Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1926: In trouble

"There is a way, which is to remove the curse! As long as the person this demonic vine must kill is not you, I will have a way to get out of trouble. But the problem now is that we don't even know where the curse is, so how can we break it?" Mr. Han Six sighed.

Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment and said: "When I entered the tomb, I swept away a large area of ​​green grass. Since you said those are his descendants, could you be cursed at that time..."

"No!" Han Laoliu said firmly: "The magic vine has no thoughts, and there is no concept of revenge or descendants. Its only instinct is to kill people for fertilizer, so this curse should have nothing to do with the magic vine itself."

"Let's think about it from another angle." I interrupted the two of them: "Long before us, the Amaterasu people passed through here, but why were they not cursed? Or to put it another way, from the perspective of the magic vine Let’s see, what’s the difference between us and those people from Amaterasu?”

"What's the angle of the magic vine?" Chu Yi and I shouted at the same time: "Life and death contract!"

"Yes." Han Laoliu nodded and replied: "This should be the problem! This tomb has a dark room specially built for the magic vine. Although it is deep underground, it can reflect sunlight from far away from the ground through its exquisite design. , for growth. It is enough to show that the magic vine itself is also in the plan of the tomb builders. And all the designs revolve around one thing, that is, the life and death contract."

"In other words, the vines will treat people with the mark of the life and death contract as the same kind and will not infringe. And we may be the only outsiders who have come here since the tomb was built - after all, even Amaterasu themselves have been Stuck outside the Soul Burning Curse, he only came in recently!"

"Naturally, we became the first guests that the magic vine welcomed in the tomb in thousands of years!"

Xiao Bailong looked around and said, "In this case, why don't these magic vines attack? They just prevent us from escaping?"

Han Laoliu pointed to the light on the stone pillar and said: "Didn't you see that the light is very faint? What is attracted now is the light of the stars and the moon, which means it is night. The habit of the magic vine is to digest at night and eat during the day."

"Eating during the day?" Xiao Bailong's expression changed: "I understand! Aren't those little devils going to move the corpses? They will probably move here to feed the magic vines."

As he spoke, he looked up and said, "There! There is a hole there. It should be where the little devils threw their bodies."

"After going in a big circle, the problem comes back again. The focus is still on the life and death contract." Chu Yi held the Eight-sided Han Sword in his arms and frowned: "Jiulin also said that if we want to break the life and death contract now, the only way The way is to destroy the formation eye, but now the way is blocked by this magic vine..."

"It seems that the breakthrough point is still with Caiyun!" Xiao Bailong suddenly said.

"Caiyun is the legacy of Amaterasu. The forbidden array in the tomb has no effect on her at all, and even the magic vine forbidden spell is still ineffective. It seems that the only one who can save us now is Caiyun." I nodded.

We were originally here to rescue Caiyun, but since we met Caiyun, we have been using the power of her blood to escape from danger one after another. It is really hard to explain who saved whom!

"I have thought of this a long time ago." Chu Yi, who was pacing, stopped and said, "But how can we save her? Not to mention that she is unconscious now, even if she is sane, there is no way to help us lift the curse. .”

"Have you forgotten how those bastards from the Amaterasu Society took advantage of us?" I smiled slightly.

"You mean the origin of the five elements?" Chu Yi was surprised for a moment, then turned to Han Laoliu and asked: "Lao Liu, does this method work?"

Han Laoliu shook his head and said: "The devil vine originally belongs to wood and is also among the five elements. In the end, in essence, I am no different from the devil vine now. Even if the five elements origin is activated, as long as I can kill the devil vine. It can kill me, but if it’s harmless to me, it can’t hurt the demon vine at all.”

"I'm talking about the first grade of junior high school. When did you become an elm-headed person like Lao Liu?" Xiao Bailong hugged his shoulders and said: "When it comes to the five elements, do they have to be in harmony and in conflict with each other? Don't you think you can adapt to it?"

"Make some changes?" Chu Yi still didn't understand.

"Why are you so stupid!" Xiao Bailong said with some disgust: "The magic vine belongs to wood, and you are gold, right? These are completely incompatible. You can't deal with the magic vine because you are not strong enough, but if Jiulin gives you What about borrowing power? Earth generates gold, and so on, we can activate the original power, derive from each other, and finally condense the power of five people into you! In terms of this power, I am afraid that I can go with Long Qingqiu for dozens of rounds! I don’t believe it, this can’t kill it.”

"But..." Han Laoliu was about to say something, but was stopped by Xiao Bailong: "I know you may blame me for being reckless. If this move continues, except for the first year of junior high school, all of us will be in a state of chaos in a short period of time. Just like a useless person! But isn't it the same result just waiting for death? It's better to fight hard."

"We have been restricted by the contract of life and death. It seems difficult to do anything, but think about it on the other hand? As long as we break the formation eye, the life and death contract will naturally be broken and no longer exist; all curses and the forbidden formation will also be Then it died! Isn’t this just one thing that will destroy a hundred things, and one thing will end a hundred things.”

"In other words, the existence of the life and death contract is a good thing for us. It is equivalent to a master key! After entering the tomb, there is only one way to go. It is better to not care about anything and not care about anything. , only focused on finding the Formation Eye. If it is destroyed, everything will be solved! Even those Amaterasu people who have signed a life-and-death contract are also finished, aren't they?" Xiao Bailong explained.

"It's better to kill yourself if you keep shrinking! As the saying goes, the brave will win when faced with a narrow road. Since we are already in a dead end, what else do we have to worry about? It is better to die first and then live, and go straight to this simplest place Go straight ahead."

Xiao Bailong is impulsive by nature and never likes to use his brain too much, but once he does use his brain, it is from a unique angle that always gives people a feeling of sudden enlightenment!

In particular, this sentence "die first and then live" is extremely appropriate when applied to the present moment.

There are magic vines in front of us and a life-and-death contract behind us, which really puts us in a desperate situation!

At this moment, the only option is to give it a try!

After the first year of junior high school, Han Lao Liu and I looked at each other, we couldn't help but shout at the same time: "It makes sense."

"Since it makes sense, what are you waiting for? Let's take action quickly!" Xiao Bailong said, putting a hand on Han Laoliu's back.

"Wait a minute!" Han Laoliu shouted.

"What are you waiting for?" Xiao Bailong shouted angrily.

Han Laoliu pointed to the light on the stone pillar and said: "Look, the light is gradually dimming. By calculation, it should be the darkest moment before dawn. In other words, it will be dawn soon!"

"Why don't you hurry up? Didn't you already tell me that Mo Teng is used to eating during the day?"

"That's why!" Han Laoliu explained: "The magic vine eats during the day and is most offensive, but it is also the weak point of defense. We are not on defense now, but to break through and attack, so naturally we have to choose the time when it is weakest. ah!"

Wow, wow...

At this moment, there was a rushing sound above the head, and then half a face appeared in the hole above the stone pillar.

It was an extremely distorted and blurred face, with the incomplete features almost squeezed together, and then severely squashed, leaving only an empty and open mouth, which seemed to be still shouting desperately at the last moment of its life. What.

This extremely terrifying face slowly poked its head out of the hole and moved towards us little by little.

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