Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1929 Who is real?

On the first day of the month, he stood steadily on the iron rope, ran forward for dozens of steps, turned around and waited for Xiao Bailong.

"Lao Liu, give me a bottle of wine to quench my thirst." Xiao Bailong stretched out his hand forward.

"Don't you never drink?" Han Laoliu was a little suspicious and took out two bottles from his backpack and handed them over.

"This moment, that moment." Xiao Bailong said, unscrewing the bottle cap and standing up.

With a splash, it rained down from the head!

This guy poured the fine wine carefully prepared by Han Laoliu as if it were cold water.


Just as Han Laoliu was about to get angry, Xiao Bailong jumped up, passed directly over our heads, and jumped onto the iron rope: "Don't be so stingy, I'll pay you back later."

After speaking, he stretched out his hands and rushed away like a big bird.

This guy is indeed very skilled, especially in the light body technique. On this long iron chain bridge that keeps shaking, it is as if it is flat ground, much faster than the energetic junior high school student!

When I first saw this scene, I felt relieved and moved on.

After a while, the two figures were submerged in the thick fog and disappeared.

Han Lao Liuku and I sat by the iron rope and waited for a long time, almost staring at each other, but we didn't see them coming back. I couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Lao Liu, will they be okay?" I asked.

"It should be fine!" Hearing this tone, even Han Laoliu was a little unsure.

However, he might be afraid that I would worry, so he immediately changed his tone and said: "The power of the five sources condensed on the first grade of junior high school will take a while to dissipate. Now the first grade of junior high school has almost reached one-third of the supreme power. At a god-level level, nothing should be able to stump him.”

"Besides, several of us have taken the Tongxin Pill, and I didn't notice anything unusual... Look, isn't that back?" As he spoke, Han Laoliu raised his chin in advance.

Sure enough, in the distant fog, there was a figure running back on the iron rope.

Getting closer, I can see more clearly, with a long sword in white clothes and a delicate face, who is he if he is not the first grade of junior high school?

The first grade of junior high school rushed in front of us with a series of flying steps. He stretched out a hand to me and said loudly: "Hurry up! The iron rope on the opposite side is about to be burned!"

I was very shocked when I heard this. I was about to stand up in a hurry, but Han Laoliu held my shoulders down.

"I'll go over first, so that I can connect the iron ropes together." Han Laoliu stood up and told me: "Keep an eye on Caiyun and don't let her fall. I'll come back as soon as I can."

I quickly nodded in agreement, turned around and supported Miss Caiyun.

As soon as Han Laoliu stepped onto the iron rope, the iron rope shook even more violently.

The frightened Han Laoliu quickly retracted his feet and said with some embarrassment: "On the first day of the junior high school, this iron rope is shaking too hard! Even if I can get over, I'm afraid it will be too late to get to the other side. Please give me a lift quickly. Bar!"

"Okay!" Chuyi was stunned for a moment, turned around, and bent down slightly.

Han Laoliu took two steps forward and put his hands on his shoulders.

Just as Chu Yi was about to stand up, Han Laoliu suddenly put his hands together and strangled his neck tightly, and vines sprouted from his feet, tightly binding Chu Yi's legs.

I was immediately stunned by the scene in front of me!

"Lao Liu?"

"Do it quickly! This is a fake." Han Laoliu shouted.

"Jiulin, don't believe him, Lao Liu has been hit by a magic barrier..." Chu Yi shouted feebly while struggling hard.

As the two twisted, the iron rope shook more and more violently, and there was a danger of falling lava at any time!

"Why are you still in a daze? Hurry up!" Han Laoliu tried his best to tighten his hands and shouted through gritted teeth.

"Lao, Lao Liu... you are simply crazy..." Chu Yi's voice was hoarse and getting smaller and smaller.

For a while, I was a little overwhelmed.

Who should you trust?

Is the first grader pretending to be a fake, or is the sixth grade one possessed by a demonic barrier and hallucinating?

Han Laoliu was able to release Ivy, so there was no need to doubt his identity. However, with Chuyi's skill greatly increased at this time, he could not encounter any danger at all! And he didn't say that Han Laoliu was a fake, only that he was possessed by a demonic barrier - judging from what he had experienced over the past day, anything could happen in this ancient tomb.

Miss Caiyun had her soul taken away. Who knows if those Japanese people may have hidden some secret forbidden formation?

The one closest to Miss Caiyun is Han Laoliu! Moreover, we just killed the Demonic Vine. Han Laoliu himself said that in essence, he is no different from the Demonic Vine! Is there some kind of curse caused by this?

It’s hard to tell whether it’s true or false, no matter what the possibility is, it could be true.

But if I make the wrong choice, I will kill the other person right away!

As the two struggled, the iron rope shook faster and faster!

While the two of them struggled hard, they also cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding of twisting and bending, and miraculously maintained their balance!

That dancer of life is simply provoking the god of death!



These two people were either shouting or growling, asking me for help.

Although the time was short, these two people had already fought to the point of life and death! Death and injury may occur at any time, or lava may roll down at the same time.

But who should I believe?

If I was given more time, or the scene was not so critical, I would definitely be able to tell the difference! But there is no time now.

And I can't pull them both up the steps at the same time, because Miss Caiyun is still lying here. Although she is in a deep coma at this time, no one can say what accident will happen, especially if Miss Caiyun falls down again. Falling short of success.

what to do? My mind was racing, trying to think of the safest way.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" As I said that, I stood up and walked towards the iron rope.

Suddenly, he slipped on purpose and fell down. In a hurry, he dragged Miss Caiyun down into the abyss.

"Ah!" Han Laoliu roared when he saw this, let go of Chu Yi, and ran to the shore. Before the people arrived, a long vine rushed down and flew over.

But I didn't grab Ivy, instead I held Miss Caiyun in one hand and clasped the ghost-slaying swords with the other hand - taking advantage of the force of my fall, I had already inserted the blades into the rocks on the side of the steps. The whole person is hanging in the air!

At this time, Miss Caiyun and I were hiding under the vast mist. If we didn't come down to look, we would never have been able to find it.

Since the situation in the play just now was crisis and the choice was difficult, why not expand the stage and let you perform another performance. I want to see who will reveal the flaw!

At this time, they were the only two people left on the steps. If Han Laoliu was hit by a magic barrier, and it was true in Chuyi, then he would naturally not take action against Lao Liu. And with his current skill, even if he is prepared, he will not fall into a disadvantage.

If Chu Yi is fake, he will definitely kill Han Laoliu. Although Han Laoliu's vitality is seriously injured at this time, he is destined to be immortal with the same magic vine, so it is not so easy to achieve it all at once! Moreover, his trump card is Ivy! Even if you are thrown into the abyss, you can still climb up before falling into the lava.

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