Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1927 Corpse Moving Team

The corpse moved forward little by little, first the head, then the broken chest.

With a cry, half of the body fell down and fell into the stone pillar accurately. The already broken head hit the edge, rolled down from the neck cavity, and fell to the ground with a crack, smashing to pieces!

Creak, creak, creak!

There was a sound of swallowing and chewing in the stone pillar, and then, a small dark figure poked out of the hole above, looking down steadily with two small eyes.

It's the corpse mountain kid!

Sure enough, they guessed it right, they moved the corpse just to throw it here.

But, why do they do this? What are you waiting for here?

Two vines flew out of the stone pillar. One tightly wrapped the head that fell to the ground and brought it back. The other was like a big stranded fish, constantly rolling, greedily sucking the brains and blood all over the ground. , and it was smoked cleanly in an instant! Then it was taken back into the stone pillar.

The sound of chewing gradually became weaker, and then a faint black smoke floated upward.

The kid waiting above suddenly had his eyes bright, stretched out the hole, and devoured it with big mouthfuls!

"So that's it!" Chu Yi suddenly realized: "This kid took the trouble to drag the corpse here to feed the demon vine, just waiting for the yin energy released by the demon vine to digest the corpse. This is a good thing for the kid."

The Yin Qi gradually dissipated, the kid left with satisfaction, and calm returned to the stone pillar.

"Didn't you say this thing eats during the day?" Xiao Bailong turned to Han Laoliu and asked.

"The day and night I'm talking about are calculated according to hours, and have nothing to do with whether it's bright or not. Besides... look." Han Laoliu suddenly pointed at the stone pillar and shouted.

Seeing the light in the stone pillar gradually getting stronger, it became more and more dazzling through the reflection of the countless slopes on the top of the wall.

Perhaps due to the different angles, this ray of light did not radiate in all directions like a flashlight, but gathered far away on the other side of the stone wall, forming a colorful light curtain that was gradually expanding.

At first it was only the size of a fist, then gradually became the size of a watermelon, and finally it stretched more than ten meters across and was two or three people tall!

Under the light of that halo, a picture appeared on the stone wall.

Nine giant golden dragons pulling an extremely luxurious cloud car came slowly!

There was a tall figure vaguely sitting in the car, but the golden light bursting from all sides of the car made it impossible to see his face clearly.

This light and scene are becoming more and more lifelike and realistic, as if there is a real god descending from the sky driving a Nine Dragon Cloud Chariot!

The Nine Dragon Cloud Car is getting closer and closer, getting bigger and bigger. We can even really see every scale on the dragon's body, and a pattern on the car's body!

Suddenly, the golden light behind the car exploded, like a meteor smashing into the lava, with rapids splashing and golden light running wildly in all directions.

The entire hall was immediately filled with golden light, shining into every corner!

Even the eyes of a few of us were shrouded in golden light, and our eyes were full of golden color!

At this moment, it was as if time and space were reversed and a miracle reappeared!

At this moment, as if the stars have changed, the Heavenly Lord comes to the world!

Then, as the light flowed, the Nine Dragon Cloud Cart gradually moved away, leaving a bright golden light in the sky on the stone wall.

The entire hall was shrouded like daylight!

Although I was shocked by the scene in front of me, my consciousness was very clear. This was by no means an illusion, but was created by ingenious design and tens of millions of slanting mirrors in all directions, separating the rising sun. illusion.

The overall shape of this cave is naturally formed. Judging from the area, it should be volcanic bright rock. Most of these slopes are naturally formed flow-slip layers, and only a few of them have been artificially polished.

It seems that the legend about Amaterasu by the Japanese ancestors is not groundless. This scene, even if it is seen today, I am afraid that people will worship it as a miracle!

Blah, blah, blah...

The sounds on the top of the wall became denser and louder, and then another corpse slowly moved to the entrance of the cave.

Looks like another hard-working little devil!


The corpse fell down and fell right into the stone pillar.

But the demonic vine did not devour it anymore. Instead, several vines crawled out from the stone pillar, gripping the stone pillar firmly, and then a group of green monsters emerged from inside! He held his head high like a big spider.

To be more precise, they were four heads, growing tightly together at the chin like petals.

You don’t need to look closely to tell that it’s the four of us!

It may be because the kid knocked down two corpses one after another just now. The four heads and the leaves were covered with blood, which made them look even more ferocious at first glance.

Especially when these heads are clearly those of himself and the people around him, there is really an indescribable horror! No wonder Xiao Bailong was so frightened at that time.

"Quick!" Han Laoliu shouted urgently, putting his hand on Miss Caiyun's back.

The junior white dragon and I immediately stood in a line.

Xiao Bailong pressed against Han Laoliu, and Han Laoliu pressed against Miss Caiyun. He also used vines to put Miss Caiyun's palm on my back. I also pressed my hand on the back of the first grade of junior high school.

Water produces wood, wood produces fire, fire produces earth, and earth produces metal!

"Jilin, you don't need to be nervous, just keep calm and let the original energy flow by itself." Chu Yi said as he slowly drew out the Eight-sided Han Sword.

Not far in front of him was the four-headed demonic vine that looked like a demon.

Waves of warm currents rushed from the back of my heart, like lava, hot and hot!

Although it was my first time to try such a novel technique, and the scene at this time was so terrifying and bizarre, after all, this was a life-and-death battle for all of us, how could I dare to be careless and distracted? Quickly calm down and breathe out slowly.

The breath rushed in continuously, and then rolled down the meridians on my arms like a river.

Seeing the veins on Chu Yi's neck bulging and the red behind his ears, it seemed that this technique was indeed unusual.

"Chu Yi, don't move for now, wait for this guy to rush over! Once it's ready to devour us, that's when it's at its weakest." Han Laoliu warned.

The four bloody heads on the magic vine turned and looked at us one after another. Then they opened their mouths wide and the vines flew around like flying octopuses. They rushed over with a roar.

"Do it now!" Han Laoliu shouted angrily.

At the same time, the last surge of power surged out from his palm.

"Kill!" Chu Yi shouted loudly and jumped up.

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