Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1910 Caiyun wakes up (additional update)

"What are you so anxious about? I haven't broken the curse yet." After Chu Yi finished speaking, he stepped forward.


Another spell exploded, and although I didn't open my eyes, I could feel a yellow light passing before my eyes.

Immediately afterwards, my whole body seemed to be filled with strength.

I opened my eyes suddenly, but there was a large area of ​​darkness in front of me.

My hands, feet, and whole body seemed to be bound by something. I suddenly used my hands and feet together to break free.

Stab! A sharp cracking sound suddenly came, and the world in front of me was torn open with a big hole.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, several familiar and friendly faces appeared in front of him.

The handsome junior high school student, the vicissitudes of Han Laoliu, the handsome little white dragon, and a long-haired beauty, this is... Miss Caiyun.

", are you awake?" I shouted in great surprise.

In fact, I really don't know what to call Miss Caiyun. She is one of the famous people in all directions, and they are all my seniors.

But just like Han Laoliu, who is in the first grade of junior high school, he has always matched my friends and brothers, and he may be much younger than me just by looking at his appearance.

"Ah, wake up, wake up." Caiyun was filled with surprise when she saw that I had regained my consciousness. She was stunned for a long time before nodding her head again and again.

"Finally woke up!" Xiao Bailong let out a long breath, and then said unwillingly: "It's no use worrying about you. It seems that you slept more soundly than me."

A rare smile appeared on Han Laoliu's face full of vicissitudes of life, and he stretched out his hand to pull me up.

Only then did I realize that what was tightly wrapped around my body was actually worm silk.

One after another, layer after layer, I was wrapped up like a cocoon.

Aren't the centipedes stacked on me? How can a centipede spin silk?

Before I lay down in the worm pile, several of them were behind me, but now they all ran to the other side, and there were several large dark holes where they had just settled.

Also, wasn’t Caiyun under the spell of soul-stirring? Why did he wake up all of a sudden?

When I was cast on the Ten Thousand Life Sacrifice and fell into a coma, how many things happened.

I looked at the first grade of junior high school strangely.

Chuyi held the Eight-sided Han Sword in his arms, looked at me calmly and said, "Did you feel anything different?"

"It's different? How is it different?" I asked with some confusion.

"Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel your Dantian."

I followed what I said on the first day of the new year and carefully observed it. Except that my hearing seemed to be stronger and I could hear the sound of centipedes moving their legs and feet in the distance, there was almost no difference from before.

Even the soft thud of the heartbeat could not be heard at all. Maybe the heartbeat was originally my imagination!

"There's nothing different." I opened my eyes and said with some confusion.

"How is this possible?" Chu Yi stepped forward in disbelief and pressed his hand on my Dantian.

In just a few seconds, the expression on his face changed from surprise to loneliness, but he still checked it several times in disbelief.

Xiao Bailong also came over, examined it, and then shook his head: "I mean, your method won't work in the first year of junior high school!"

"How is that possible?" Chuyi frowned, still a little unbelievable.

"No matter what, as long as Jiulin is fine." Miss Caiyun was very optimistic. She pulled me over and looked up and down. She nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, not bad, he looks like a man! Comparable You are much more mature now, but the last time I saw you, you were still a young man collecting embroidered shoes."

"Hey, Caiyun, what does it mean to be mature?" Xiao Bailong seemed to be very unwilling to hear this, and sneered at her: "You have to be like your sixth child, with a dark face and a few scars on his face. You call it mature? How old are you and you still pretend to be a little girl all day long?"

Miss Caiyun's face turned red when she was told that, and she turned around and said fiercely: "No wonder Jiang Yunyan was so angry that she closed the gate. It seems that she was offended by your bad mouth, right?"

"What does it have to do with me whether she closes the gate or not? Besides, I, Xiao Bailong, have so many nephews, nieces and nephews, so I can't care about them." Xiao Bailong raised his face very proudly, and turned to leave.

But Caiyun seemed to have grasped the key point immediately, and chased after him: "Hey, what you said is so free and easy. Then how did you get all your white hair? Why did you make such a fuss at Jingxin Temple? What about smashing up Jiangyun Group? What's going on? Hey, don't leave, please make it clear."

Xiao Bailong looked embarrassed and shouted straight to Han Laoliu: "Lao Liu! This woman is crazy, please change her quickly."

Han Laoliu laughed and just drank.

Inexplicably, I really like listening to them bickering. It's not that I'm too nosy to find out the secret news between them. I just like this atmosphere. Maybe it's because when I think of famous people from all over the world, I always think of the word "mission", and there is a lot of pressure invisibly. Seeing their ordinary side makes me feel much more relaxed.

Of course, I do respect them as seniors in my heart, but they don't allow me to call them that, and I prefer to get along with them in this way.

After the fun, a few of us sat together again.

After asking, I found out that we had already spent a whole day and night recuperating here.

Those centipedes also stayed on my body like a mountain for a whole day and night.

But when I asked why these centipedes spin silk and what was the purpose of doing so on the first day of the new year, they were all speechless. Everyone was either looking at the bare stone cave, drinking, or just interrupting.

It seems that this involves the secret of my life experience and that great mission. I can't tell me yet.

Although the cocoon sealing baptism seemed to be a failure, it inadvertently obtained an extremely rare gain.

That was when I was dreaming, Miss Caiyun woke up inexplicably!

After waking up, she also confirmed that she was indeed sealed by the Great Protector of the Amaterasu Society, and the sealing gourd was carried with the old guy.

According to common sense, the only way to break it is to smash the gourd and let the soul return to the body. But somehow, her soul escaped on its own.

Miss Caiyun said that she only remembered seeing a ray of yellow light suddenly, and then she could detect the pounding of her heartbeat. When she opened her eyes again, everything returned to normal.

Our original purpose of traveling all the way to Japan this time was to rescue Miss Caiyun. Now that we have accomplished that, we can turn around and return to China immediately.

But what is helpless is that the few of us were caught by the contract curse when we stepped into the ancient tomb. If we left here, we would be killed immediately, our souls would be drained of consciousness, and we would become the slaves of the owner of the ancient tomb!

So I had to stop and move on.

The simple thing is that the people of the Amaterasu Society are all signatories of the ancient tomb contract. It is true that they want to seize the treasures of the ancient tomb, but they cannot destroy the ancient tomb formation. It's just that Miss Caiyun's soul has been recovered, so there is no need to rush to catch up.

It just so happened that everyone was a little tired now, so they rested here for a while.

Now, all five of us have cultivated ourselves and can move forward again!

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