Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1867 The Guardian of the Ancient Tomb

Below the cave is a blue-gray staircase leading to a depth that we cannot see.

The steps get narrower as they go down, and in the end they are only about half a meter, allowing only one person to pass.

At first, there were bare soil on both sides of the stone wall, covered with green moss. It seems that this passage was rebuilt later, and it was most likely built on the basis of a stolen cave.

After about twenty meters, we turned a corner, and the soil on both sides turned into thick gray stone slabs. It was not until here that we truly entered the ancient tomb.

The steps continue downward. No one knows how long they are and where they lead.

The air in the ancient tomb is very fresh. It is not as rotten and smelly as other underground palaces, and it is even difficult to breathe.

After walking along the narrow path for so far, the air has been flowing freely, and from time to time there are gusts of cold wind blowing from the bottom of the underground palace.

This means that besides this passage, there are ventilation holes or exits in other places!

After walking for a while, the steps finally reached the end, and the passage gradually became wider.

Han Laoliu and Xiao Bailong suddenly stopped. With the flashlight Xiao Bailong held high, they saw a bluestone slab appearing directly in front of them.

It was like a gate blocking us.

The stone slab is densely carved with an extremely complex pattern, which is completely different from any ancient Japanese pattern. If you look carefully, you can see that there are chrysanthemums, war horses, warriors, beauties, and corpses all over the ground, as if they are trying to kill the owner of the tomb. A lifetime of experiences is engraved here.

There is a long series of Japanese characters engraved on the bottom of the stone slab, as if someone had chopped it with a sword, leaving only some vague indentations.

"What's written here?" Xiao Bailong asked.

Han Laoliu looked at it for a long time, shook his head and said: "This is all ancient Japanese, and I don't really recognize it. Besides, it has been damaged like this, who can recognize it? I can only roughly see the ghost, Eternal Life These few phrases.”

"Since it's useless, let's smash it." Xiao Bailong raised his hand and was eager to try.

It turned out that he didn't care about what was written on it, he was just eager to smash it.

Maybe for Xiao Bailong, instead of studying this and thinking about that, it would be better to just smash it to pieces!

I now know that he is simply a violent person!

Although Han Laoliu was also violent and a little scary, he still wanted to find out the truth and ask questions. But in the eyes of Xiao Bailong, it seemed that the whole world was divided into two colors, either black or white.

If they are not my friends, they are my enemies. If they are kept useless, they might as well be smashed into pieces.

"Wait a minute!" I suddenly stopped him and walked two steps forward: "This seems to be a charm mechanism."

After hearing what I said, Xiao Bailong looked at me with surprise and envy, as if to say: "Hey, it's not easy, you still know this thing."

Even Han Laoliu and Chu Yi looked at me in disbelief.

Even they didn't realize that there was any secret hidden in this stone slab.

In fact, this is due to Wusuli Jiang Yi Xing and "Yin Fu Jing".

The ancestors of the William family secretly used Latin characters on the murals to point out a way for future generations, which is exactly the same as the situation here!

There are also those ancient Japanese characters engraved on the bottom. If you look at them vertically, they look like chopped Japanese characters. But if you look at them horizontally and connect the marks of the swords, they are all secret symbols. arts!

After the experience of Wusuli River and the careful reading of "Yin Fu Jing", I was able to tell the difference immediately.

Han Laoliu turned aside to make way for me, and Xiao Bailong illuminated the stone slab for me.

I walked up and looked at it carefully, and said with absolute certainty, "This is the Thousand Souls Tomb Curse."

"What's it for?" Xiao Bailong asked bluntly.

"This curse is very sinister. It was specially designed for tomb robbers. The builder designed the entire tomb as a talisman mechanism. Everyone who steps into it becomes part of the talisman. Every time a stranger enters, the talisman It will automatically add a few strokes." As I said that, I pointed towards the lower left corner.

"You see, these three horizontal and one vertical traces are all new, which are the four of us. From the moment we stepped into the ancient cemetery palace, these four spells were automatically generated! If we had retreated just now, If you go out, you will be killed on the spot in an instant, and our ghost will lose consciousness and become the guardian of this ancient tomb."

"So powerful? Is it true?" Xiao Bailong said with some disbelief: "Then the passage we just walked through was obviously built by future generations. Where did these people go? And no bones were found along the way. There is no guardian soul? And the guy we are following, isn’t he hiding here? He must have been to this tomb before, why is he fine when he gets out? "

"It's very simple." I pointed to the dense sword marks on the stone wall and said, "Did you see these slightly darker marks? These are all blood stains."

"As long as you smear your blood on your mark, you will sign a contract with this curse, and you will live and die together! Naturally, this restriction will be invalid for you. But at the same time, once the ancient tomb is damaged, these contractors will also If they die immediately, even their souls will be instantly wiped out. Therefore, they will fight tooth and nail to protect the things in the tomb. Until now, we haven’t even met a contractor. It’s not that they don’t exist, it’s just because we haven’t found them yet and we will fight to the death. Something to protect.”

"In other words, the fact that this ancient tomb has hardly been damaged until now is all due to these defenders. Once anyone enters, he will automatically become one of them - even if you still don't know it until you die. But your soul will always be guarded here!"

"No way?" Xiao Bailong heard what I said and said half surprised and half puzzled: "Then what should we do? Apply some blood on it too? What kind of contract should we sign with this tomb?" Suddenly, he As if he remembered something, he turned his head and looked at Han Laoliu and said: "What, Lao Liu, aren't you immortal? You can run out and try it first to see if this thing works."

Han Laoliu glared angrily: "I'm just tougher than ordinary people. Who said I can never die? Besides, do you know how painful it is to be close to death?"

"Jilin, do you have any solution?" Chuyi asked solemnly, holding the Eight-sided Han Sword in his arms.

Chu Yi knew that my experience and skills were most likely learned from the "Yin Fu Jing". Since I could see through the purpose of this spell at a glance, there should be some way to crack it recorded on it.

"Yes." I nodded and said, "There are five ways to crack it..."

"Five kinds?" When Xiao Bailong heard this, he immediately got angry and shouted at me: "There are five ways to crack it. Why are you talking so evil?"

"Although there are five ways to crack it, each one is extremely difficult to achieve!" I sighed.

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