Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1904: Soul Capturing (Additional update)

"Look." Before we could ask, Han Laoliu pointed at Miss Caiyun's feet.

She has no shadow!

Although Miss Caiyun is the elder who protects me, judging from her appearance, she is just a girl in her early twenties, with long hair shawl, wearing a slender Japanese kimono, and her figure and appearance are comparable to those of a top star.

But his eyes were a little dull, staring blankly at Han Laoliu without saying a word.

I took out a magic talisman and lit it in front of her. She turned her head and stared at me, with murderous intent in her eyes. She waved her hand, and a long red silk flew out of her sleeve and rolled towards my neck.

"Caiyun, this is Jiulin!" Han Laoliu quickly opened his hands and stood in front of me.

The red silk stopped in front of Han Laoliu. The murderous aura in Miss Caiyun's eyes slowly disappeared, but she still turned her head and stared at Han Laoliu blankly.

"Is it soul-stirring?" I asked in surprise.

Chu Yi inspected it and said: "Jiulin, you are really experienced now. Caiyun was indeed caught in the soul-obsessing spell. Her soul was controlled, so she doesn't know us at all now. It seems that Amaterasu wants to kill two birds with one stone." , borrowing the origin of our Five Elements to open the ancient tomb, and then borrowing Caiyun’s hand to attack us! Fortunately, Caiyun still left the last trace of consciousness and couldn’t bear to attack us.”

"His grandma's!" Xiao Bailong waved his hand and punched the stone wall, and cursed angrily: "Don't let me meet these little Japanese, I will kill every one I see."

"What should we do?" Han Laoliu asked worriedly.

"There are two ways to solve the soul-possession spell. The first is to hold a lantern and call her name at the place where she lost her soul to summon her soul; the second method is to find her soul and penetrate it directly into her body. But look at what's happening right now The situation is that the Amaterasu people just wanted to use her hand to get rid of us, so they only took out part of their souls, and there is still a sense of fighting left." Chuyi said.

"What does this mean?" Xiao Bailong asked strangely as he didn't know much about Yin Xie's art.

"To put it simply, there are two states for people who have been affected by the spirit spell. The first one is like a vegetative state. Except that they are still alive, they have no consciousness at all and can't move at all. The second one is like a serious state. Amnesia, recognizing no one, remembering nothing, and being unable to do anything except instinct.”

"In other words, she can't remember who we are at all now. She only retains a trace of consciousness in the vague thoughts and can't bear to do anything to her relatives. In this state, summoning spirits is useless, and there is only the second method. The only way to save her is to find her separated soul." I explained simply.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly." Xiao Bailong said anxiously.

"But now the question is, where should we go." Chu Yi pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword from the stone wall.

We came in through this passage and just exited the stone gate. Which direction should we go now?

The darkness has completely swallowed up the golden light, the road back has been completely blocked, and the road ahead has just been passed.

As soon as we entered the ancient tomb, we were cursed and signed a contract. If we leave here, we will die. If we continue to explore, we have no direction. What should we do?

For a while, several of us fell silent.

Miss Caiyun stood motionless, staring straight at Han Laoliu.

It seems that in her subconscious, she only retains the memory of Han Laoliu, or in other words, in Miss Caiyun's world at this time, there is only Han Laoliu.

Han Laoliu was a little embarrassed to be stared at, so he blushed and changed the subject: "I guess there must be a secret door along with other passages in the first half of the road. Caiyun and the ninja controlling the puppet will never come in from the outside. Let’s go back and take a closer look.”

Holding the Eight-faced Han Sword in his arms, Chuyi thought for a while and said: "This is the only way, but since Amaterasu has put Caiyun back, it means that Caiyun is no longer useful to them. The tomb's The mechanism has been opened. They should be exploring the depths of the ancient tomb at this time. As long as we find another passage, we will be right behind them."

We immediately adjusted our formation, turned around and walked back.

Miss Caiyun followed Han Laoliu closely, never leaving, as if she didn't want to leave for a moment.

"Huh?" Before he had gone far, Xiao Bailong suddenly squatted down in confusion and touched the ground with his hand. Then he turned the flashlight higher and shined it diagonally upward.

I looked through the light and saw a fist-sized depression on the ground, with a raised stone diagonally above it.

What did he discover?

With a whooshing sound, the little white dragon jumped up from the ground and twisted his five fingers, directly breaking a piece of the stone above him.

When the stone fell, he caught it steadily in his hand, and we shook it before our eyes.

I took a quick look and saw that there was nothing unusual about the stone, it could be seen everywhere. But there was a series of very obvious pits on the stone, and there was half a footprint in the center.

"Does it look familiar?" Xiao Bailong said with a smile.

"This seems to be...the rocks near the baby catfish." I suddenly remembered that the rocks in front of the black water pool looked like this, full of pits corroded by the black water.

"Yes!" Xiao Bailong nodded, shook the stone in his hand and said, "The stone surface is full of dust, but the footprints are new."

Then, he pointed around and said: "This place is in the blind spot where bows and arrows fly. I paid careful attention at the time and thought that there was a trap like a flap hidden in this place, but there was no such pit at that time."

"Looking at it now, this pit must have been corroded by the mucus dripping from above. In other words, the ninja who controlled the puppet once settled here."

"Yes, what does that mean?" Han Laoliu replied: "Didn't I tell you that right before and after Shimen, that guy was eyeing us. It's not surprising that he hid here."

"Have you been fooled by Caiyun?" Xiao Bailong snickered: "The existence of this pit does prove that he chased us from behind, but have you ever thought about it, Blackwater Pond is far away from here How far is it? Even if I ran all the way here, I would have stopped countless times, and no matter how much mucus was on my shoes, they would have been wiped off by now."

"You mean, the secret passage is nearby?" I suddenly understood what Xiao Bailong meant.

"Yes!" Xiao Bailong nodded firmly: "And I'm sure that the secret passage must pass through the Black Water Pond, which is only one step away from here."

Although Xiao Bailong has a rude personality, his speed and skill are absolutely top-notch. Judging from his judgment, it is extremely reasonable.

At that moment, a few of us stopped, knocking on the stone walls everywhere, carefully searching for possible mechanisms.

The little white dragon jumped up, squatted on the stone just now, looked around, then jumped to the other side, and soon found another foothold.

This time, no liquid dripped onto the ground, but the rocks above were corroded to create a large deep pit.

"It's right here." Xiao Bailong knocked on the four stone walls, and with a sudden force, he made a small hole.

The secret door was finally discovered!

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