Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1921 Burning the Soul and Burning the Body

Rest for a while and move on.

My body was still a little weak and I hadn't recovered for a while. The person walking in front was replaced by Xiao Bailong again.

"Xiao Bailong, you must never..."

On the first day of the junior high school, he was about to give some instructions, but was interrupted by Xiao Bailong's impatient wave of his hand: "I know, why don't you tell me not to rush into action? I have a sense of proportion." After saying that, he swayed forward. .

In fact, we are really worried about this!

The passage we are walking on now is a little different from the past.

This passage is similar to a cylinder, and the surrounding stone walls are very flat and smooth, like a huge cement pipe.

Not far away, red pictures appeared one after another on the wall of the pipe.

The lines on the picture are rough and mysterious, like spells and ornaments, and there is no way to tell what they are.

The pictures appear in very irregular locations, sometimes far and sometimes close, sometimes large and sometimes small.

The only thing that is the same is that there is a dark burn mark at the bottom of each picture. The marks are very irregular, and it is impossible to guess the cause of the formation.

The management passage went straight forward, and after walking for more than half an hour, I finally turned a corner. On the ground in the curve, there was a large blood stain!

Judging from the impressions, the time span of the blood stains left behind is very large. The blood stains imprinted in the cracks of the stone have long turned into black and gray, almost the same as soil. However, the blood stains on top were just thrown away and are still bright red. .

Little Bailong held up his flashlight and scanned around, only to see a strange humanoid face protruding from the top of the stone wall.

This face was about the size of a basin, and it was so bright that it seemed to be made of pure gold!

The facial features on the strange face are extremely uncoordinated, with a big mouth and a small nose. There is also an extra eye on the forehead. The big eye protrudes high, much higher than the tip of the nose, and almost takes up the entire face. More than half of that.

This strange face looked down from top to bottom, looking down angrily.

The blood was obviously caused by him!

Chuyi looked up and down and said: "It seems that this is one of the forbidden formation agencies! The blood should be left by those Amaterasu members who tried to break into it. Judging from the traces of blood, they have used this agency It was cracked continuously for many years, even generations.”

"Then..." Xiao Bailong turned to look at Miss Caiyun: "It wasn't until they caught Caiyun that they were able to crack it."

"It's very possible!" Chu Dian nodded, then subconsciously looked back and said, "If my guess is correct, those pictures on the wall of the tube may also be related to this forbidden formation."

"I know!" Suddenly, I remembered the records in the "Yin Fu Jing" and interjected: "This is the Yin Fire Soul Burning Curse."

"Are you sure?" Chu Yi asked in surprise.

"What is that?" Xiao Bailong was never familiar with battle tactics and the like.

"Remember the picture we just saw? It was not a charm or a decoration at all, but the traces left by those who forced their way in. To be more precise, their souls were still there before they died. He kept struggling, and the burn marks below were the burned bones." I explained.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Bailong asked still puzzled: "You have run so far, but you still can't escape death?"

"Yes!" I nodded: "The great thing about this forbidden array is that it burns your soul. Your soul is burned by the extremely yin fire, and it will be useless no matter how far you run." I pointed. Pointing to the blood-red ground, he said: "Those with insufficient cultivation will die here on the spot. Their bodies will be burned into bloody water, and their souls will be dispersed into smoke. Those with a little ability can avoid death for the time being, but their souls will always be burned by the evil fire." Burning cannot remedy it, and can only slowly cause death.”

"In other words, the higher your cultivation level and the harder you struggle, the more lasting the pain you will experience. On the contrary, it is not as good as someone with a low cultivation level who will die instantly and suffer less."

"Then no one can escape?" Xiao Bailong was startled.

"Yes, as long as you have no soul." I said.

"What is that?" Han Laoliu raised his chin forward.

In the vast darkness ahead, a beam of light suddenly lit up.

We subconsciously put some caution on it and looked from a distance.

The light was very faint, like a candlelight seen through the window paper. It was blurry, but it was extremely conspicuous in this endless darkness.

The candle flame swayed slightly, unextinguished, and gave off a faint glow.

"Let's talk about it later! How to break this forbidden formation?" Xiao Bailong asked impatiently.

"The formation has been broken long ago." Chuyi glanced at him sideways and said, "Otherwise, until now, would we still be safe?"

"Broken?" Xiao Bailong turned his head and looked at me.

Along the way, he may also feel that my understanding of these ancient formations is no less than that of the first grade of junior high school. Many times, they even know more details than what they knew in the first year of junior high school, so they ask me for advice.

I nodded and said: "Actually, this entire circular passage is the Soul Burning Array. The carved three-eyed strange face is just the triggering eye of the array. Once someone reaches the visual range of the strange face, it will be automatically triggered. . When the forbidden spell is triggered, even if you just step on the formation, there is no way to escape. Since we are all fine, it means that the forbidden formation has been lifted, and now the strange face is just a decoration."

"It's interesting." Xiao Bailong immediately got angry when he heard this: "Is it interesting for you two? Your formation is broken, why are you talking so much? You just bullied me because I don't understand this thing, and deliberately scared me. "

"I don't have that leisure!" Chuyi glared at him: "This is the first forbidden formation that Amaterasu has encountered since entering the ancient tomb! It is this forbidden formation that has blocked them for thousands of years. For a long time, it was precisely because of the obstruction of this forbidden formation that they had to look for Amaterasu's bloodline. Don't you think we should study it carefully? As long as we understand the key points, we can bring Caiyun to the ancient tomb. There is no obstacle in the way, and all the ancient formation mechanisms have no effect on us, it is no better than just fighting to the death."

"Then what did you come up with through your research?" Xiao Bailong choked and sarcastically said, "If it weren't for Jiulin, you wouldn't even know the name of this formation, yet you're still researching it! It's important to hurry up and hurry up."

Now it was the first day of junior high school's turn to be embarrassed and turned to look at me.

Although Chu Yi had a profound knowledge of Taoism, the Yin Fire Soul Burning Curse was from ancient times. If it weren't for the "Yin Fu Jing", which contains a wide range of contents and is known as the encyclopedia of magic in the world, how would I have learned about it?

Judging from the situation just now, I have only heard about Chu Yi's formation, and I don't know much about the details. Although the formation has been broken at this time, it is not easy to detect the mechanism in a short time?

I carefully recalled the records about the Yin Fire Soul Burning Curse in the "Yin Fu Jing", then squatted down, carefully looked at the blood stains on the ground and said: "This burning array only works on the soul, anyone who enters will die. No doubt. I think Amaterasu has been doing research for thousands of years, but it was only in recent years that they discovered the clues. Look at this blood stain!"

As I said that, I pointed to the ground.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, there were some tiny white beads on the bloodstain I was pointing to, and when I touched them with my hand, they rolled around.

"Is this mercury?" Chu Yi recognized it instantly.

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