Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1918 Underground Morgue

After tinkering for a while, we moved on.

This time, in order to prevent Xiao Bailong from being impatient and messing around, Chu Yi changed positions with him and walked at the front, while he was responsible for holding back.

As soon as they turned the corner after walking down the steps, the first grader who was on the outpost suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Bailong at the back asked anxiously not knowing what happened.

Chu paused for a moment and said, "Don't follow too closely, keep some distance!" Then he walked forward.

When I turned the corner and took a look, I immediately understood why he was so shocked just now.

Beneath the curve is a giant morgue!

The flashlight we use is special equipment provided by Han Laoliu, its full name is called ion super night detector.

After charging once, it can be used for several days, and it is still full of light after being illuminated from a distance of 180 meters.

But when such a powerful flashlight was thrown at it, it didn't even end!

This is a huge and spacious cave!

Dozens of large natural stone pillars surrounded by two people were scattered in the cave, and the remaining space was filled with dead bodies.

Densely packed and stacked in layers over ten meters high.

Such a large space is filled with dead bodies! I'm afraid there are tens of thousands!

The corpses at the bottom were almost the same color as the soil, but the corpses at the top still had bright skin, and it was obvious that they had just died.

Although the air was filled with a rotten, dilapidated and disgusting smell, all the dead bodies were not rotten. They had been stripped of their clothes and neatly stacked together, like a raw meat freezer.

It was a real mountain of corpses!

In the middle of these densely packed and disgusting corpses, there was a path more than three meters wide, dodging the stone pillars supporting the roof of the cave and stretching into the distance.

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, it would be unimaginable that there could be such a terrifying place in the world!

Even though a few of us had long been accustomed to corpses and thought we would never be frightened by any horrific scenes again, we couldn't help but take a deep breath.

What on earth is this place?

Tomb of Amaterasu? Or is it a corpse place on earth?

Chu Yi slowly drew out the Eight-sided Han Sword and walked forward while paying careful attention to his surroundings.

I squeezed the invisible needle tightly and followed closely, the hairs all over my body stood up! No matter how you look at it, you feel like those corpses will wake up at any time, scream loudly, and start clawing and biting us.

A whole tens of thousands!

It's no joke if a corpse mutates.

Even if they all stand motionless and wait for you to chop them, they will be exhausted to death!

Simply what we were worried about never happened.

"Where to run." Suddenly, Xiao Bailong shouted, and his backhand was a wind blade.


The wind blade slashed at the pile of corpses, and it suddenly turned over, with broken corpses flying everywhere!

Chu Yi and I quickly stood up, one guarding the front and the other looking after the left and right, staring closely at the messy pile of corpses.

But apart from the pieces of corpses that were still collapsing, there was nothing unusual at all.

"Xiao Bailong, what did you find?" I stared alertly and asked anxiously.

"It seems... I found a figure." Xiao Bailong was not sure.

"It seems? Have you seen it clearly?"

"I didn't pay much attention, I just felt like something swished past me." Xiao Bailong replied.

"Can you tell me something? This is in a mountain of corpses, so don't be so surprised, okay?"

"It's just because this place is a bit weird. Once there is any trouble, the best way is to attack it head on." He was quite plausive.

I really don’t know how to describe this guy!

"Hey, look, the corpse seems to be still moving." Suddenly, Xiao Bailong shouted again.

I looked in his direction and saw that the corpse was indeed moving, but it was the corpse that he had just chopped down to the ground, and it was still shaking due to inertia.

"Can you……"


At this time, someone seemed to tap me on the shoulder, which scared me.

When I looked back, it was Xiao Bailong again. I was so angry that I was about to yell, but I saw him raising his index finger to make a silence gesture and pointing forward slightly.

Looking in the direction of his finger, I almost screamed!

The corpse was indeed moving!

There was a body that had been chopped into half at waist level, lying on its back, its arms dragging on the ground, slowly moving forward with an extremely incredible movement.

This is definitely not inertia, nor is it an illusion!

A stream of blood that had not completely dried up was flowing out from his belly intermittently, dragging a long trail of blood on the ground. His two elbows scratched on the dusty ground, leaving two drag marks, and sometimes they collided with each other. On other bodies...

This scene is right in front of you!

The corpse was indeed moving! Although the movement was not large, judging from the blood stains and drag marks, this was indeed true.

Han Laoliu and Chu Yi also noticed this, and their expressions became nervous.

On the first day of the year, he made a gesture towards Xiao Bailong and me.

That means asking Xiao Bailong to watch over Han Laoliu and Miss Caiyun, and at the same time warn him not to be tampered with, and wait until he takes me around to see what's going on!

I nodded gently, handed the flashlight to Xiao Bailong, held the invisible needle tightly and slowly leaned over.

After just a few steps, the corpse seemed to notice something and suddenly stopped. Chu Yi and I also stopped quickly.

The blood flowing from various corpses had gathered into a bloody stream, slowly flowing towards us along the terrain.

Just when we were losing our patience, the corpse seemed to realize that there was no danger and slowly started to move again.

Still very slow, but it is indeed moving.

The two yellow eyes flashing on the twisted and shriveled face seemed to be still rotating, and the cracked lips and nose were trembling slightly, as if... they were giving us a cold and lonely smile.

Chu Yi nodded at me.

That's it!

We both jumped at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right.



The eight-sided Han sword and the two ghost-killing swords hit the corpse at the same time, and it immediately broke into several pieces!

At the same time, a black shadow flew out from the corpse, and then got into another corpse with a swish.

This time, we can all see it clearly! Xiao Bailong didn't lie! There is indeed a dark shadow.

Only the size of a fist! The top is thick and the bottom is thin, and there seems to be two snow-white eyes.

I just ran too fast and didn’t even see what it was!

But we didn’t have time to think about it anymore and rushed over again!

This time, the first grade of junior high school took the lead and asked me to stand by.

Click! A sword energy flew away.

The body was cut in half, and the little black shadow jumped out of the dead body's neck cavity, trying to escape again!

But I had been waiting aside for a long time. I raised my hand and swung the invisible needle, and it flew out, and it hit me with a pop.


The black shadow was hurt and screamed suddenly, the sound was like a baby's.

"Wow wow wow..."

At the same time, all around us, the sound of babies crying could be heard.

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