Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1866 Feng Shui Tomb

Following the leaves clinging to the soles of the man's shoes, we chased him out of Chiba City and onto a barren mountain.

While walking, Han Laoliu, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped.

Chu Yi and I each held swords and looked around very carefully.

It was three or four o'clock in the morning, the darkest time of the day.

There was not even a single house around the barren mountain, and not even the chirping of insects or birds could be heard.

Han Laoliu told us not to make any noise yet. He lay on the ground and listened, then shook his head slightly and said, "I can't feel the specific position of the leaves now, but the other party should still be on this mountain."

I thought for a moment and said: "This leaf has been attached to the soles of his feet since the Tokyo headquarters building. We followed it to the clubhouse, and then all the way here. The guy didn't notice it at all, but why did he end up in this barren mountain wilderness?" The ridge has lost its function? Could it be that another master discovered it?"

"Impossible!" Xiao Bailong, who was walking at the end, took two steps forward and said with certainty: "Now the mountains and weeds are covered with dew, let alone any masters within a few miles, even if Even those who are half-versed in the art of yin and yang will be noticed by me immediately."

"Then, there is only one last possibility left." I pointed to my feet and said: "There is something strange in this hill! It is probably their lair, and the leaves are also isolated by the ban."

"That makes sense!" Xiao Bailong nodded habitually.

Han Laoliu silently pulled out the ancient sword, inserted it deeply into the ground, and then cut his fingertip on the blade, and a drop of blood dripped along the ancient sword into the soil.

Han Laoliu closed his eyes tightly and chanted unintelligible words on his lips, as if he was communicating with weeds.

At the same time, the weeds near the sword body moved automatically in the absence of wind, rippling like ripples on the water. The blades of grass slowly became saturated with bright red, and then a very realistic outline of a skull was drawn.

After a while, Han Laoliu drew out the ancient sword with a swish sound, and with the sword mark just now as the center of the circle, the weeds within a radius of half a meter withered instantly.

Han Laoliu's body shook suddenly.

He took out a wine bottle and took several sips of wine, and then said: "There is an ancient tomb hidden in this mountain, and there are many restrictions set up. I can't even detect the approximate location. On the first day of the new year, you should do it. .”

When it comes to looking for dragons and tapping acupuncture points, Chu Yi is the best at it. After all, he is a Taoist priest.

I saw him taking out his compass, resetting his position, and walking straight to the north.

This barren mountain is not high. Except for weeds as tall as a person, there is not even a tree.

On the first day of the new year, I measured the stars, calculated the yin and yang of the earth, walked north and west for a while, and suddenly stood still.

"What? You can't even detect it?" Han Laoliu was shocked.

Chu Yi shook his head: "If there is really an ancient tomb near this barren mountain, it should be at our feet, but judging from the tomb statue, something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Bailong asked.

"This is a rare and extremely evil place in Feng Shui, and it is very suitable for raising corpses. If someone is buried here, all generations of descendants will turn into evil ghosts after death, and they will never be able to recover, and they will never be reincarnated! It can also be said that this is the most inappropriate place to be. A cemetery that is being treated like a cemetery!”

"What did I think? Don't forget, this is Japan." Xiao Bailong reminded: "Maybe the burial customs of other people's little devils are completely different from ours, and maybe they regard this place as a rare good Feng Shui. .”

Han Laoliu took a sip of wine and mocked him: "It's okay if you say this in front of us. If there are outsiders present, you'd better not interrupt in such topics! It's too embarrassing."

"Why is it so embarrassing?" Xiao Bailong was a little unconvinced.

"Most of the Japanese culture and customs were learned from China. Although most of them were nondescript, the general direction was not contrary to the general direction."

"It's the same for tombs. The method of judging good or bad Feng Shui is exactly the same. It's just that Japan is a small country, so the classification of good and bad is slightly different. You don't know this bit of common sense, how can you be a ghost dealer? Oh, that's right. You are a different kind of guy. Apart from some skills in fighting and killing, your experience and common sense are simply not enough. Even a layman who has read a few tomb-robbing novels is much better than you!" Han Laoliu Laughed.

"Then what's the matter?" Xiao Bailong said very disapprovingly: "There are Feng Shui masters who can see cemeteries everywhere, how many of them can really be called by name? How can you say that I, Xiao Bailong, can be considered the number one in the world of ghosts? Character."

Han Laoliu glared at him and ignored him.

Chu Yi continued: "Since the guy's message disappeared on this mountain, the only possibility is that it was hidden in this ancient tomb, which means that this ancient tomb has long been developed and rebuilt by them. This is introspective There are many things, we just need to find the entrance where he just entered."

"That makes sense!" Xiao Bailong waved his hand at Han Laoliu and said, "Get out of the way, now it's time for the big shot to take action."

After speaking, he waved his arms.

The surrounding air suddenly became cold, and the dew clinging to the grass blades suddenly turned into white frost. It spread in all directions with his feet as the center, covering an area of ​​dozens of meters in an instant.

Between the white frost on the ground, an open space more than two meters wide suddenly appeared, square and neat.

The weeds were covered with dew. The guy had just gotten into the ancient cemetery palace. The dew on the passage must have fallen long ago, so it would not have condensed into white frost at all.

This time it was very easy, and I found the exit in no time!

We all gathered around. Han Laoliu took out his ancient sword and slowly inserted it in. Just after entering two feet, he heard a click.

It was the sound of touching a stone slab.


At this moment, Xiao Bailong directly threw out a whirlwind, directly blowing away all the soil and weeds covering the ground. A large stone slab more than two meters long and one meter wide was exposed on the ground. Then he wanted to Break out the crystal ball.

Han Laoliu was about to stop him, but it was already too late.

A large ice shell instantly formed on the stone slab, which was then covered with cracks. It collapsed in an instant, and pieces of gravel fell down one after another. A large dark hole was exposed below, and a bluestone step slowly extended toward the darkness.

Before the rocks fell, the little white dragon jumped down first.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Han Laoliu said angrily.

"What else is there to wait for?" Xiao Bailong stood on the steps below and turned around to argue: "Anyway, the entrance has been found. It's time to rush in and catch that guy out."

"Let's go, we've already alerted the enemy anyway." Chu Yi said helplessly.

Han Laoliu stared angrily, but had no choice but to jump up, jump down immediately, and walk in front of Xiao Bailong.

Xiao Bailong followed closely, then me, and the first grade of junior high school came last.

Even though there are only four of us, this marching order is also very particular.

Han Laoliu is immortal and has rich experience. It is far safer and more secure for him to go ahead and explore the road than anyone else.

Little White Dragon can control ice and snow, and the negative crystal ball in his hand is good at long-range attacks. If you follow him closely, you can help at any time.

After breaking the Eight-faced Han Sword in my hand on the first day of the new year, I grabbed the invisible needle and the talisman to support me.

Although this is the most appropriate marching order, I know that they are protecting me by sandwiching me in the middle.

After all, for them, it is their mission to keep me safe!

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