it at all and continued to pound like a drunkard.

A big hole was smashed into the back of the soldier's head, and blood and brains flowed all over the floor.

Several other people rushed forward, and just as they were about to attack him, I rushed forward.

These soldiers were all around 1.9 meters tall and extremely strong. Any punch would stun them.

I didn’t want to fight with them, so I bowed my waist and contracted my abdomen, pretending to be punched, and with a secret click, I instantly broke the arm of a soldier in front of me.

The guy opened his mouth wide and howled like a wild boar.

The other soldiers were immediately shocked. They never expected that the two of us were so powerful and our attacks were so ruthless!

But they were only stunned for a moment, and then rushed forward more ferociously, with extremely ferocious light shining in their eyes!

It seems that these guys are not only strong, but also have been on the battlefield and experienced fighting.


A guy flew up and kicked Han Laoliu out, then chased after him and stomped on his head.

But he didn't expect that Han Laoliu had kicked him away on purpose, and he happened to be lying next to the sewer. When the kick landed, Han Laoliu's head tilted and the manhole cover staggered.

Plop! The soldier stepped in the air, and the manhole cover instantly hit his calf bone.

Click! The sound of broken bones was very loud.

The guy suddenly howled and fell to the ground.

The guy who was chasing me hit me with military punches like those of the US Special Forces.

Although this guy's fist is extremely fast and powerful, in my opinion, it is full of loopholes and wide open. Even if I don't use invisible needles, I have at least six or seven ways to knock him down instantly!

But Han Laoliu had already said beforehand that he must not use his skills and pretend to be a gangster.

I pretended to be invincible and kept backing away. Seeing him getting closer and closer, there happened to be a billboard hanging in front of me, so I secretly stabbed him with an invisible needle.

With a snap, the corner connecting the billboard broke and fell straight on his head, smashing it hard.

I took advantage of the situation and kicked him, hitting him in the lower abdomen. He flew several meters away. I picked up the iron frame on the advertising sign and hit him on the head and face.

The guy was holding his head and rolling on the ground in pain.

The head and arms were bleeding profusely!

At this time, Han Laoliu stood up unsteadily, as if he had suddenly sobered up. He was stunned for a moment, shouted something loudly, turned around and ran away.

I threw away the iron frame and followed him towards the clubhouse.

The guy whose hand I broke off ran after him despite the severe pain.

When he ran to the door of the club, the security guard in a black suit was about to step forward to stop him, but Han Laoliu secretly wrapped his feet with vines and couldn't move.

The two of us ran directly into the bathroom, one behind the other.

After washing our faces and taking off our coats, when we looked again, we both had returned to our original appearance.

Han Laoliu was holding a cigarette in his mouth and peeing as he said: "If I hadn't caused trouble for this club just to save a few people alive, I would have killed them all just now. You know, what they were arguing about just now was to praise each other's presence. 'Heroic achievements' in Iraq and Syria! Each of these guys is a pervert who abuses civilians, especially the guy I just killed. He also showed off to his companions that watching a bullet go through a young girl's head was worse than raping her personally. Enjoyable!"

"The military courts in the United States fooled the outside world and sent them to Japan again. This time I will let him taste the feeling of having his head pierced."

As soon as we tied our pants, a group of security guards rushed in, yelling something, and pushed us out like chickens.

Of course, we didn't resist this time, so we pretended to be drunk and walked out crookedly.

As soon as we walked out the door, we both disappeared into the darkness.

After meeting up with Xiao Bailong, a junior high school student, he changed cars and drove overnight to Chiba City near Tokyo.

Halfway through, I asked with some confusion: "Isn't the purpose of attracting the US military to investigate is to find clues? But why don't we hide in the club instead of moving overnight."

"Before the seizure, they have already destroyed what should be destroyed, and organizations like Amaterasu will never leave any substantive clues! But what we want to investigate, neither the US military nor themselves have any clues about. It can't be destroyed, so just come back and check it in two days at most. I'm going to Chiba City now because after the incident, a big fish was heading in this direction." Han Laoliu said after taking a sip of wine.

"Big fish?"

"Yes." Han Laoliu nodded: "I disguised myself as that guy. He is the most cultivated among these people. I pretended to be him just to force him away. In this case, he escaped. The location may be more valuable. We found these Amaterasu backbones among hundreds of people in order to find out the three great protectors. By the same token, instead of continuing to guard that group of trash, it is better to follow the strongest one of!"

"Are you saying that neither the group building nor the clubhouse is likely to be their headquarters?" I asked.

"It's not impossible, it's absolutely not possible! This is just a place to deceive the lower-level members. Just like the thin old man in the Korean stronghold only knows the headquarters building, but doesn't know that there is a club. The more backbone elites they gather, the place where they gather will definitely be... The more advanced and secretive it is." Han Laoliu explained.

Regardless, we are getting closer to our goal.

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