Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1907 Mummy in the Corridor

After practicing for a while, we all woke up from the shock just now and continued to move forward.

After walking through the blood-smeared murals, there is a narrow corridor, and a very unpleasant smell of decay can be heard from afar, as if a cemetery that has been deposited for many years has been suddenly dug up.

The little white dragon holding the flashlight couldn't help but let out an exclamation as soon as he swept the light down.

There were two rows of mummies standing on both sides of the corridor! Endless as far as the eye can see!

Everyone was wearing bamboo armor from the shogunate era. Most of the ropes had fallen off, and the armor protective gear fell to the ground. But everyone was holding the handle of the knife tightly in their hands - although most of the knives were rusted. Half of them were broken, but what was extremely strange was that every mummy was extremely complete, with not even half of the bones missing. Each of them was as upright as a spear, not leaning against the wall at all, but standing upright like a soldier.

The pair of eyes were rotten, and Sora stared into the dark, deep sockets, but there was a strange sense of majesty and solemnity in them.

"These people were all poisoned to death!" I said with certainty after taking a look at the dark throat and teeth of the mummy.

Although their bodies were rotten, I vaguely felt something was wrong. These seemed to be no ordinary mummies!

Thinking of this, I took out a magic talisman and threw it out.

Almost at the same time, there was a crisp sound of bones colliding in the corridor.

"Be careful! These mummies are still alive." Chu Yi and I shouted in unison.

"Caiyun..." Han Laoliu subconsciously pulled Caiyun.

But it was a step too late, Miss Caiyun had already stepped in with one foot.


There was a loud "shushing" sound, and all the mummies knelt down on one knee with a knife in one hand and their heads slightly lowered.

The mummies who had been standing majestically now knelt down at the same time, forming two rows.

Several of us couldn't help but be stunned.

Miss Caiyun took two steps forward. When she saw that we didn't follow, she looked back at Han Laoliu.

Chuyi looked at it and said: "It seems that this is the slave of a military general who was willingly buried by the Amaterasu clan. He noticed the Amaterasu bloodline in Caiyun. There should be no danger, let's go."

Having said that, this corridor can only allow three people to pass abreast at most, but there are two rows of kneeling mummies on both sides, and there is an endless black hole in front of it. No matter who goes there, it will be a little scary!

We are all extremely careful, always paying attention to the subtle movements of each mummy, for fear that these guys will suddenly jump up and launch a surprise attack on us!

It seemed that nothing had happened all the time. After walking along the mummy corridor for twenty or thirty meters, the mummies were still kneeling on the ground, motionless.

"Huh? That's not right." While walking, Xiao Bailong suddenly asked strangely: "Caiyun is of Amaterasu bloodline. It makes sense that these warriors will not attack her, but why don't they attack us? And Tianzhao The people from the Zhaoshenhui have already passed away."

"The Amaterasu people signed a contract when they entered the tomb. The ordinary ghosts regard them as the same kind, so they will not attack. And we..." Chu Yi, who was mid-sentence, suddenly stopped talking. , suddenly shouted: "Hurry forward, there is something weird here!"


Before Chu Yi finished speaking, a small bottle suddenly fell down not far in front of him. It fell to the ground and shattered.

A strong and weird aroma suddenly spread out and spread everywhere.

The mummies were disturbed by the aroma, and at the same time they clenched the handle of the knife in a sinister manner.

"Caiyun, run! Run!" Han Laoliu was a little anxious.

But Miss Caiyun didn't understand what he was saying at all. When she heard Han Laoliu speak, she stopped and looked at him blankly.

The corridor was extremely narrow to begin with, except for the mummies on both sides, which could only allow one person to pass. Once she stopped, no one could walk.

Swish, brush, brush...

At this moment, all the mummies suddenly stood up. A flash of red light shone in the two deep-set eye sockets, and the next moment, they swarmed forward with their long knives in hand.

call! Xiao Bailong threw away his hands and swept them like sharp blades.

The head of the skeleton at the front was immediately beheaded.

"What are you waiting for?! Hurry over and rush over." He shouted urgently while waving another palm wind.

Chu Yi and I also quickly drew out our weapons and chopped in all directions.

Han Laoliu didn't hesitate when he saw this, he picked up Miss Caiyun, spread his legs and ran forward.

The mummies in the corridor suddenly came to life!

The teeth and bones were rattled by the collision, and he picked up the rusty broken sword and walked over to the formation of Japanese samurai.

Han Laoliu had no time to fight and just rushed forward.

Xiao Bailong followed closely behind him, with a palm wind from the left and a kick from the right, splitting the obstacles for him.

I waved my double swords for killing ghosts and gods to protect both sides, and Chu Yi held his sword horizontally to block the rear.

The five of us, who had just been cautious, were suddenly forced into helplessness, and we all started killing and slashing wildly!

Although these mummies were numerous in number, they had been dead for a long time and had no cultivation. They were just moving bones. Even the long knives in their hands were rusty and fragile. A slight collision will break into pieces.

All of a sudden, there was a rattling sound of broken bones and the bang of broken knives falling to the ground.

But this guy didn't know what he was bewitched by. He was completely unafraid of life and death and rushed forward one after another.

Quack quack!

Broken limbs were scattered everywhere, and bones were scattered all over the ground.

Mummy corpses were constantly breaking into pieces in front of Han Laoliu who was running forward. Xiao Bailong could find every opportunity to help him clear the way of the mummies, but there was nothing he could do against the rain of bones.

Bones and debris fell one after another, hitting him and Caiyun all over their bodies.

Han Laoliu hurriedly grew another ivy and waved it upwards, trying to cover Caiyun's broken bones.

boom! Suddenly, a red light flashed in front of my eyes.

Then the light was like a red sunset, illuminating the earth.


The mummies in the entire corridor collapsed into pieces in an instant!

Even the mummies we had never touched turned into powder at this moment!

Xiao Bailong held out his own crystal ball and shouted: "Wind."


The wind picked up on the ground, and a strong wind blew in all directions, blowing away the broken bones and smoke far away.

It was only then that I saw a crimson light glowing all over Miss Caiyun's body, covering her whole body like a red gauze, from which the red light of sunset just emitted.

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