Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1900 Kowloon Pulling Carts


The little white dragon threw the stone with the charm on it.

As I kept shouting, the little white dragon dropped the stones one by one according to the direction I pointed out.

Every stone does not sink or fall, just floating upright on the water, faintly emitting golden light.


The water surface turned violently, and among the big waves, the baby catfish jumped up as if it was extremely angry, setting off huge waves, and rushed straight to the shore.

The black water fell on the stone surface, burning and sizzling!

The nearest place was less than two meters away from a few of us.

"The good water in his river flows around the mountain, and it is as urgent as a law or order, broken."

With this sound, Chu Yi and I simultaneously pulled out a spiritual talisman and stuck it on the sword's edge, suddenly.


Click, click, click!

Many spiritual symbols floating on the water exploded at the same time, emitting streaks of dark golden light, and faintly formed a Bagua array.

Locking that black monster in it!

The guy became even more furious, constantly churning out black and sticky waves, rushing around, but no matter what, he couldn't get out of the golden light.

When it was more than three feet away from the strange fish, the golden light gradually dimmed, and the flickering light was about to disappear at any time.

"Hurry!" Chu Yi shouted loudly.

Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu immediately spread their legs without hesitation and ran straight to the water.


Seeing the opportunity, the little white dragon jumped out, stepped on the head of the strange fish with one foot, opened his hands at the same time, each holding a sharp stone with a talisman on it, made a popping sound, and inserted it into the eye socket of the strange fish. inside.

The strange fish screamed in pain, flipped its tail, raised black waves, and pounced straight towards the little white dragon.

Han Laoliu waved his hand and released the withered vine, wrapped it around Xiao Bailong and pulled it hard.

Danger after danger passed by against the black waves!

"Stop!" Seeing that they had succeeded, Chu Yi and I took a step forward, and the two swords intersected.

There was a loud sound, and the Bagua golden light suddenly tightened, like a fishing net, tightly covering the strange fish.

The strange fish kept turning over and making strange calls one after another. The sound was exactly the same as a baby crying!

The two swords in our hands also kept vibrating. This invisible force was extremely powerful, and the hands holding the sword hilts were numb from the shock.

"Kill!!!" The little white dragon saw the opportunity and jumped up again, falling from the sky.

This time, he held a large ice pick as long as a javelin in both hands!


The ice pick pierced through the monster fish's angry mouth and reached its handle.

When Han Laoliu used the dead vine to pull him back again, the strange fish was already floating on the water and motionless.

From the belly-up big catfish, dark figures floated up one after another. I could vaguely see that they were a dozen bare-butt little dolls, waving at us.

The smoke rose and the black shadows dispersed.

The air was filled with an almost suffocating smell mixed with fishy smell!

"Done!" Chuyi raised his arm and wiped the sweat on his head.

Although this baby catfish has almost no IQ, his resentment is extremely deep. If the four of us had not gathered our strength, it would have been difficult to conquer.

While I was resting, I studied the plan for crossing the river again.

Little White Dragon is the fastest and most agile among us.

Let him use Han Laoliu's green tree vines to trample the corpse of the strange fish to fly to the other side. Then he and Han Laoliu built a single-plank bridge with dead vines, and Chu Yi and I stepped across it. Finally, the three of them suddenly exerted their strength and pulled Han Laoliu over together.

Although it was the first time for the four of us to work together, it was extremely smooth and we crossed the Blackwater Pool with almost no danger!

The passage behind the Blackwater Pool suddenly became wider, enough for four people to walk abreast. But for safety reasons, we still follow the previous order and proceed accordingly.

Not far away, a big mouth suddenly appeared in front of it. The fangs alone were more than two meters long.

Xiao Bailong looked up with his flashlight and discovered that it was actually a huge dragon head!

Of course, this dragon head is made of underground stone and carved according to the mountain situation.

Among the fangs as thick as buckets, the angry mouth opened is the passage to continue moving forward!

It seems that Han Laoliu's conjecture is correct. This underground palace was really built according to the legend of Amaterasu.

Counting this way, does this underground palace really have nine exits?

The passage behind the dragon's head is very winding and long, and there are still many thumb-sized holes on the stone walls on both sides. These should have been the places where crossbow arrows, flying guns and other mechanisms were originally hidden.

But now it has long lost its effect, or in other words, it has been used long ago.

After the long passage, there is a half-open stone door, with a thick layer of dust settling in front of the door. Half of the door was painted with a bright red talisman. It looked familiar to me, but I couldn't remember what it was and where I had seen it.

"There's something wrong with this." Xiao Bailong said a little strangely as he walked: "According to Jiulin's statement, those people from the Amaterasu Society who have been to the underground palace should have signed contracts with the ancient tomb, right? Then if we really take away the Formation Eye, won’t they all die?”

"Don't worry! They will definitely be waiting for us inside." Han Laoliu answered: "The reason why they let us in deliberately is to use us to crack the mechanism. When we get close to the formation, they will They will appear suddenly and take the opportunity to kill us. However, before that, they will not cause trouble."

"Then you said they have tried all nine channels?" Xiao Bailong asked.

"That's not necessarily true!" Han Laoliu continued: "Although it is said that Amaterasu's chariot is pulled by nine golden dragons, they may not really search for all nine passages one by one. After all, this is It’s a thankless task, but the real treasures must be deep in the underground palace. It’s impossible for you to spend a lot of manpower and material resources making decisions, and have to deal with worthless passages over and over again.”

"However, they have opened at least two channels, and these two channels are definitely still connected!"

"Only in this way can they not only let us go ahead and help them crack the trap, but also be able to stop or even hunt us at any time."

"If that's the case, how about we play hide-and-seek with them and try to control them in our own way?" It was rare for Xiao Bailong to even use his brain.

Han Laoliu turned to look at him in surprise.

Xiao Bailong thought we didn't understand. He looked at me and Chu Yi and continued to explain: "What I mean is that if we really find a passage leading to another entrance, we will rush to find them first. You don’t have to worry about those bastards popping up at any time. Once these guys are wiped out, Caiyun will be rescued first, and then the five of us will crack the mechanism together, take the Formation Eyes and go home. How great would that be?"

"That makes sense!" Han Laoliu thought about it carefully and couldn't help but extend his thumb in approval.

I thought about it carefully and couldn't help but nod my head: "That's a good idea!"

"Okay! That's settled then." Xiao Bailong clapped his hands and chuckled: "Walking around in the underground palace is so boring. It's not as fun as killing people."

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