Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1928: The Bridge of Life (Additional update)

The moment his feet left the ground, a brilliant golden light appeared all over his body.

boom! The stone surface underfoot shattered into pieces and turned into smoke.

It was like a sharp golden arrow, rushing straight towards the four strange vines.

There was a slight collision, and then they quickly separated. There was no clang of gold and iron, and there was no sound at all.

As if the world had shifted, Chu Yi and Mo Teng instantly changed positions.

Chuyi landed on the ground first, and sheathed his sword without looking back.

The magic vine still opened its mouth angrily and rushed towards us. On the first day of the year, it flew out and I was the one standing at the front!

"Get out of the way!" Xiao Bailong shouted loudly and rushed up from the rear of the team. He folded his arms and formed an ice shield to protect me.

The ice shield was only a finger thick, varied in thickness, and riddled with holes.

Just now, he was the first person to activate the source, and he consumed the most spiritual energy!

At this time, even the protective ice shield could hardly condense, which showed how weak he was, but he still rushed in front of me without hesitation.

This is the same as Master Feng, who would rather die to protect my safety!

"No!" I yelled loudly, trying to push him away.

At this moment, a withered vine suddenly tied the two of us tightly and threw us out violently. The oncoming magic vine hit the ground almost at the same time.

Little Bailong and I didn't care to get up. We turned around and saw that the magic vine had fallen to pieces, with broken heads and broken vine trunks.

Thick green juice and bright red blood flowed across the ground, making it a mess!

It was less than half a meter away from where we were standing just now!

"What do you two think?" Han Laoliu cursed angrily: "Seeing the magic vine coming towards you, you didn't step back or hide to the side, but you still pushed forward with all your strength. Do you think you two are lacking?" Mind-set?"

Xiao Bailong and I looked at each other and immediately felt that what they said made sense!

It's just that everything happened in the blink of an eye. I only thought about the other person and didn't think much about it at all.

Chu Yi walked over with his sword in hand, glanced at the corpse of the devil vine and said, "Old Liu, is this feasible?"

Han Laoliu nodded with great satisfaction: "I really didn't expect that the power of the five sources in one could be so powerful, but this thing is much harder to kill than me. Even if it is broken into pieces now, it won't take long for it to sprout. Rebirth. However, it will take a long time to return to the previous state! Let’s go.”

As he said that, he carried Miss Caiyun on his back and turned around to see the little white dragon running all over the ground, still looking around at the remains of the magic vine, and shouted angrily: "What else is there to see? Hurry up and leave."

Xiao Bailong seemed not to have heard anything, but still read it over and over, and then angrily rushed straight to the first day of junior high school: "Hey, first day of junior high school, you have a grudge against me, right?"

"What?" Chu Yi looked puzzled.

"There are a total of four heads on this magic vine. You only slashed at others, why did you chop mine to pieces? Tell me! Why is that?"

The first day of junior high school was a little speechless, and Han Laoliu didn't know what to say...

The exit of the Magic Vine Hall is in a very inconspicuous corner, only about 1.5 meters tall. Everyone has to bend down and lower their heads to pass through.

Outside the door is a staircase that turns downwards. The front is dark and endless, and no one knows where it leads.

I looked around with a flashlight and found that both sides of the steps were suspended in the air. Even the flashlight light couldn't reach the end. Xiao Bailong threw a stone down and didn't hear an echo for a long time!

"Don't stay too far away. If you accidentally miss something, call me immediately!" Han Laoliu warned.

At this time, except for Chu Yi, everyone was extremely weak and their vitality was severely damaged.

Therefore, the responsibility for exploring the road ahead fell on his shoulders.

On the first day of the new year, I walked in front with a long sword in my hand, followed closely by me and Han Laoliu, who was carrying Miss Caiyun on his back. On the contrary, the lively little white dragon was the weakest and could only walk at the end.

The steps are both narrow and steep, with bottomless cliffs on both sides. In the darkness where you can't even see your fingers, you have to be prepared for traps and sneak attacks at any time, so you can imagine how difficult it is.

The simple thing is that although the vitality of the few of us was severely damaged, our foot skills were not bad. Although we were a little nervous along the way, we had no dangers!

However, the further you go down, the more stuffy the air feels, and the temperature also rises suddenly, almost one degree higher every twenty or thirty steps down! My whole body was soaked with sweat, and the moisture stuck to my skin, and it was still flowing down. The feeling was as uncomfortable as it was.

I was a little thirsty. I even drank half a bottle of water, but it still didn't relieve me at all. The hot and restless feeling was simply breathless!

After more than 20 minutes, the steps finally turned horizontally in front of a towering boulder. Just when we were about to relax our tension and take a breath, we were shocked by the sight in front of us!

There is no way ahead at all. Instead, there is an iron rope that is only half a wrist thick. A few dozen meters below the iron rope is red red magma, rolling and flowing wantonly. Along with the blood-red bubbles, streams of light white Smoke rose and filled the air.

The iron cable stretched far ahead without knowing where to go. Even if I turned the brightness of the flashlight to the maximum, I couldn't see the scene on the other side at all.

This couldn't be more dangerous!

"Hey, let me tell you, are we going the right way? If we go further down, we will probably reach the center of the earth." Xiao Bailong glanced forward and said with some doubts.

No one answered him, but no one unexpectedly felt a little worried in their hearts!

This road is really dangerous!

Our vitality is severely damaged now, and we are no better than ordinary people. Not to mention the traps and traps that may be encountered at any time, or even secret attacks by the Amaterasu Society, just crossing the magma abyss along the iron cable is a difficult problem.

We sat down on the spot, looking at the billowing lava, drinking water sullenly, and no one said anything.

"Otherwise, let's do this." Chu Yi broke the silence: "I will go to the front to take a look. If there is no danger, I will come back and carry you one by one."

"I don't have to, let's go there together!" Xiao Bailong said while waving his hands and fanning: "When we were young, the Tianshan Suspension Bridge that the old man forced us to climb was similar to this one. Although I don't have enough spiritual power now , but my skills are still there, this thing can’t stop me, even this place is too hot! I really can’t stand it.”

If we look at it from the surface, Xiao Bailong might be the most relaxed one. He didn't sweat even a drop of sweat on his body, his face didn't change at all, and even his hair was meticulous.

But in fact, in a place like this, Xiao Bailong is the one who feels the most uncomfortable!

He is born with a body of ice. He is not afraid of cold and cold, but he is most vulnerable to heat! Especially now facing the rolling lava, it would kill him.

Although we were suffering from the sweltering heat, he had to use his remaining spiritual energy to hold on, and he was using his flesh and blood to endure almost every minute and every second.

Han Laoliu thought for a while and said to Chu Yiyi: "That's okay. You and Xiao Bailong can go there first. If there is no danger on the other side, just come back and take Jiulin there. If there is no other interference, I will take Caiyun across the Changchun River. Locks aren’t a problem either.”

"Okay!" Chuyi stood up, glanced at Xiao Bailong and said, "Don't hold on, if you really can't stand it, speak quickly."

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly!" Xiao Bailong urged impatiently.

On the first day of the new year, he jumped up and climbed onto the iron rope. The iron rope immediately shook uncontrollably. The shaking was so large and so fast that it was simply jaw-dropping!

What is even more shocking is that the lowest end of the iron chain is actually less than two meters away from the magma. From time to time, surging waves of magma drip on it, flashing dazzling sparks.

What kind of chain bridge is this? It’s simply the Bridge of Death!

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