Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1919: The Imp on the Mountain of Corpses (Additional update)

The cry was thin but sharp.

Although it is not big, it keeps happening one after another!

The entire mountain of corpses also came to life at this moment!

Some corpses opened their eyes, some grinned, and some shook their fingers.

Fake corpse! Such a huge number of corpses were reincarnated at the same time.

Black shadows the size of mice emerged from the corpse's mouth and holes in its chest, crying like a baby!

The sound was both sad and terrifying.

Pairs of eyes as bright as light but without eyeballs stared at us tightly, and there were tens of thousands of them.

Originally, in this vast darkness, the densely packed mountains of tens of thousands of corpses were scary enough. Now, coupled with the soul-stirring cries and the slowly squirming corpses, the horrific scene was simply indescribable. Speech.

"What should I do?" Han Laoliu asked worriedly.

It's not that Han Laoliu is the timidest, but the girl Caiyun behind him is still unconscious, and he is deeply afraid that Caiyun will be harmed.

"What else can we do? We can only kill him." Xiao Bailong said coldly.

"Don't mess around!" Chu Yi quickly stopped: "Let's not talk about what this is, look at the number of tens of thousands! Even if it is a mouse, we have to get trapped."

"Then we can't wait to die here." Xiao Bailong squeezed the crystal ball tightly, eager to try.

"Huh?" I looked around and said with some confusion, "Look! These guys are all staring at each other fiercely, but no one dares to rush forward. They are even shrinking back, as if... … There’s something about us that they’re extremely afraid of.”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Bailong turned his head and glanced at Miss Caiyun and said with some confusion: "Could it be... that they are afraid of Caiyun?"

At this time, we are in the tomb of Amaterasu, and Miss Caiyun is the only bloodline of the Amaterasu clan. The Hunyuan Cage just now was opened after sensing her bloodline. Maybe the girl these brats are afraid of is also Miss Caiyun!

"Oh, I understand!" Suddenly, I also woke up: "The reason why those people from Amaterasu put Caiyun back is precisely because of this."

"They know better than anyone else that they must not harm Caiyun in the God's Tomb, otherwise the mechanism in the tomb will be triggered, which is no different from committing suicide! So, they killed two birds with one stone, draining Caiyun's soul, and instead The physical body was put back to deliberately slow down our pursuit."

"But if they do this, isn't it true that their cleverness leads to misunderstanding? You must know that except for the hidden arrow poison crossbows, all the mechanisms in this ancient tomb are ineffective against Caiyun! As long as we take Caiyun with us, won't the journey be smooth? For example, these little devils... No! Look, these little devils seem to be setting up a formation." As Xiao Bailong spoke, he suddenly screamed.

Just before and after his reminder, a few of us also noticed something was wrong.

Those shadowy ghosts seem to be retreating back and forth one by one, but they are retreating in an orderly manner, marching in a row, very organized! Unknowingly, his position was exposed.

Chu Yi waited and watched for a moment and shouted urgently: "We can't delay any longer! Let's go quickly."

Before he finished speaking, he threw out a spiritual talisman and swung his sword quickly to lead the charge.

"Look, I have to kill him." Xiao Bailong complained, squeezed the crystal ball tightly and protected Han Laoliu with me, and chased away.

"Wow, wow wow wow..."

The little ghosts seemed to sense that we were about to run away, and screamed wildly. In an instant, the dark ghost figures with dazzling white eyes flashed towards us.

Although the black shadows are small, their number is terrifying! It’s endless and overwhelming, and even a flashlight can’t penetrate it.


As Chu Yi shouted loudly, a spiritual talisman suddenly exploded, and in the flash of red light, dozens of little ghosts immediately flew away!


The little white dragon waved his hand, and a bright ice pick pierced diagonally, and a large row of ghosts disappeared.

Although the two of them were extremely ruthless, and hundreds of brats were completely destroyed in the blink of an eye, those guys were still surging like waves crashing into the sky.

And what is extremely puzzling is that these little devils just rushed towards Chu Yi and Xiao Bailong, making it difficult for them to move, but they stayed far away from me one by one, not daring to get close at all. Under my protection, they He didn’t even dare to touch Han Laoliu!

How is this going?

At this time, Han Laoliu also discovered this and shouted loudly: "On the first day of the new year, you and Jiulin change places! The little devils are afraid of Jiulin and don't dare to get close."

When Chu Yi heard this, he threw out another spiritual talisman and retreated hastily.

I waved my two swords and rushed forward.

A dozen little devils who were about to rush towards the first grade of junior high school were caught off guard and suddenly arrived in front of me.

Bang bang bang bang!

Before I could strike with the swords I swung, the dozens of little devils were instantly shattered like balloons that had been punctured.


Just when I was feeling strange, a wisp of smoke burst out from my chest, and the little devils around me screamed and fled in all directions.

Swish swish swish!

Ten dark shadows stood in front of me.

One was short, with his hands behind his back.

A tall figure with a bronze lamp hanging above his head.

The other eight are all headless and holding a sharp long sword!

Ten Yin Guards!

When we meet again this time, the ten people are no longer as blurry as shadows and smoke. Instead, they have clear outlines and shapes like cast iron. The color of their bodies is also gloomier, far darker than the night! It's freezing cold all around.

When they saw the black shadow emerging, Chu Yi and others were immediately startled. Xiao Bailong thought it was a killing move awakened by the little devils. With a sudden wave of his hand, a wind blade rushed out.

The tall Colonel Longhou turned his head angrily, stared at those red eyes and waved his hand. The bronze lamp above his head emitted a green light, and the wind blade that was blowing immediately dissipated.

Then there was a flash of green light and flew straight towards the little white dragon.

"Don't..." I said in fear.

The Dragon Roar School seemed to understand my intention and took control of the bronze lamp again.


The green light flew past the little white dragon and went straight into the little ghosts.

Puff puff! Along the way, the little devil broke apart and turned into ashes.

The green light was like a searchlight that suddenly lit up in the dark night, rushing straight away and carving a bloody path.

The end of the green light fell on the corpse mountain, and a cloud of green smoke exploded with a bang, and a huge hole was blown out of the corpse mountain!

The piles of corpses were falling everywhere, and the broken bones and flesh were flying all over the sky!

Xiao Bailong was so shocked that he squeezed the two crystal balls into one and wanted to deal with the Dragon Roar School.

"Don't mess around! This should be Jiulin's method." Chuyi saw the clues and stopped him loudly.

"Jiulin's method? This... what is this?" Xiao Bailong and Han Laoliu both looked at me in surprise.

At this point, I had no time to explain—in fact, even I couldn’t explain how they became my guardians.

During several times of crisis, the Ten Yin Guards took action to eliminate powerful enemies for me. Apart from a vague guess that it might be related to the Ebony Core, I knew nothing about anything else.

But this time, I felt something I had never felt before.

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