Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1911: Information about the Amaterasu Society

Before departure, Miss Caiyun informed us of the information she knew about the Amaterasu Society.

Amaterasu has a long history and was founded thousands of years ago. At first, it was just a sect composed of believers in Amaterasu.

If this continues, it should be called the national religion of Japan, like Taoism in China and Buddhism in India.

But just when the sect was flourishing, Japan's first emperor, Emperor Jimmu, passed away. Several major forces coveting the throne are fighting with each other, all trying to win over the Amaterasu Society.

The Amaterasu Society became involved in the battle for the prince.

The first generation of the Amaterasu Jinkai is Emperor Jimmu himself. He was afraid that outsiders would take away the dynasty treasures after his death, so he left many restrictions in the ancient tombs. The only way to break the most powerful ones is through Amaterasu's direct line. Descendants!

However, those who seized the throne did not know the true location of the emperor's tomb. By the time the exact location of the underground palace was discovered again, the royal family was already dead.

It is not the descendants of Amaterasu who control the imperial power. Instead, the real royal bloodline escaped Japan in order to avoid the disaster of war, that is, Miss Caiyun's branch.

But when it came to her lineage, she was the only one left.

After the changes of the times, Amaterasu Kamikai has become the strongest force directly under the Emperor of Japan!

This is also the real reason why the Japanese Emperor has remained standing for more than a thousand years.

It has become the dream of every generation of emperors to open the ancient tomb of Emperor Jimmu, the so-called Amaterasu, search for the ancient artifacts hidden in it, and obtain the treasure.

It was not until recent years that these people from the Amaterasu Society finally followed the clues and captured Miss Caiyun.

But what exactly is the artifact? Caiyun himself didn't know.

Before that, she only knew that she was the only bloodline of the Japanese royal family, and she also knew very little about the Amaterasu Society - after all, their family was the one the Emperor of Japan always wanted to arrest, and the Amaterasu Society was the main one. thug. It was too late for her to escape, so why would she take the initiative to go over and inquire about any information?

However, after being arrested this time, Miss Caiyun learned several additional clues.

Since the Amaterasu Society was completely consolidated by the emperor, the emperor himself has been serving as the supreme leader "head".

Originally, the people under his command were the seven elders, but as the elders continued to fight for power, this position became vacant, and they were only responsible for teaching religious rules and offering sacrifices to the congregation.

The position of master of mysterious power is called Dharma Protector.

In hierarchical order, there are three great guardians, seven guardians of the inner sect and nine guardians of the outer sect.

Although these guardians have different levels, they have no jurisdiction over each other. That is to say, all the protectors of the Amaterasu Association are directly under orders from the Emperor. This is also to prevent further disputes.

Originally, they thought they were done after arresting Miss Caiyun this time.

Unexpectedly, after using Miss Caiyun's blood to open two seals, the third seal could not be opened no matter what.

After discussion among the protectors, they felt that it was due to the Tongxin Dan in Miss Caiyun's body, and it would only work if the other people who were still alive had to be captured, that is, Xiao Bailong, Chu Yi, Han Laoliu and the others.

So, they sent an extremely powerful force, the nine guardians of the outer sect and the three guardians of the inner sect, to sneak into China secretly and capture them back to Japan.

The Amaterasu Society's true purpose of infiltrating China was unknown to outsiders, but the news of their infiltration spread like wildfire!

Although the Jiangbei Zhang Family and Longquan Villa were sworn enemies, they rarely joined forces when faced with an invasion from a foreign enemy, catching Amaterasu by surprise!

In particular, Qiu Fengzhan, one of the four supreme elders of Longquan Villa who had just broken through, announced his comeback as soon as he heard that the Japs had committed a crime. He killed seven of the outer sect's guardians and seriously injured two of the inner sect's guardians.

The Amaterasu Society had a bad start and came back defeated.

After further discussion, we came up with the second move: lure you into an urn!

Therefore, they deliberately spread the news that Miss Caiyun had been captured by the Amaterasu Society, and also revealed clues to the Korean casino, tempting us to go deeper.

Originally, they wanted to take action as soon as we arrived in Japan, but at this moment, they finally figured out the secret of the third seal.

It will only work if we and Miss Caiyun are placed in the center of the formation.

We will know what happens next.

The unconscious Miss Caiyun and the Nine Yin Killing Formation can best kill us. Even if they can't kill us, they don't have anything to worry about anymore. Because once we enter the tomb, the contract is automatically generated. As long as we don't get the formation eye, we can't escape even if we have great abilities.

Therefore, they were all eager to find the treasure at this time and had no time to pay attention to us at all.

This is also the reason why, from beginning to end, we haven’t even met a Japanese Onmyoji!

When Chu Yi heard this, he thought about it carefully and asked Miss Xiang Caiyun: "Then are you sure that this passage is the one they took you through?"

Miss Caiyun nodded and said: "When we cleared the first two levels, they hadn't extracted my soul yet, and they weren't wary of me as the 'key' in my hand, so I remember very clearly that this is where it is. "

"From their conversation, we learned that there are nine secret passages in the Tomb of Amaterasu, but only one of them is true. The other passages either lead to underground magma or are full of traps. After so many years of exploration, they have also The final confirmation is here.”

"In other words, they have dismantled all the traps on this road?" Chu Yi asked.

"No." Caiyun shook his head and said: "There are several types of mechanisms here. One is similar to poisonous arrows, dark crossbows, traps, etc. This type of mechanism does not recognize anyone. In the continuous exploration , most of these institutions have been cleared out.”

"But like the mummy array you encountered before, because we are both the guardians of the tomb, they have retained it, and they have added some settings to make it even more sinister and vicious!"

"There are also some mechanisms that can only be cracked by borrowing my blood or other special reasons. After they cracked it, they tried their best to restore it to the original state to block outsiders. For example, the Nine Yin Killing Formation, after cracking it, it can be cracked again It needs to be changed. Although the mechanism is there, its power is much smaller in comparison."

Xiao Bailong thought for a while and said: "You mean, the one in front of us is the only correct passage?"

"Yes." Caiyun nodded firmly.

"They will never destroy the formation eye?" Xiao Bailong asked again.

"Yes, they are people who have signed a life-and-death contract. Once the formation is destroyed, they themselves will die together, so their purpose is only to obtain the treasure, not to destroy this place."

"Then there's a problem!" Xiao Bailong suddenly stared at Miss Caiyun: "So, after taking the treasure, they will go back the same way, right? Why do we need to take risks? As long as we wait here It won’t be over until they come back.”

"Also, although we are trapped in a life and death contract, you are the only bloodline of Amaterasu."

"All the mechanisms that don't recognize people have been dismantled again. In other words, you can go out unimpeded. In this case, Amaterasu will throw you out as bait and never listen to you again. ?”

"Aren't they afraid that you will be the only one who escapes in the end, thereby revealing the secret they have conveyed for thousands of years?"

"Not to mention the Amaterasu Society, just the fact that the emperor's blood is impure would probably shock the world!" Xiao Bailong sneered.

Caiyun was stunned after hearing this.

Chuyi and I noticed a trace of astonishment in her eyes.

"do not move!"

Xiao Bailong made a mistake with his palm, showed a palm wind, and put it straight on Miss Caiyun's neck: "Then, answer me another question, who are you?"

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