Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1924 A natural joker

Han Laoliu released a green vine as thick as a finger and crawled in along the crack of the door.


There was a sound of metal scraping and colliding.

Then there was another loud bang. Xiao Bailong and I held both sides of the door and pulled hard.

The stone door slowly opened, revealing a gap as wide as one person. However, before we even entered the door, we were stunned by the sight in front of us!

There is an extremely spacious hall.

It’s the size of two or three football fields! It is about forty to fifty meters high and slightly round.

The entire stone wall, floor and ceiling are all covered with countless sloping planes as smooth as mirrors, constantly reflecting dazzling light.

When the flashlight shines on it, the rays of light are constantly refracted, like a laser reflector in a science fiction movie, with light and shadow woven together.

In the blink of an eye, the entire hall was enveloped in shining beams of light!

There is a bright light all around, and due to the refraction of various light rays, each ray of light has a different color. It is colorful and very spectacular!

After being stunned for quite a while, the rest of us finally woke up.

Xiao Bailong asked a little strangely: "Then what was shining before we came?"

"Look over there." Chu Yi pointed forward.

The colorful hall was bare with nothing, but a long shadow was left on the stone wall in the corner.

What is it that casts a shadow under the light?

Judging from the shape of the shadow, it should be a cylindrical object.

We stepped in the door carefully and walked on the extremely smooth ground. We had to be extremely careful every step we took. If we were not careful, we would fall down!

As we move, the direction of the flashlight naturally changes. At the same time, the angle of light refraction in the entire hall also changes, and the color and direction of the light beam also rotate.

This seems to be an extremely gorgeous stage, with countless colorful lampposts in various colors and endless changes.

Gah, gah gah…

After just a few steps, there was a loud noise behind me. When I looked back, I saw that the door had closed on its own!

We were all shocked, but no one moved - after all, our goal was to go deep into the tomb, and it didn't matter to us whether the big stone door was closed or not, at least we didn't want to go out now.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of noise above the head.

It seemed like the sound of footsteps, and there were so many people walking in unison.

It seemed as if we were under the military parade ground at this moment, and there were groups of soldiers marching in unison!

After the sounds rang together for a few minutes, they disappeared quietly as if they came out of nowhere.

Apart from that, there are not many other changes.

Only then did we relax a little from the tense atmosphere.

"Be careful, I'm going to see what makes this thing glow!" The little white dragon thought we were walking too slowly, so before he could finish his words, he flew over with a whoosh.

The shadow also changed its position with a swish. Xiao Bailong turned around and chased after him. The shadow was much faster than him and flashed to the other side.

"What the hell is this? How can it run so fast?" Xiao Bailong cursed.

"Turn off the flashlight!" Chu Yi said with a bit of laughter: "The shadow is caused by the light of the flashlight, and it is refracted and changing everywhere. If you use the flashlight to catch the shadow, you will never catch it in your life."

"That makes sense." Xiaobai nodded and turned off the flashlight.

As soon as the flashlight was turned off, the light beam in the entire hall disappeared immediately, but there was still a faint light flashing around.

At this time, we finally discovered that there was a stone pillar as high as two people standing in the corner of the hall.

This thing is cylindrical, with a slightly larger head, like a small mushroom that has just sprouted.

Xiao Bailong walked around the stone pillar and said with disdain: "They all say that the little devil is perverted, but it turns out that this is also passed down from ancestors! Look, there is nothing in such a glorious hall, only a large Cock.”

Listening to what he said, we also felt that it seemed a bit... similar.

And it looks ridiculous!

It's so realistic that there is a bulging vein under the round head.

"It is said that whatever is missing will be replenished, even for dead people. If nothing is burned, nothing will be burned. From this point of view, Amaterasu's ancestor must have been an impotent patient." Xiao Bailong looked up at Shizhu and laughed.

"Xiao Bailong, shut up!" Han Laoliu scolded.

"Why, it's not the same for you, is it? Then you have to get treated quickly, so as not to suffer later..." Xiao Bailong was just half teasing when he suddenly closed his mouth and glanced at Miss Caiyun subconsciously.

He may have almost forgotten that Caiyun is not of Amaterasu blood, but her ancestors are buried in Amaterasu's tomb, and Caiyun has regained half of her consciousness now, so she can hear everything! And what he just said.

Sure enough, Miss Caiyun's face turned even redder.

I don't know whether he was angry or ashamed.

But Xiao Bailong seemed to have discovered a new world. He jumped in front of Chu Yi with great surprise and whispered: "Hey, if I continue talking, will Caiyun wake up?"

Chuyi glared at him and said: "There are only two possibilities. The first is that Caiyun will be mad at you on the spot, and the second is that she will kill you after she wakes up."

"Then... let's forget it!" Xiao Bailong scratched his head, feeling a little bored.

Although it is inconvenient to say, several of us feel that this is that thing!

This is obviously the culture of fertility worship, which is true for ancient people of any race - although only Japan is more enthusiastic about this kind of culture, and it continues to this day and becomes more and more intense.

We were originally going to leave here, but that faint ray of light came from the top of the stone pillar.

The little white dragon looked at it, then jumped up onto the stone pillar with some reluctance.

"Huh?" He exclaimed in surprise, then shook his head and said: "It seems that we have mistakenly blamed others. It seems... it is some kind of plant, right? Lao Liu, why don't you come up and take a look? .”

"Tell me, what's it like?" Han Laoliu, carrying Miss Caiyun on his back, was a little reluctant to go up, so he just asked.

"Green! All leaves."

"Nonsense." Han Laoliu said angrily: "Can you say something useful?"

"That's really it." Xiao Bailong said innocently, "Green leaves, round and round, my God."

Suddenly, the little white dragon screamed and jumped down from the stone pillar.

"What's wrong?" I asked a little strangely.

"The leaves are still growing, and... there are still a few people hiding there, dead people." Xiao Bailong emphasized with a weird look on his face.

There's something wrong with this!

If a corpse was suddenly discovered, it would be extremely scary for ordinary people, but Xiao Bailong should not be so frightened.

Not to mention the corpses he had seen, he had killed quite a few with his own hands.

Not long ago, facing such a huge mountain of corpses, Xiao Bailong was not only shocked, but also showed no sign of fear!

But what happened?

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