Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1923 The six-finger machine door

We looked up a little strangely, but we saw that the protruding eyes of the strange face were slowly shrinking inwards.

The rattling sound of the machine spring was continuous, as if Xiao Bailong had accidentally triggered the hidden mechanism just now!

"Not good!" Chu Yi realized something was wrong and screamed, holding his sword and looking sideways.

Han Laoliu quickly stood up and protected Miss Caiyun tightly.

The little white dragon squeezed the crystal ball tightly and stared upward!

Click! The machine spring rang loudly and finally reached the bottom.

With a crash, the strange face split into two, like two doors that were pushed open and suddenly cracked open.

There really is a golden door inside!

There are also many complex and exquisite patterns vaguely engraved on the door, but they are too far away and some of them cannot be seen clearly.

This is not some harmful trap, but a treasure?

Several of us were a little shocked and looked at each other.

"I'll go take a look!" Little Bailong jumped up before he finished speaking.

"Don't touch it randomly." Chu Yi quickly reminded.

The little white dragon jumped to the top of the wall, his hands and feet were frozen, and he hung himself tightly above it. He stuck his head and looked inside and said, "There are eleven small holes here."

"Eleven?" The first day of junior high school was a little strange: "Have you counted it yet? How come it is eleven."

"Bah!" Xiao Bailong turned his head and took a sip: "I don't understand the formation spells, but you can't go wrong by counting them! There are no more, no less, exactly eleven small holes."

"This is strange..." Chuyi frowned and thought to himself: "Since there are holes, they must be secret locks of the mechanism, but the number is wrong! One is the independent phase, two are yin and yang, and three are the three talents. , four are the four poles, five are the five elements, six are Juelong, seven are Beidou, eight are hexagram positions, nine are star palaces, ten are constant laws, but what do eleven mean?"

"What if there are two formations? For example, five plus six, or eight plus three or something." Xiao Bailong reminded.

"This is impossible!" Chu Yi shook his head and said: "Once the secret locks of the mechanisms are formed side by side, they will inevitably collide with each other. It is better to build another door! By the way, how are those small holes arranged?"

"There are two rows vertically, five on one side and six on the other. The sizes are different, and they become thinner as you go down."

"The smallest hole is only the size of an apple. Hey, no, no..." Xiao Bailong poked his head inside again, took a closer look and said, "That hole shouldn't be some kind of mechanism, it's full of hopelessness. Yes, I can see to the end. The depth inside is also different, the thickest hole is the shortest, and the third one on both sides is the deepest."

"I know! The key to this mechanism is the hand." Suddenly, Han Laoliu shouted.

Several of us looked at him in unison, and he said very excitedly: "This mechanism is not a formation, but a handprint! It is the shape of two hands deeply inserted into it."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands to make a gesture, then raised Miss Caiyun's hand and said, "Caiyun has six fingers. According to her, her father does too! Maybe the Amaterasu clan is like this."

"Caiyun's soul has been lifted from the restriction. Just now we unintentionally smeared Caiyun's blood on it, thus opening another secret door! And this secret door should be unlocked with the Amaterasu family's handprint."

"It makes sense!" Xiao Bailong jumped down and praised loudly: "I say, Lao Liu, Lao Liu, your IQ has plummeted since you met Caiyun, but once something happens to Caiyun, you will Back to normal! Haha! Come on, help me send her up." He turned his back.

Han Laoliu gently placed Miss Caiyun on Xiao Bailong's back and tied her up with vines.

Gah, gah gah…

At this moment, the sound of the spring rotating sounded again. When I looked up, I saw that the stone wall where the Golden Gate was located had a square as big as a tabletop dented in it. It was gradually shrinking inward, and in an instant it was far away from the surrounding stone walls. Three meters away!

Xiao Bailong cursed, raised his head and glanced at the top of the high wall and said: "First grade of junior high school, lend me a kick!"

The stone wall was already extremely high, and it was almost the limit for Bailong. Now that he was carrying another person on his back, the stone wall kept shrinking inward, and he might not be able to handle it.

When Chu Yi heard this, he stepped on the stone wall and stood up.

The little white dragon then jumped into the sky.

Although he jumped up from behind, his speed was far faster than that of Chu Yi. Just when the two of them passed each other, he stepped hard on the long sword held high by Chu Yi and used his strength to get up again!

The moment he touched the stone wall, a snow-white chill spread all over his body, firmly hanging him in the air. Then he grabbed Miss Caiyun's hand and inserted it into the hole.

A crunch!

The machine spring stopped, and the golden door opened in response.

Xiao Bailong took something out, turned around and flew down.

Han Laoliu quickly picked up Miss Caiyun in his arms. Xiao Bailong took the thing and saw that it was a polyhedron the size of a fist - no matter which direction you looked at it, there were dozens of planes.

The thing was completely black and radiant with black light.

We all took it and took a look, but no one recognized what it was.

This thing may not seem big, but it weighs dozens of kilograms. Regardless of metal or stone, I have never heard of such a high density!

But no matter what it is, it is hidden here in an extremely secretive way, and it requires multiple verifications of Amaterasu bloodline to open it, which shows that this thing has a lot of background, and it is not simple!

"Okay!" Xiao Bailong clapped his hands and said, "Hey, let me tell you, what is the most common phrase you usually say to fool others? Yes, it's a blessing in disguise. Let's consider it a blessing in disguise."

It is true that Miss Caiyun was captured by the Amaterasu Society because of this unbreakable forbidden formation. And we happened to break the mechanism here and found a treasure. I have to say that this is also a kind of chance. !

After repairing it a bit, we continued walking forward.

The faint candlelight became brighter and brighter.

It was as if someone noticed that there were guests outside the door, deliberately turned on the candle wick, and waited quietly for us to arrive!

After walking not far, we came to a stone door. The door was about ten meters high, an arm thick, and roughly estimated to weigh at least a dozen tons.

Fortunately, the door was not closed tightly, leaving a gap more than two fingers wide, and the faint light came out from the crack.

Xiao Bailong stepped forward and pushed, but Shimen didn't move at all. This guy would make a move out of habit.

"Stop!" Chu Yi, who was staring closely at him, quickly stopped him, pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword and inserted it into the crack of the door, swinging it up and down to test.

Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment and said: "Are you okay with your brain? What are you looking for, a door bolt? This is a tomb! Who would repair the door bolt here? And they repair it from the inside out."

"According to what you said, you don't even need to repair the door!" Chu Yi was still testing, and said coldly: "Also, didn't you notice? This door is pushed from the inside out, and you are still facing in. Push, it’s weird if you can push. Who’s brain is wrong? Have you seen these marks on the door? They are all left recently. It’s obvious that the Amaterasu people tried to open it in this way. I just I’m just looking for them to open the specific location.”

Dang Dang!

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yi's sword seemed to have touched something, making a sound of gold and iron.

"Lao Liu." Chuyi withdrew his sword and called back.

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