Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1901 Nine Yin Killing Formation

This dragon-shaped passage seems very long, but in fact there are not many traces of artificial excavation at all. It is basically a large natural cave. It's just that a stone gate was built at the entrance of the cave, or some poisonous crossbows were hidden.

Although there are many forks in the road, it has been explored many times by countless generations of Amaterasu members, and there are footprints everywhere, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

As Han Laoliu said, at this time, people from the Amaterasu Society will never come out to cause trouble for us. The real danger of the organization has not yet arrived, and the immediate danger has been eliminated by them. It is just like traveling. There's no difference, it's just boring.

No wonder they all annoyed Xiao Bailong and came up with clever tricks.

"Where to run?" As they were walking, Han Laoliu, who was walking at the front, suddenly shouted, and at the same time, a green vine emerged from his sleeve.


The green vine hit the stone surface with a loud noise, causing dust to fly everywhere.

Xiao Bailong looked over with a flashlight and saw that Han Laoliu's ivy was firmly pressed against the stone wall, and a person was tightly tied to the ivy.

The man was very slender and wore an extremely short black samurai uniform.

"Haha! It's really all the trouble." Xiao Bailong laughed and said: "I am worried that I can't find them, so I will send a tongue! Quickly drag him over."

"The man ran away." Han Laoliu said, facing the hole on the other side.

"What escaped? Isn't it in your vine?" Xiao Bailong said and couldn't wait to pull up the vine.

He exerted all his strength and pulled hard, and the man floated lightly, and was easily pulled in front of him.

It was only then that Xiao Bailong and Chu Yi and I who were following him discovered that this was a leather puppet.

A high imitation dummy made of light leather covered with several thin bamboo strips.

During the Wusuli River, I once hunted down the female ninja who controlled the puppet.

Although the dummy in front of me is not that exquisite, it is lighter and has no swords or weapons on it, not even a dart kunai.

It seems that this is specially used for peeping and tracking.

"This is a soul-controlled puppet." Han Laoliu explained: "One of the most commonly used surveillance methods by French ninjas. I have fought against these guys many times, and I am very aware of their tricks. This kind of puppet Although there is no need for silk traction, the control distance is relatively long, and the main body is not easy to be found, but it is very damaging to the soul. Under normal circumstances, as long as he finds the main body, he has no reaction time at all, and his actions are far more difficult than ordinary people. slow."

"I've actually discovered this guy a long time ago. I was afraid that if I told you, he would notice something, so I deliberately delayed it for a while, hoping that he would spend more soul power so that I could hit it with one hit. I didn't expect this This guy is really awesome, he can actually change places with the puppet instantly! Before this, I had only heard of it but never encountered it before."

Suddenly, I found that the face of the dummy looked familiar. I seemed to have seen it somewhere...

"His grandma's! He made a broken dummy and made it look exactly like Caiyun." Xiao Bailong raised his hand and threw out an ice blade. With a sneer, the dummy was cut in half.

A stream of black smoke came out of the shattered dummy, vaguely in the shape of a talisman. It paused for a few seconds and then drifted towards the direction it came from.

"Lao Liu, how long has this dummy been following us?" I suddenly had an unknown premonition.

"It appeared almost immediately before and after the ajar stone door."

"Shimen?" I was stunned for a moment, suddenly remembered something, and shouted at Xiao Bailong: "Quick! You run fast, run back quickly, run back and smash that door."

Before I finished speaking, I squeezed out of the way of Junior High School, spread my legs and ran straight towards the road I came from.

"What's wrong with Jiulin?" Xiao Bailong asked in confusion.

"Stop talking nonsense! Run! Hurry!"

The little white dragon hesitated for a moment, then turned into a white light and disappeared from my eyes.

Chu Yi and Han Laoliu couldn't figure out the reason for a while, but they immediately chased after them.

When I ran back to the Shimen, as expected, the Shimen had been closed!

Xiao Bailong was standing in front of the door inexplicably, looking up. It seemed that with his speed, he still couldn't make it in time.

The stone door seemed to have been cleaned just now, revealing a dark red rune the size of a human head.

At this moment, the two half-sigils have merged into one!

Hearing my footsteps, Xiao Bailong turned around and asked me with some confusion: "What's going on? Are you being tricked by the Amaterasu Association again?"

"This is far more terrifying than Amaterasu!" I explained.

"What's so scary? I've told you already. Now that we've taken this step, we'll kill gods when we meet, and kill Buddha when we meet... Hey, why has this stone gate changed?" At this moment, the stone gate in front of us appeared. It suddenly twisted and emitted golden red light.

Han Laoliu and Chu Yi, who were chasing after them, were also shocked by the sight before them. We had just walked through this stone gate not long ago. It was tattered and full of dust. How could it have turned into such a mess in the blink of an eye? A resplendent appearance?

The golden light suddenly shrouded each of us, but outside the circle of light around us was a gloomy darkness. We couldn't see anything clearly or notice anything, as if we were in the vast universe thousands of miles away.

"Jiulin, what's going on?"

Chu Yi knew that I must have discovered something wrong with that puppet.

Moreover, the situation looks very serious!

"This is called the Nine Yin Killing Formation!" I stared at the front and said word by word: "In a moment, nine terrifyingly powerful Yin spirits will appear in the golden gate one after another! The only way to break it is to kill them one after another. Kill these nine Yin spirits."

"What's so scary about that? No matter what the evil spirit is, just kill him without fail." Xiao Bailong's face was full of indifference.

Chu Yi knew the seriousness of the problem and asked tentatively: "Then we can't escape before they come out?"

"The reason why this formation is called the Nine Yin Killing Formation not only refers to the fact that there are nine Yin spirits in the formation, but also because it cuts off the three realms and isolates Yin and Yang."

"Once defeated, not only will you have nowhere to escape, your body and soul will be destroyed, but even those who are directly related to you will be killed on the spot! The people your soul is bound to will also become ghosts! Those who appear in your dream Relatives and friends will have nightmares as soon as they close their eyes, and they will never live in peace."

"This Nine Yin Killing Formation is a gate, a gate that cuts off life and death, and a heartless gate that cuts off humanity! This formation ranks third among the top ten forbidden formations in ancient times. Even the supreme god-level trapped It’s hard to break free from it.” I gasped and spoke faster and faster.

"Once this door is opened, it is irreversible - none of us can escape, and we have lost the opportunity to close it! What awaits us will be the most vicious punishment! The baptism of death!"

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