Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1898 Five ways to crack it

"The first one is the simplest and most direct. Just take away the protective object in this tomb, which is the so-called formation eye. But the first spell here is so powerful, and I don't know how many difficulties will come later. How many are there, not to mention there are so many guardian spirits, how easy is it to get the formation eye safely?" I smiled bitterly.

"The second type is what I said on the first day of the month, something similar to the Tongxin Dan that you all around the world swallowed. Although the threat of this spell can be avoided, from now on, these people will truly live and die together. Once there is When one person dies, several others will die at the same time, and everyone’s lives are connected together, and they are connected forever.”

"The third type is that this talisman depicts the person's descendants. They can be spared by virtue of their bloodline."

"The fourth is to be able to find the legendary ancient artifact and be able to completely suppress the counterattack power of the spell!"

"The fifth method is to use a curse to make a curse. Find a big family with a thousand people's bloodline, use the souls of a thousand people to form a thousand-soul life-saving spell, and exchange the lives of a thousand people for the survival of one person."

After hearing me explain these five cracking methods, Xiao Bailong opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a long time.

Even Han Laoliu, Chu Yi and Bantian were speechless.

Although there are many ways to crack it, none of them are as good as reaching the sky!

We are not the descendants of the person who created the talisman, nor do we have any ancient artifacts. It is even more impossible to massacre a family with thousands of people. No one has brought the Tongxin Pill. Besides, they may not agree with this plan - what they want The mission you follow is to protect me, and you are always ready to sacrifice for me. Even if you have a glimmer of life, you will give it to me without hesitation. How can we live and die together?

Counting this together, the first seemingly most difficult method to crack has actually become the easiest!

"Then there's nothing more to say! In this case, we can only fight to the end, regardless of whether he is a human or a ghost. At worst, we will fight a tough battle and kill them all." Xiao Bailong was stunned for a while, and then he woke up first.

"Kill you big-headed ghost!" Han Laoliu glared at him and said: "When I first found the passage, I felt something was wrong. Before I could study it carefully, you jumped up in a hurry. Now it's better. Right? I’m fine, but what if Jiulin can’t get out? "

When Xiao Bailong heard this, he immediately hunched his head like a deflated rubber ball, not as high-spirited as before.

"The matter has come to this, it is useless to talk about it." At this time, Chu Yi was very calm: "Since there is only one way at the moment, it is better to just do what Xiao Bailong said, everyone try their best and fight to the end. Maybe not only will we be intact, , and furthermore, Miss Caiyun can be rescued.”

When we heard what Chu Yi said, a few of us were slightly shocked.

"Rescue Caiyun? You mean...this is the entrance to the Tomb of Amaterasu." Although Xiao Bailong is impulsive by nature, he is not an idiot.

The key point came to mind immediately.

"Except for the Tomb of Amaterasu, do you think there is any other place in Japan where you encounter such a fierce talisman as soon as you enter the door?" Chuyi said confidently: "When I measured the location of the cemetery just now, I found this It is a place of great evil, and all future generations of descendants will turn into evil ghosts and will never be reincarnated."

"Little White Dragon made a mistake, but he got one thing right. In ancient Japanese mythology, the way to heaven for ghosts and gods is almost the same, which is to ascend to heaven after death."

"The descendants of Amaterasu are naturally gods, and they are only temporarily born in the human world. The original intention of the feng shui chosen for this cemetery is not to curse, but to pray for blessings, and to pray that descendants of gods will continue to pass away and ascend to heaven for generations to come!"

"Although the Amaterasu Society has found the cemetery long ago, they have been unable to find the real descendants of Amaterasu and cannot break the restrictions. When they finally found Caiyun and captured her into the ancient tomb, they ran into new difficulties. , it can be seen that she is most likely to be imprisoned in the tomb.”

Xiao Bailong thought for a moment and said, "Since Caiyun is here, why don't we sense it?"

"This divine tomb should be much larger than we imagined! When we came in just now, wasn't there wind blowing in and out of the passage? It's possible that this is just one of the entrances." Chu Yi explained.

"There should be nine entrances here!" Han Laoliu also suddenly remembered something, and then said: "In Japanese legends, it is the nine-headed golden dragon that pulls the Amaterasu chariot to chase away the gods. The structure of this tomb should also be nine dragons. The shape of a cart. What we entered is just one of them! According to the Japanese priest’s epitaph, we haven’t reached the real entrance yet, this is just a cursed stone tablet in front of the entrance.”

"But this isn't right?" Xiao Bailong scratched his head and said: "Even if your guesses are correct, this is really the entrance to the tomb of Amaterasu, and Caiyun is also imprisoned here, but the Amaterasu Association should have a right to the tomb. The guards are extremely tight. How could we sneak in so easily? Isn't this a bit abnormal? "

"Also, why did the key member of the Amaterasu Society who was framed by us come to the ancient tomb at this time? Could it be that... he had known that we were tracking him for a long time, and even knew our identities very well, so he deliberately Did you bring us here?"

"Yes!" As soon as Xiao Bailong finished speaking, Chu Yi and Han Laoliu also nodded at the same time.

Han Laoliu said: "We tracked us all the way from the Korean casino. We seemed to be secretive and had the upper hand at every step, but we didn't expect that we were plotted by them! Not only did they know who we were, but they also knew what we were planning to do! They are They deliberately led us to the ancient tomb. We thought it was the stronghold of the Amaterasu Society, but we didn’t expect that this was the final destination, the Tomb of Amaterasu! It’s just that no one had thought about it in the first place.”

Chu nodded and continued: "Since the curse Jiulin on this stone tablet can be seen at a glance, it means that most of the rules and regulations in this underground palace are from China. After thousands of years, with today's heaven The Irōshinkai cannot be cracked at all. Therefore, even if they capture Caiyun, there are still many mechanisms that cannot be cracked."

"So, they followed their plan, pretended not to pay attention, spread a little bit of news, and lured us here step by step. They just want to use our power to crack the ancient tomb!"

"Now we are all cursed. If we go out, we will die. But if we continue to fight hard, we still have a chance of survival. We happen to be their pawns!"

Xiao Bailong thought for a moment and said, "That means, as long as we destroy the Amaterasu Society and kill all the guardian spirits in the ancient tombs, we can take Caiyun home?"

"Look! After going around in such a big circle, isn't it exactly the same as what I just said? No matter if they are human or ghost, just kill them all and everything will be solved."

A few of us looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

Everyone seems to be saying: "It makes sense! But, do you know how difficult it is..."

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