Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1922 Youth Fruit (Additional update)

"Yes! Although this thing is extremely poisonous, it is also commonly used by alchemists. Obviously, this person may have been an alchemist in life, but look..." After saying that, I picked up a piece of mercury and put it in the palm of my hand. Then he drew another spell.

A black smoke emerged from the mercury beads. The smoke was as weak as silk, almost invisible.

"Soul shadow?" Chu Yi asked in surprise: "Wouldn't the Soul Burning Curse kill all souls? How could this person still have a trace of soul shadow left until now? Since he has this ability, why can't he escape."

"Yes, the Soul Burning Curse can kill all souls, but there is one exception, and that is the soul of the controller!"

"The controller's soul?" Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood: "Like the old man who extracted Caiyun's soul?"

I nodded and continued: "Once you step into the forbidden formation, your body and soul will be destroyed. However, if this person's soul is controlled by someone, there will be an exception. The person who steps in will naturally die, but the controller's Although the soul will suffer some damage, it can take the opportunity to escape! And mercury is a natural soul-hiding thing, and the manipulator behind it uses this to escape."

"There has been no way in or out of this forbidden formation, so the Amaterasu people used this method! They extracted the soul of an alchemist and entered the forbidden formation to find out. It doesn't matter whether this person dies or not, as long as the manipulator behind it can Just clear the secret of the Forbidden Formation."

"Through this, they finally discovered the origin of the forbidden formation, which is the Yin Fire Soul Burning Curse! The most appropriate way to break this forbidden curse is to find a soul that has the same blood as the person who set up the formation."

"The Forbidden Formation should have been set up by Amaterasu's relatives, and the bloodline is naturally the legacy of the Amaterasu clan. In this way, they had to find Miss Caiyun."

Han Laoliu touched his chin and said: "Jiulin, are you saying that Caiyun is probably the soul that was extracted here?"

"It should be good!" I responded: "Although Caiyun was caught by them, he would never willingly explore the way for them. Others did not dare to step in and try, so the old man extracted Caiyun's soul and controlled it. She entered it. As soon as the forbidden formation noticed Caiyun's soul, it naturally lost its effectiveness, and the forbidden formation was cracked."

"No, you didn't understand what I meant." Han Laoliu shook his hand: "Since her soul was extracted here and resonated with the forbidden formation, can we think of a way to remove Caiyun's soul? Replace it?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Originally, this strange face would not hurt her soul, but since Caiyun's soul was being manipulated at that time, she naturally tried her best to resist. The forbidden formation here is closely related to her bloodline, and it belongs to her. When the residual consciousness is the strongest, maybe she will fight hard here and try to break out of the cage."

"Stop!" Xiao Bailong shouted: "Lao Liu and I don't want to know the principle, we just want to know if this is possible!"

"According to what Jiulin said, this possibility is possible." Chuyi answered: "But if it fails, her body will also suffer some damage, at least..."

Chu Dun paused and said: "At least she can no longer maintain her current girlish appearance, and is even much older than her peers."

When Han Laoliu heard this, he stared at Miss Caiyun and hesitated.

Xiao Bailong interjected: "Lao Liu, let me ask you something. If Caiyun can't keep her appearance and turns into an old lady with gray hair and wrinkles, will you still love her?"

"Nonsense!" Han Laoliu said angrily: "Caiyun and I are far from being together overnight. No matter what she becomes, I will never change her mind until death! I'm just a little worried, if Caiyun sees her old face..."

"That's okay! As for the appearance, you don't have to worry. When Caiyun, Jiang Yunyan, I and I were traveling, we accidentally ate the youth fruit. It is precisely because of this that the three of us can maintain the appearance of the past and remain unchanged for a long time... "As he said that, he turned to look at Chu Yiyi: "If I didn't know your details, I would really doubt whether you had swallowed that thing too."

"I still have one of these fruits. I originally planned to wait for Jiang Yunyan to come out of customs and sell it at a high price...ahem." When he said this, Xiao Bailong's face suddenly turned red unnaturally, and he pretended to cough. Covering up the past: "I have always regarded Caiyun as my biological sister. As long as she uses it, I will never hesitate. Don't worry."

Immediately, he turned to me and Chu Yiyi: "You two, tell me, how do you do it?"

"Jilin, your body hasn't fully recovered yet, let me do it." Chu Yi said, pulled out a few talismans and stuck them around, then cut off a strand of girl Caiyun's hair and clamped it between his fingers.

As he muttered words, all the charms floated in the air, swirling around Miss Caiyun.

"Sick!" Chu Yi shouted loudly.

Golden gleams lit up on the talisman, and wisps of green silk spread out, swaying gently like willows in the wind. Then they split into two paths and flew away, one way flying far away to the candlelight in front of the cave, and the other way rising continuously. , flying towards the strange face on the top of the wall.

This indicates that Caiyun's soul is divided into two sides.

One side is controlled by the old man Ito Shohei, and the other is hidden in the strange face.

"Xiao Bailong, it's up to you!" I called Xiao Bailong and made a finger-cutting gesture towards Miss Caiyun.

Xiao Bailong understood immediately when he saw it, stepped forward, wiped it on Miss Caiyun's finger, and jumped up.

Han Laoliu released a withered vine with tacit understanding, and Xiao Bailong used his strength to step on it, reaching the top of the wall.


As soon as Xiao Bailong touched the strange face, the strange face suddenly emitted a ray of light.

It was as if this was not a forbidden mechanism, but a light. Xiao Bailong just touched the switch!

That ray of light was not slanted, just shining on the head of Miss Caiyun in Han Laoliu's arms.

Uh-huh! In a flash of light, everyone came in.

Bang bang bang!

All the talismans floating around were shattered into ashes. Chu Yi's throat tightened and he spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.

"How was it? Did it succeed?" Xiao Bailong asked anxiously.

"Lao...Lao Liu..." Miss Caiyun pursed her lips and shouted softly.

"Ah! I...I'm here." Han Laoliu shouted in surprise and joy, and tears of excitement flowed out.

With just such a call, Caiyun became motionless again, but the wings of her nose were slightly inflamed, and her complexion returned to a bit rosy.

"Caiyun, Caiyun..." Han Laoliu shouted in oblivion, shaking gently.

"Is this... is this a success or not?" Xiao Bailong was a little confused.

"It can be said that it was successful, or it could be said that it was not successful." I explained: "On the first day of the month, I activated Caiyun's remaining spiritual power in the strange face. One soul and three souls have broken free and returned to the body. The rest The two souls and four souls are still in the hands of the old man. But now, the old guy can no longer invade the body. As long as he gets back the half, Caiyun will be able to wake up completely. "

"To put it more vividly, we have pulled Caiyun halfway back from the hell gate. She is now conscious, thinking, able to hear and feel, but she can't move for the time being."

After my explanation, Xiao Bailong understood it completely, turned around and shouted to Han Laoliu: "Lao Liu, stop shouting! If you want to be my brother-in-law, stand up quickly and let's go and kill him." ." As he spoke, he waved his hand and swung the wind blade away as if to vent his anger.

Click! The wind blade hit the stone wall with a click, and gravel flew into the air.

Quack, quack…

At this moment, there was a series of noises overhead.

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