Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1917 Miraculous Bloodline

"What is this formation used for? Is it to trap people? Oh, it may be the monster you mentioned. But whether it is this large formation or the monster, they are still in the ancient tomb."

"No matter how great this formation is, it is only part of the Tomb of Amaterasu, right?"

"Yes!" Chu Yi seemed to be inspired and nodded at him: "You continue talking."

As if being encouraged, Xiao Bailong raised his voice a bit: "What did the person who built the ancient tomb want to do with this thing?"

"There is a life-and-death contract set up at the entrance of the tomb. The way to break the contract is to remove the array eye. Just now you analyzed that the array eye may be a living creature, and this thing may trap the array eye monster and prevent it from running away. Out."

"After all, what is the real use of this thing?"

Chu Yi and I suddenly woke up, looked at each other, and shouted at the same time: "It's to protect the formation eye!"

"Yes!" Xiao Bailong clapped his hands and stood up and said: "The life and death contract, the array-eyed monster, and this... what array. These three things seem to be restraining each other and restricting each other, but it's the other way around. Look, they are protecting each other."

"If you want to break the life-and-death contract, you must hunt down the formation-eyed monster, but what if the monster is trapped in the formation? Isn't that an excellent protection? If you can't break the formation, you can't kill the monster, and you can't remove it. Contract! You will become the slave of the owner of the ancient tomb whether you live or die, you see, is that what it is?"

"That's right! Keep talking." I was also greatly inspired and urged.

Xiao Bailong doesn't use his brain. He really has to put in effort, which is really extraordinary!

"If this is really the case, the owner of the tomb wants to protect the tomb and at the same time benefit his descendants - otherwise, the life and death contract would not exclude the Amaterasu bloodline. Isn't this correct?"

"That's right!" Han Laoliu asked anxiously, "What next."

Xiao Bailong looked behind Han Laoliu and said: "What else is there? Isn't Caiyun of Amaterasu's bloodline? This thing should be ineffective against her, but why is she being imprisoned now? Let's study it again. .”

The frown on the first grade of junior high school finally relaxed: "Xiao Bailong is right! The problem lies here."

"There are so many mechanisms in this ancient tomb that it is daunting, but the ultimate goal is to leave the artifact to future generations so that the Amaterasu clan can live forever! Therefore, all the formations in it are not only ineffective for Caiyun, And there should be some kind of remnant that will serve her on its own! Just like the mummies lining the corridor."

"Then why is she even locked up?" Now it was Xiao Bailong's turn to be confused again.

"It's very simple, but it's our negligence." Chu Yi gave a rare smile: "Even if the magic circle can detect her Amaterasu bloodline and intends to protect it, the magic circle is not a human being after all, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil. Caiyun Now he is unconscious. He was tied tightly to his body by Lao Liu with ivy, and I sealed a talisman on his forehead. The residual thoughts in the magic circle can be detected, so it will think..."

"Do we want to harm Caiyun?" Xiao Bailong continued.

"Yes!" Chu Yi responded: "Everything has spirit, even the spells of the magic circle are no exception, not to mention that the magic circle itself is made of the flesh and blood of several peerless masters. They must be They mistakenly blamed us and activated the magic circle on their own."

"Then according to what you said, when the Amaterasu people brought her in, they should have started it already?" Han Laoliu was also a little confused.

"At that time, Caiyun's body and soul were still there. Although it was possible that his soul had been separated, they were all together after all. Naturally, the magic circle had no response!" I answered: "Lao Liu, put Caiyun down quickly. .”

When Han Laoliu heard this, he quickly let go of the ivy and put Miss Caiyun down.

Gah, gah gah…

Outside the stone door, there was a sound of iron and stone rubbing against each other.

Even the light of the spell printed on the ground has faded a bit! It really works.

We looked at each other, with a bit of joy on our faces.

Chu Yi hurriedly stepped forward and was about to erase the spell printed on Miss Caiyun's forehead.

"Wait a minute!" Han Laoliu blocked him and said, "Then what if Ito Shohei possesses him again?"

"You're stupid!" Xiao Bailong shouted: "What did we come to Japan for this time? It's just to save Caiyun. We want a complete Caiyun who can marry you as your wife at any time. She's not insane. Vegetative, the only way to save her is to get her soul back! But now we are trapped here and can't even get out, so what kind of rescue can we talk about? If it is really necessary, can't we wait until we escape from this cage to add a charm to her? Well, I don’t believe there are such powerful magic circles everywhere in the ancient tomb.”

Han Laoliu thought for a moment and extended his thumb towards Xiao Bailong: "That makes sense! Xiao Bailong, you are getting smarter and smarter."

Xiao Bailong sneered: "I've never been stupid, I'm just too lazy to use my brain, okay? But you, since you met Caiyun, your IQ has plummeted! I really don't know what kind of drug Caiyun was given to make her fall in love with you. ! If I were her, I would rather choose the first year of junior high school."

"My sword hasn't seen any blood today." Chuyi glared at him.

"Oh, no, it's not that I would rather, it's a must!" Xiao Bailong continued: "Look at the first year of junior high school. He is capable and handsome. Who the hell is like you? You are so ugly, and you still hold a drunkard all day long. bottle……"

"Get out!" Han Laoliu pushed him away unceremoniously.



As the talisman on Caiyun's forehead was wiped off on the first day of the new year, a series of loud bangs sounded outside the door.

Then, there was a click!

The stone door suddenly rose from the ground and retracted into the top of the wall. It was seamless and had no flaws.

It is completely unimaginable that this place was an insurmountable formation just now.

"Come on! I've had enough of staying in this damn place." Xiao Bailong said, leaping up and already far out the door.

Han Laoliu carried Miss Caiyun on his back, and Chu Yi and I hurried out with swords in hand.

Finally left this prison formation!

Quack, quack…

As soon as we stepped out, the cave suddenly turned, revealing a dark and sloping downward step.

This is the real path!

A few of us leaned against the stone wall in shock and were speechless for a long time.

Although this toss-up was a near miss, it also made us frightened. Even now, we are still terrified when we think about it!

However, it also confirmed many things.

For example, the formation eye in the tomb may really be a living monster as we speculated.

What could it be?

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