Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1903: Rushing out of the big stone gate

"That's right!" Chu nodded and replied, "It seems that this is their real purpose!"

"They have captured Caiyun a long time ago, but they have been unable to open the ancient tomb. They must have realized this - Caiyun is the only bloodline of the Amaterasu clan, and is the eye to crack the mechanism, but at the same time, they also need to be connected to Caiyun's heart and soul. Only the original power of the five elements can be opened. Jiulin is right, this has been a big trap from beginning to end, trying to deceive us all."

"Then what should we do now?" Xiao Bailong was shocked.

"We have to find a way to get out." I stared at the shining stone door opposite.

"Rush out, how to rush out? Didn't you just say that there is no way to crack it, and the only way is to defeat the nine Yin spirits coming out of the door?"

"The real Nine Yin Killing Formation is indeed like this! But Caiyun just walked out of this door. It can be seen that this formation has been temporarily suppressed. Under the reversal of Yin and Yang, the Yin Killing Door will also be It has become a door to life. Before the golden light disappears, we still have a glimmer of hope! But the darkness around us cannot be stepped on. If we miss, we will fall into the world of evil spirits, you see."

After saying that, I took out a charm and threw it into the darkness.

The talisman lit up with fire and fell in the distance.

Under the illumination of the fire, fierce ghosts dressed in white suddenly appeared, densely covered in the shadows around us!

These golden lights represent Yang. Those evil ghosts may be a little afraid of this light and dare not come forward. They surround us tightly, like a pack of hungry wolves, staring at the gradually dimming firelight - they are waiting. , waiting for the moment darkness falls, they will rush forward together and tear our bodies and souls apart!

At this time, the light on the golden gate gradually dimmed, and the surrounding area was swallowed up by darkness, leaving only a hole more than half a meter wide, which was shrinking.

The golden light under our feet is also shrinking, and even standing on two feet is a bit cramped.

"Just rush out of that door, right?" Xiao Bailong asked.

"Yes!" I nodded: "And as soon as possible! Once those evil ghosts notice that we are trying to escape, it will be too late."

"Okay, Lao Liu!" Xiao Bailong called to Han Lao Liu.

Han Laoliu waved his hand and threw out a green vine with great tacit understanding.

The little white dragon grabbed the vine in his hand and rushed towards the golden door that shrunk to the size of a hole as he sped up.

"First grade of junior high school!" He shouted again while he was in mid-air.

On the first day of the month, he held the sword in his hand and threw it suddenly. Thunder lights wrapped around the sword and rushed forward.


There was an explosion and gravel flew.

The Eight-sided Han Sword and the Little White Dragon on the first day of the new year penetrated the darkness one after another and flew into the Golden Gate!

The wrist-thick ivy stretched out from the golden light, and the other end was tightly held in Han Laoliu's hand.

Zi La La...

The golden light around us shook for a while. This was because the evil spirits discovered our intentions and suddenly launched an attack.

Once the golden light dissipates or the cave entrance is closed, we will not be able to escape and will have to fight the nine Yin spirits again!

"Let's go!" Han Laoliu wrapped the ivy around his arm several times and shouted urgently.

"Jiulin, let's go!" Chuyi glanced at me and threw a high-quality talisman in the direction of Qingteng to clear the way.

They will never leave until I am out of danger. At this time, I didn't have time to waste any more time, so I jumped up quickly.

But after all, I am not a little white dragon. I cannot fly that far. When I was about to fall, I quickly grabbed the green vine and climbed forward with my hands alternately.

Sizzling, sizzling...

The golden light around me was constantly being collided by the ghosts, shaking like a weak candlelight. Many ghosts were attacking me one after another!

On the first day of the new year, spell after spell exploded in front of me, driving away the evil spirits for me.

But even so, the golden light is still getting fainter and smaller, and it looks like it will collapse at any time.

"Speed ​​up." Chu Yi shouted and threw another spell.

Veins popped up on Han Laoliu's forehead, and he gritted his teeth tightly without saying a word!

Not only did he have to bear my weight at this time, but he also had to try his best to resist the attack of the evil ghost rushing towards Ivy and himself.

My hands were hot and aching from the rapid climb, but I didn't dare to stop at all. I gritted my teeth and headed straight ahead.

boom! The golden light suddenly disappeared, and a creepy wind suddenly blew around.

Although I can't see it, I can really feel that there are countless fierce ghosts rushing towards me!

My heart tightened, and I was about to free my hand to take out the talisman, but the ghosts suddenly stopped in an extremely strange way.

As if he was afraid of something, he stayed there and didn't dare to get close. What's going on?

"Jiulin, what's wrong? Hurry up." Chuyi suddenly stopped when he saw me, and shouted with worry.

I woke up suddenly and quickly sped up my movements.

The entrance to the Golden Light Cave is getting smaller and smaller, but it is right in front of you!

Two meters, one meter, half a meter...

As soon as I put my hand into the hole, I was grabbed, and before I could react, I was pulled in with a roar.

I looked through the golden light and saw that it was Xiao Bailong who pulled me over.

The Eight-sided Han Sword of Chuyi was stuck on the opposite stone wall, up to the hilt. The ivy was tightly wrapped around it, and the other end passed through the golden light and disappeared into the darkness.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Xiao Bailong guarded the entrance of the cave and asked anxiously.

"I'm fine, but in the first grade of junior high school, they..." I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"As long as you come out, they will have their own way." Xiao Bailong replied.


At this moment, a white figure jumped in, kicked the opposite stone wall, and did a backflip to stop firmly.

It's the first year of junior high school.

The clothes all over his body were torn and torn, even his bun was loose, but there were no scars at all.

In the first year of junior high school, he glanced at me with concern, and then stared straight ahead nervously.

The endless darkness kept pressing, and the golden light hole was only the size of the mouth of a cylinder.

None of the three of us spoke. Our six eyes were fixed on the shrinking hole, and our hands were clenched tightly.

Han Laoliu, Miss Caiyun, you have to hurry up!

If you don't come out, it will be too late.

Just when we were in confusion, a green leaf grew on the ivy and bowed its head slightly towards us.

"Lao Liu is asking for help! Hurry! Pull the ivy." Xiao Bailong recognized Han Lao Liu's signal at a glance, and shouted while holding on to the ivy with both hands. Chu Yi and I quickly pulled the ivy too. live.

"Three, two, one!"

The three of us tried our best and pulled hard at the same time.

call! The two figures quickly rolled to the ground.

Han Laoliu's clothes were torn into pieces, and his arms and back were covered with shocking wounds.

As if it had been pounced on by the sharp claws of a beast, streams of thick green blood flowed.

But the girl Caiyun in his arms was intact, not even the corners of her clothes were damaged.

"Lao Liu, are you okay?" I rushed over and helped them both up.

"It's okay." Han Laoliu looked at me with relief and said nonchalantly, then he dusted Miss Caiyun's forehead and turned to Chu Chu: "Caiyun doesn't seem to be under hypnosis."

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