Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1905 Lao Liu and Caiyun

Xiao Bailong leaned in, took a flashlight to shine, and then threw a small stone.

After a while, there was a muffled sound coming from inside.

"This is it!" Xiao Bailong shouted down: "It's quite deep down there. Come here, Sixth, put a piece of ivy for me, and I'll go in and explore the truth."

Han Laoliu couldn't jump that high, so he let Xiao Bailong pull him up with the help of green vines.

Miss Caiyun raised her neck blankly and kept staring at Han Laoliu, with a bit of worry in her eyes.

Xiao Bailong wrapped the rope around his waist, smiled at Caiyun and said, "Don't worry, I'm not letting Lao Liu go." After saying that, he jumped in.

Bang bang!

The sound of stones falling into the water kept coming from inside. After a while, Xiao Bailong poked half of his head out again: "I guessed it right, it is indeed here. Above here is the underground pool of Black Water Pool. There was originally a rope ladder here. Yes, it was just cut off by the guy when he escaped. I just built another simple one, and I'll go in first and step in for you."

As he spoke, his head retracted.

We have all been cursed by the ancient tomb and cannot retreat at all. The front is blocked by the Yin Killing Formation and we cannot continue moving forward. This secret passage is the only way and we have no choice.

With the help of Han Laoliu's ivy, Chu Yi and I climbed up one after another.

As soon as I got close to the entrance of the cave, a pungent fishy smell hit my nose, and I almost fainted.

The black water was inherently smelly, and the underground pool was closed to air all year round. The smell was so strong that it was simply indescribable!

A white light shone brightly in the dark hole, and it was Xiao Bailong who stood there and kept shaking the flashlight.

Judging from the distance of the lights, it's not that far, but it's extremely dangerous!

Black water flowed along the road between us, and the stone walls on all sides were blackened by the stench, and even more corroded and mottled.


A stone fell, causing a sticky black wave to roll around and hit the stone wall.

It seems that the four walls have long been softened like clay, making it impossible to step on them.

"Hurry up! The passage has been destroyed by that bastard. My temporary foothold cannot last long." Xiao Bailong shouted loudly, and there was a buzzing echo in the semi-enclosed space.

"Jiulin, put a leaf in your mouth. Lao Liu's ivy leaves can avoid poison." Chu Yi reminded me.

I knew this when I was in Devil's Valley.

Han Laoliu is not afraid of poison, and even his ivy leaves have the effect of avoiding poison.

"I'll go explore the road again and see if we can get through." Chu Yi said, grabbing Ivy tightly and jumping down.

What he meant was very obvious. If we were to compare our skills and speed alone, no one would be as good as Xiao Bailong. Where he can go, it may not be possible for others.

On the first day of the new year, this is a test of the road. Let's see the situation for us first.

"Don't step on both sides, just follow the ivy!" Xiao Bailong tied the ivy tightly around his waist, held a flashlight in one hand, and shouted loudly while trying his best to maintain balance.

In the first year of junior high school, he quickly followed the vines with his hands and feet, and soon he was standing on the ground.

"You can walk if you can, but you have to be careful! You must hold on with both hands." Chu Yi warned very carefully.

"Jilin, you can get off first." Han Laoliu signaled.

"Then you..." I looked worriedly at him and Miss Caiyun who was still standing on the ground looking up.

"Don't worry about us, just leave." Han Laoliu wrapped the ivy tightly around his arm, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

Although the green vine looks like a rope and is nothing unusual, it is his destiny. Even maintaining its existence consumes a lot of spiritual power, not to mention that he has used it many times since he went to the ancient tomb.

Seeing how determined he was, I no longer refused, took the leaves in my mouth, and climbed down the ivy.

Although there were two of them holding the lower part, the ivy was still a little shaky and unstable, and the mucus underneath was even more untouchable. Fortunately, the distance was not long, and soon I stepped on a stone.


The stone beneath their feet seemed unable to withstand the weight of the three people, and suddenly a large piece broke into pieces, falling down with a loud crash.

When I saw the landing, I was about to let go, but I didn't react at all, and my body suddenly sank!

Xiao Bailong and Chu Yi reached out at the same time and grabbed my belt tightly.

Ivy swayed and almost took them both down.

"Quick! Come up here." The two men pulled me up, and the little white dragon rushed to the side and pointed.

Only then did I discover that there was an upward step right next to the protruding stone where I stood.

The steps were built along the slope, only half a foot wide, suspended in the air on three sides, and snaked into a small hole.

Chu Yi took the lead in climbing up, using the Eight-sided Han Sword to clear away obstacles while slowly crawling up.

I climbed up quickly and realized that the stone surface had been completely blackened by the fishy smell below. It was both sticky and slippery. If I wasn't careful, I would fall down and fall straight to the bottom of the pool!

The simple thing is that these steps were built later and have not been completely corroded. They are still relatively strong. The first grade of junior high school also dug gullies on each step, enough to hold the five fingers.

Even so, the climb was extremely difficult.

As soon as he saw us both climbing up the steps, Xiao Bailong waved his flashlight and shouted: "Lao Liu, come on!"

Han Laoliu expanded the hole a few times with two bangs, and then slowly descended with Miss Caiyun on his back.

The two of them were tightly entangled by the ivy, and Miss Caiyun lay motionless on Han Laoliu's shoulder, looking particularly well-behaved.

The ivy carrying the two people was shaking a little. Han Laoliu worked hard to maintain his balance. If there was any turmoil, he would stop quickly. He turned back with concern and whispered something to comfort Miss Caiyun.

Seeing that they both arrived at the foothold safely, Chuyi and I felt relieved and continued climbing up.

Bang bang!

Stones chipped away on the first day of the new year fell into the stinky water from time to time, causing black waves to surge in all directions, and the stench became even stronger.

Fortunately, I still have Han Laoliu's green vine leaves in my mouth, otherwise I might be fainted and fall down at any time!

Xiao Bailong then stepped onto the steps. Han Laoliu did not untie the ivy, but very carefully leaned on the stone cliff and took out a bottle of strong wine, and drank it in big gulps.

Caiyun seemed to be asleep, lying motionless on Lao Liu's shoulder.

Only then did I suddenly realize: The relationship between Han Laoliu and Miss Caiyun seemed to be more than just being famous actors from all over the world...

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