Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1908 The Centipede Army

"Xiaguang?" Xiao Bailong shouted in surprise: "Is Caiyun awake?"

"Her instinct has been aroused! Let's go quickly." Chu Yi urged loudly.

He ran dozens of meters in one breath and finally rushed out of the corridor.

Looking back at the dark and long corridor, I really couldn't believe that we actually rushed out from being surrounded by numerous mummies. What I didn't expect was that the girl Caiyun, who was still intoxicated, had such an instinctive glow. power!

After running for a while, we finally stopped when we saw that there was no longer any danger.

There was a thick layer of bone meal on all of us, and we all looked like we had just crawled out of a pile of flour! Only Miss Caiyun's body was spotless. Although the glow was much dimmed, it was still dazzling and dazzling, making people dare not look directly.

Han Laoliu dusted off the smoke, sat down, took out a bottle of wine and drank heavily. There is only one thing in my backpack, high-strength liquor, and I have already drank one-fifth of it.

Chu Yi dusted off the powder on his head and said: "This is a trap! I seemed to smell a smell of cherry blossom wine in the corridor just now. It was a little strange at first, but when Xiao Bailong asked, he immediately reminded me. Mummy Jin doesn’t attack Caiyun because of her Amaterasu bloodline, but he doesn’t attack us because of Sakura Wine!”

"This is the most commonly used object by Japanese Onmyoji to control zombies, similar to our glutinous rice wine. The small bottle dropped on the ground is the killer powder that orders the mummies to attack! This thing will instantly erase all the obsessions of the mummies , the only thought is to kill all the living creatures that invade this place."

"Thankfully, at this moment, Caiyun's residual thoughts came to life again, triggering the instinctive glow. These mummies all pursued the Amaterasu clan to death, and they all drank the Zhonghun wine before they died. This wine Not only is it highly poisonous, but it also has a loyalty curse. Once it hurts Amaterasu's bloodline, it will instantly turn to dust! It can also be said that it was not Caiyun who killed the mummies, but the loyalty wine they drank during their lifetime, which happened to be poisoned by Caiyun. It’s just caused by the glow of the sun.”

"No matter what you say, Caiyun helped us this time. Otherwise, even if we can rush out, we will definitely... Huh..." As Xiao Bailong said this, he closed his eyes tightly and fell asleep, and there was a lot of smoke coming out of his nose. Air conditioner white smoke.

It seemed that the fight just now consumed a lot of his spiritual energy.

Han Laoliu needed wine to replenish his spiritual energy, while Xiao Bailong needed sleep.

The two of them are different from others in that they are both born spirits. One has the same body as grass and trees, and the other can control ice and snow. Although they are extremely powerful, they also cost a lot of money.

It seems that Xiao Bailong will not be able to fight in a short time.

Sizzling, sizzling...

At this moment, there was a rustling sound in the distance, as if thousands of people were scratching their scalps at the same time.

I grabbed the flashlight next to Xiao Bailong and shined it forward. I saw a black shadow crawling in the distance on the dark ground.

It is small and curvy, and each black shadow is densely packed with hundreds of thin legs...

Is this a centipede?

No, it’s a centipede!

Getting closer, I finally saw clearly that it was a large group of centipedes.

They are so dense and endless that you can’t even see them at a glance, and there are probably tens of thousands of them.

They were extremely big, nearly 20 centimeters each, and their whole body was shiny and red, which made my scalp tingle.

"Big flower centipede!" Chu Yi's eyebrows furrowed involuntarily.

Centipedes are not scary. They are just low-energy arthropods. They are not extremely venomous and are usually just a little disgusting when seen.

But there were so many of them, and their sizes and colors were so weird. They all crawled over, which can only be described as terrifying!

I put away my swords and stood up, feeling a little helpless.

I can tell that there is no Yin energy in these centipedes, let alone any intelligence at all. Just ordinary arthropods.

But facing these lowest-level creatures, my spells and martial arts are useless.

Playing swordsmanship and throwing invisible needles against this army of centipedes will not help at all. Even the fire talisman will only burn one piece. But there are so many of these guys, and they are so imbecile that they don’t know what life and death are, so there is absolutely nothing they can do!

There are no forks in this passage. The only way out is right in front of you. You can't escape, you can't rush, you can't rush through.

Although this thing is weak, it can't stand up to the overwhelming number!

The centipedes we see in daily life will naturally not eat humans, but that is only for living people. Centipedes have the ability to eat dead bodies, regardless of whether you are a mouse or a human.

And this is an army of centipedes living in ancient tombs. Is there anything else they don’t eat?

If we were charged by them, we might turn into a mass of white bones in an instant.

What’s even more worrying is that facing this group of the most incompetent creatures, all the skills are useless!

Even if we take a step back and say if we really have any solution that can completely eliminate this overwhelming army of centipedes, our strength will definitely be severely damaged!

The crises that are right in front of us are coming, and even our strongest reserves of strength may not be able to survive it, let alone when our spiritual power is exhausted.

It’s really not worth expending your energy for this large group of centipedes!

But what to do?

Seeing the centipede army getting closer and closer, Chuyi frowned, turned to look at me, and said helplessly: "Jiulin, this time it's up to you."

"Look at me?" I was a little confused.

If there is one, I can trample it to death with just a lift of my foot. If there are dozens of them, throwing a fire talisman can burn them all. But there are tens of thousands of them covering the sky. What can I do?

"Wansheng Festival." Chuyi said calmly.

I have heard of the Wansheng Festival. It is a Miao witchcraft that is spread in Yunnan and is specially used to refine poisonous insects. This evil method may seem humble and unpopular, but it is extremely effective against insects.

Most of the Miao wizards used this kind of voodoo technique to control poisonous insects.

It is said that this most primitive method of sacrifice is to regard oneself as one of thousands of poisonous insects, eating and living together. Then he offered his soul and blood essence to connect with the life of the poisonous insect.

But I have only heard of this thing. I have no idea how it is done. Moreover, seeing that the army of centipedes is about to kill them, it is too late to learn how to do it. There are no sacrificial objects.

Um? No, the first year of junior high school just said it was up to me.

Could it be that he wants to use me as a sacrifice? I glanced at the first grade of junior high school in astonishment.

The first year of junior high school seemed to know that I had guessed his thoughts, and nodded solemnly.

I looked back at Xiao Bailong, who was still sleeping soundly, and Han Laoliu, who was all exhausted. I nodded vigorously and said, "Okay! Just tell me what to do!"

"It's easy to say." said the centipede army that was still rushing in the morning, "as long as you lie inside and don't move."

"It's difficult to say it, but you may have to endure the pain of being crawled by thousands of insects."

"On the first day of junior high school, you can't do this! Wait until I drink two more bottles of wine, let me..." Upon hearing this, Han Laoliu hurriedly stopped him.

"Lao Liu, no need! This little hardship is nothing." I stopped Han Lao Liu and strode forward, "You have paid so much to protect me. If I am not willing to do this little thing, how can I still live with dignity? ? If I can really help everyone resolve a crisis and save everyone from here, let alone thousands of insects crawling over me, I will not hesitate to feed them to these centipedes."

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