Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1912 Who are you?

This time, not only Miss Caiyun, but also Han Laoliu and I were a little confused. What kind of song did Xiao Bailong sing this time?

Miss Caiyun was stunned for a moment and said: "Xiao Bailong, are you crazy? You can't even recognize me?"

Han Laoliu was a little excited. He was about to say something, but was stopped by Chu Yi. At the same time, he grabbed the sword with one hand and stared at the two people in front of him closely.

"Am I crazy? Haha." Xiao Bailong sneered, and the ice blade in his palm was one step closer to Miss Caiyun's neck: "Although I don't know who you are, I'm sure you are definitely not Caiyun! Although I am too lazy to move You have a lot of brains, but you can't play tricks in front of me. Even though you pretended to be very similar, even Han Laoliu didn't recognize you."

"I don't believe that the great protector is so stupid. Since they have put your body back, they will lose your soul later? I don't believe that they designed such a clever game and left a loophole. Let you run away! And whether it’s the enemy or me, you are the most important link.”

"If my guess is correct, you are controlling Caiyun's body now, right? You can penetrate all the memories in Caiyun's mind, and can perfectly reflect Caiyun's voice, appearance, and smile. You can even control Caiyun except me and Jiang Yunyan. What you just knew was explained clearly. However, you forgot the two most important points!" Xiao Bailong raised two fingers.

"What, what two points?" Miss Caiyun was a little surprised.

"The first one was when I went to check Jiulin's Dantian on the first day of junior high school. When I found that there were no signs, everyone's eyes flashed with disappointment. Only your eyes were clearly fake! Instead, you felt a kind of difficulty in your heart. Hiding the joy. Then, you pretended to be close to Jiulin and opened your mouth to praise him, but your eyes inadvertently glanced at his chest twice. You must be hiding something. The real Caiyun would never do this, and it is related to Jiulin. She will never hide Lin’s matter,” Xiao Bailong said.

"From this, I can tell that you originally wanted to use Caiyun's body to continue to deceive us and let us continue to be deceived, but when you were collecting Caiyu's memories, you accidentally discovered Jiulin. Do you think Jiulin is interested in you? It's more valuable to me, and I can't hide my joy from this! If my guess is right, there must be something in Jiulin or Jiulin that you dream of, right?"

"We once swore an oath to leave the last person and Jiulin to tell his mission and to protect your Amaterasu bloodline. We have been deliberately hiding your identity. Now the world knows that you are of Amaterasu bloodline. , never more than ten! And the only time you saw Jiulin was a moment that none of us wanted to mention, but when you said this, you actually had a smile that couldn't be hidden! This It’s when you see something you’ve always dreamed of, and it’s hard to suppress your inner joy.”

"Although your eyes and smiles are fleeting, it's not that easy to deceive me! You, me, and Jiang Yunyan were all adopted by the Tianshan Leng family for seven years when we were children. I have always regarded you as my biological sister. Although Never screamed. Your every move will never escape my eyes! Even Lao Liu, who loves you deeply, cannot compare to this."

When Xiao Bailong said these words, the scene suddenly froze.

Han Laoliu opened his mouth blankly and asked in surprise: "Is this true?"

"The unconscious Caiyun is real. After waking up, Caiyun has become a different person - at least her soul is being controlled by another person at this time!" Xiao Bailong shouted.

Miss Caiyun remained silent, turned to look at us, then stared at Xiao Bailong closely for a long time, suddenly said something in Japanese, and then burst into laughter.

The voice was hoarse and sharp, almost like a ghost crying.

Strangely enough, this voice sounded very familiar to us.

"Are you...that old man from a Korean casino?" Han Laoliu heard it.

"Hmm, your ears are very good." Miss Caiyun extended her thumb in approval, and then extended her thumb at Xiao Bailong: "Your, amazing! I admire you!"

"Sure enough, it's this old bastard!" Han Laoliu suddenly stood up, and a hardwood awl suddenly appeared in his hand.

At this moment, I also remembered that on the first day of the Lunar New Year when I was offering the Ten Thousand Life Sacrifice, I had seen a skinny old man floating by. I think it was at that time that this old guy started to control Caiyun. soul.

"How is it? What do you think?" Miss Caiyun asked with a hoarse voice and a slight smile: "My, the control of the soul! The shattering of her body, yours, can you try to do it?"

After saying that, he rushed to Han Laoliu and stretched his neck.

"Lao Liu, just subdue her, let me do the rest." Xiao Bailong said coldly.

Han Laoliu's hands were like vines, and he hugged Miss Caiyun tightly.

Xiao Bailong flicked his fingers, and a streak of snow-white smoke passed directly between Miss Caiyun's eyes.

"Ah!" Miss Caiyun trembled violently and wanted to struggle desperately, but was hugged tightly by Han Laoliu, and she couldn't help but scream in pain.

"You are really smart and confused at the same time. Since I know that you are controlling Caiyun's soul, if there is no way to control you, how can you say it on the spot?" Xiao Bailong flicked his fingers and said, "This move is called Tianshan Jingshen pointed out that I only learned it recently from Leng Erniang, the new head of the Leng family, Caiyun doesn’t know about it at all, so she can’t collect it in her memory!”

"My Frightening Finger is a little special. It doesn't hurt the body or the soul. It only hurts the consciousness. Aren't you controlling Caiyun's soul now? That means you make the decision with the consciousness. That's just right. I'm going to hit you!"

As he spoke, another stream of white smoke flew out.

"Ah!" Miss Caiyun couldn't help but tremble all over, and even her face and forehead were covered in cold sweat.

At the same time, Han Laoliu couldn't help but tremble. His eyes were a little complicated, with both pain and hatred!

He was heartbroken when he saw Miss Caiyun in pain, and he was full of resentment towards this old guy.

"You can keep pretending, and then get hard. I want to see how long this guy with such good acting skills can last!" Xiao Bailong said viciously, and waved his hand and let out another stream of white smoke.

Miss Caiyun stumbled suddenly, almost bringing Han Laoliu to the ground.

"Lao Liu, pry open his mouth, don't let this old guy do something bad and bite his tongue." Xiao Bailong reminded.

When Han Laoliu heard this, he branched two branches from the vines surrounding his body and opened Miss Caiyun's lips.

"If my guess is correct, were you afraid that you wanted to move your soul and escape just now? Unfortunately, it's too late." Xiao Bailong said proudly.


Chu Yi threw out a magic talisman and placed it right in front of her.

Just as the old man laughed, he secretly drew out the talismans and posted them in all directions on the first day of the new year. Nine palaces and eight trigrams were used to control the five elements and three talents. In addition, the positions of the three of us were secretly combined with the twenty-eight stars.

It is the soul-calming talisman, and it has five layers of formations laid out in succession.

Now, even if Miss Caiyun is possessed by the Ghost Emperor, she may have nowhere to escape!

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