Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1906 Suicide Mural

After finally climbing up the steps, I was finally relieved of my worries. Without even having time to breathe, I quickly dragged Han and Laoliu up together with Xiaobailong and Xiaobailong.

Afterwards, a group of us leaned against the stone wall exhausted and panted.

Even Xiao Bailong had sweat on his forehead.

However, this guy's sweat turned into white frost as soon as it appeared, and the air he breathed out was extremely cold, turning into white smoke, as if he was in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

Han Laoliu carefully combed Miss Caiyun's messy hair behind her back, took out a drink of liquor, and then the expression on his face gradually returned to normal.

After resting for a while, we got back on the road.

But what surprised me this time was that Xiao Bailong actually proposed to let Miss Caiyun walk in the front, and even Han Laoliu didn't object.

Following Miss Caiyun was naturally Han Laoliu, followed by Xiao Bailong, and then Chu Yi and I.

A group of five people followed the long and narrow steps and turned several turns. After walking for more than a hundred meters, a dark hole appeared in front of them.

It's almost the same as the one we passed before. The stone walls are covered with large and small gun holes and arrow holes.

It seems that there must have been many mechanisms and dangers back then!

While walking, some murals suddenly appeared on the stone walls.

The stone wall is pure gray, but the color of the mural is like blood, which is extremely dazzling under the light of a flashlight.

The strokes were crooked and unnatural, and looked like the legacy of an abstract painter like Picasso.

If you look carefully, you will see that they are all scenes of suicide!

Some grabbed long knives and performed disembowelment on their own, some hung themselves on tree branches and were about to jump down, and some tied big rocks to their feet and wanted to jump into the river.

Although the lines drawn are very abstract, once the content of the painting is seen, the scene becomes clearer. It's even more realistic than the photo, and it immediately gives people a creepy feeling!

Then, I discovered that the people on the murals looked very familiar, as if I had seen them somewhere.

Boss Bai, Xu Guangsheng, Mr. Liang...

Li Mazi, Yin Xinyue, Xiaofan...

"Definitely!" Suddenly, a loud shout rang in his ears.

At the same time, I felt something hot and hot between my eyebrows. I shuddered all over and woke up suddenly.

When I looked again, I saw Chu Yi’s hand on my eyebrows, and the other hand holding my wrist tightly.

But there was an invisible needle on my wrist, about to stab my throat!

Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu both had a magic talisman stuck on their heads, and they stood there motionless.

The little white dragon formed a knife with his palms together, and the edge condensed into a shining ice blade, which was less than three inches away from his neck.

Han Laoliu drew out the ancient sword. The tip of the sword was facing his heart, and dark green blood was already flowing out.

Miss Caiyun clutched the hilt of his sword in a panic.

Is this an illusion? Even Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu were not spared.

"What's going on?" I asked in shock.

"What a danger!" Chu Yi saw that the situation was under control, and I woke up. Then I wiped off cold sweat twice and said with lingering fear: "This is the Japanese secret heart barrier seal. When I see this seal, mortals will I will be fascinated by it unconsciously. If the formula taught to me by Taoist Master Yiqing had not been effective, I am afraid that all of us would have committed suicide before others could take action!"

As Chu Yi spoke, he bit off his fingertips and tapped Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu on their foreheads. He muttered something repeatedly, and then shouted "Jiu!"

The two of them suddenly woke up, and like me, they were completely ignorant of the talent's actions.

"It seems that this passage is indeed very dangerous, and our journey to the underground palace has just begun." Chu Yi said, took out a few charms, distributed them to us and said, "This is the yellow clay that Taoist Master Yiqing taught me to draw. Observe the secret talisman and put a few drops of blood on each one."

A few of us took it in our hands without hesitation.

The little white dragon bit his fingertip, and droplets of blood as white as milk fell on the talisman, which immediately turned into a sheet of frost.


The talisman paper shattered, and a dark figure floated out from Xiao Bailong's head, and then disappeared.

When I first saw Han Laoliu looking at Miss Caiyun, he was a little reluctant to use it, so he said: "These spells were stolen from the Tang Dynasty by the Yin and Yang masters of the Amaterasu clan. These Yin and Yang masters have sworn loyalty to the Amaterasu clan, and they have been using it for a long time. The altar method excludes the Amaterasu bloodline. In other words, these things have no effect on Caiyun at all, not to mention that now that her soul has been absorbed, she can't even remember who she is, and she will not be affected by the illusion at all. .”

"That's it!" Xiao Bailong said angrily: "Just use it yourself. Can you still give one to Caiyun on the first day of the new year?"

When Han Laoliu heard this, he smiled awkwardly and dropped two drops of thick green blood on the paper talisman.

Similarly, a black shadow floated out from above his head and disappeared.

I have never heard of the Heart Obstruction Seal, but I have seen similar records in the Yin Fu Jing.

This is called the ghost birth curse.

Among the various sects in the human world, one is quite extreme and wants to cultivate themselves into ghosts from the beginning to the end. As a ghost, it is indestructible and does not enter reincarnation, thus achieving the state of immortality. Whenever he reaches the extreme level of cultivation, he will be ready to set up an altar and commit suicide.

And before they die, the last picture they draw stained with their own blood is called the Ghost Curse.

In other words, from this moment on, a new ghost was born. This was his own celebration of his new life.

When others see such pictures, they will be fascinated by them and unconsciously want to imitate them.

However, the general ghost birth curse is only effective on ordinary people. Don't talk about me, even the witches and wizards who have just entered the threshold can control it without being affected.

Thinking about it this way, the person who drew the Ghost Life Curse is by no means simple, at least his cultivation level at the time of death was extremely high, and it was above me.

I looked at the mural in front of me and felt horrified in my heart——

The life-and-death contract, the curse of ghost birth, and the Nine Yin Killing Formation, these spells that disappeared as early as the Tang Dynasty in China, have reappeared in Japanese ancient tombs.

This shows how sharp these onmyojis who followed Amaterasu back then were!

But then I thought about it, when Emperor Amaterasu was at his peak, China's Jiuyoumen was not completely lonely, and there were still many people who mastered the advanced secret arts. Forced by the pursuit of those so-called righteous people, some people secretly crossed eastward. It is unknown whether he escaped to Japan.

As Chu Yi said: This trip to the underground palace must not be careless! Otherwise, you may not even know how you died, and your soul will be gone.

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