Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1925 Corpse Demon Vine

Naturally, Chu Yi and Han Laoliu also knew that the current situation was indeed a bit abnormal!

"What happened to the dead man?" Chu Yi asked.

Xiao Bailong looked at the few of us and said in a difficult voice: "Those people are, they are us..."


"Yes!" Xiao Bailong nodded: "The stone pillars are hollow, and they are densely packed with leaves. The vines and branches can't be seen in circles, let alone what kind of plants they are. Just now I saw At that time, those leaves were still growing! When the leaves turned, what was hidden inside was revealed. They were several dead people, looking up at me."

"I saw every face clearly, including Chu Yi, Lao Liu, Jiulin, and me!"

"We are like flower petals, with our heads growing together, and the leaves are growing continuously! It seems that it will emerge in a while."

"What shape are the leaves?" Han Laoliu asked anxiously.

"Like..." Xiao Bailong scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I can't tell. Anyway, it's green, dark green."

"Is that so?" Han Laoliu said as he stretched out a hand, and a bud sprouted from his hand. He gently turned the leaf over and it grew to the size of half a palm in an instant. It had a slightly pointed end and a rounded tail. At first glance, it looked like a bud. It looks like a combination of a triangle and a circle, not like what a plant should look like at all.

"Yes! That's it." Xiao Bailong shouted.

"Lao Liu, what is this?" Seeing that Han Lao Liu's expression looked a little strange, I asked anxiously.

"Corpse Demon Vine!" Han Laoliu squeezed out these words through his teeth!

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Bailong and I didn't feel that terrible, but on the first day of the month, our expressions became serious: "Lao Liu, it's you..."

"Yes! It's this thing on my body. It's because of this thing that I became like this, not like a human or a ghost. However, fortunately, I was born with the body of Aoki, and I managed to survive after struggling hard. It seems like a blessing in disguise, turning this magic vine into my trump card.”

"But what others don't know is that until now, I have been using alcohol to anesthetize my nerves and pain, and continue to fight against it. Only then can I not die, and then merge with the magic vine! This is how my immortal body Come."

"In other words, it's not that I, Han Laoliu, am immortal, but that the vitality of the magic vine is extremely tenacious! It can even be said that I am just the soul attached to the magic vine now! But all this is because I am With the body of Aoki, anyone else would have died tens of thousands of times."

"This thing has extremely strong vitality! It was just a small grass at the beginning, no different from ordinary weeds, and even I couldn't tell it apart. But once it is contaminated with the Yin Qi of the dead, it will mutate! There are constantly people to suck blood and ghosts. It can be harvested, and it will continue to transform, and when it grows into a corpse face, it will be in a mature state."

"Just now you said that he has grown four human faces. They have merged with the soul and consciousness of the deceased and have their own consciousness! The one in my body just grew a human face. This Four faces..." Han Laoliu shook his head slowly, a little indescribable.

"Human faces don't matter, but why are there a few of us?" Xiao Bailong asked with some confusion.

"This is a magic vine that has been cursed by someone! All plants, like yin things, will be cursed by people, especially flesh-shaped plants such as carnivorous flowers. The magic vine itself is extremely yin. If the object is cursed again... we must have been cursed by the magic vine unintentionally." Han Laoliu said sternly: "Once this curse locks you, it will transform into your appearance, and wait until the fruit matures. , no one can save you, even if there is a supreme god-level master standing next to you, there is nothing you can do."

"Then...then what are you waiting for? Run quickly." Xiao Bailong shouted.

"It's late, look!" As he said this, he snatched the flashlight from Xiao Bailong's hand and looked around.

I saw pieces of buds emerging from the stone gaps on the floor, walls and ceiling, and they were growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Bailong asked doubtfully: "You ask me to destroy the magic vines. I may not be able to do it, but can these little buds stop us?"

"You can give it a try." Han Laoliu said.

Whoosh! Xiao Bailong waved his hand and threw out a wind blade.

The wind blade swept across the ground, sending gravel flying.

But those young shoots were not affected at all, and instead became more vigorous where the wind blade swept them.

The little white dragon's body shape changed, turned into a white light, and moved forward rapidly.


The ground in front of him suddenly exploded, and a vine as thick as a thigh shot up into the sky, with a head dangling on the top of the vine.

His face was pale and his eyes were dull, it was Xiao Bailong himself!

When the little white dragon saw it, he was in mid-air and quickly retreated.

A patch of buds roared up, forming a big green net blocking the way!

"Snow!" Xiao Bailong was still unwilling to give in, clasping his hands together, he shouted sternly.

A snow-white tornado roared up, but as soon as it reached the vines, the wind stopped and the snow stopped, turning into a piece of snowflakes and scattering.

At the same time, the big green net also covered his head, and the thick vine behind him that was shaking the corpse's head also came after him.

At this time, the little white dragon has been castrated for several times and has become old. He is attacked from both sides and his life hangs by a thread!

"His grandma's!" Xiao Bailong yelled angrily. Just as he was about to take something out of his arms, the vines thrown out by Han Laoliu grabbed his ankle and pulled him back.

"You can't fight it." Han Laoliu said: "Even if you risk your life, you can only get rid of a branch, and you can't damage its origin at all."

"As long as the origin is immortal, it has endless power. Originally, plants are the weakest life in the world, but once this thing borrows Yin Qi and has its own consciousness and strength, if it really wants to go crazy, there will be nothing. The method can completely kill it!"

"Besides, this magic vine has been growing like this for at least tens of thousands of years. You all still remember the barren hill above the ancient tomb, right? There are only some short grasses growing on the whole barren hill, let alone trees. There weren't even half a plant of other plants. At that time, I thought it was due to the terrain and the limitations of the tomb's shadow formation, so other species couldn't grow. Looking at it now, I'm afraid it's the descendants of the magic vine, which have already spread all over the place. Cover every inch of land.”

"We have been cursed now. Even if we can forcefully rush out from here, our vitality will be severely damaged, let alone the killing formation. Not to mention there are people from the Amaterasu Society waiting in front." Han Laoliu said.

Xiao Bailong was stunned when he heard that, looking at the weeds that continued to grow around him, he still shouted unwillingly: "How is it possible? How can I not even be able to fight against a plant?"

"This is not a plant!" Han Laoliu said extremely firmly: "This is a ghost! On the surface, the ivy is contaminated with human blood and yin energy, but in fact, it is the ghost that survives through the ivy. Just like the snow or ice you turned into, isn't it still water in essence? You can also think of this magic vine as a kind of ghost cultivator. Their only remaining consciousness is to kill! Turn all living people into become its fertilizer.”

"Then what should we do? Can we just sit here and wait for death?" Xiao Bailong said in shock.

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