Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1930 Zhang Jiulin’s Strategy

"Jiulin! Caiyun!"

"Caiyun! Jiulin!"

Outside the mist, two voices kept shouting.

I pricked up my ears and discerned carefully.

One is the voice of Junior High School, which is clear and profound, and the other is the voice of Han Laoliu, which is hoarse and dry.

You can't tell it from the voice, nor can you tell it from the tone, but it's the same eagerness and anxiety!

After shouting twice, the heavy fog suddenly broke open, and a figure flew down!

It's Han Laoliu!

As soon as Han Laoliu, who was flying down, saw us, he immediately sprouted ivy and hung it on the rock wall. His face was full of joy and he was about to shout. I quickly shook my head and made a silencing gesture at him. Miss Caiyun was handed over to him.

In desperation, he actually chose to jump off the cliff to find us. Although Ivy was there to save his life, not everyone can do this.

Moreover, in addition to panic, his eyes were actually filled with tears.

At that moment, I was convinced that Han Laoliu was even more trustworthy!

And even if Lao Liu is really possessed by a demonic barrier, he is still the real Lao Liu after all! But it would be terrible if the fake first grade of junior high school was mistaken for the real thing.

When Han Laoliu saw me pulling out my twin swords for slaying ghosts and gods, preparing to thrust them into each other, and climbing up the rock wall, he quickly signaled: "That impostor above is very difficult to deal with!"

I patted my chest with one free hand, and then made a thumbs-up gesture, telling him not to worry and to continue climbing up.

"Ah, Jiulin!" Chu Yi, who had just broken through the fog and was squatting on the steps looking down, immediately spotted me. He shouted with joy: "You're fine! Where are Lao Liu and Caiyun?"

No matter the tone or expression, there is no flaw at all.

"Alas!" I sighed and shook my head helplessly.

"This..." Chuyi's expression froze with loss, and then said: "Jiulin, come up first and then talk!"

I borrowed my two swords and climbed up the steps. Before he could open his mouth, I asked first, "Where is the little white dragon?"

"He's waiting on the other side." Chu Yi replied: "He doesn't know what's happening here yet, and I really don't know how to tell him for a while."

He bit his lip sadly and looked at the rolling magma below for a long time in silence: "Jiulin, let's go there quickly. When I came back, I saw that the iron rope was about to break. If it were a little later, it might be broken. That's too late!"

I nodded heavily, followed him down two steps, stopped again and said: "On the first day of the junior high school, my vitality is severely damaged now. I'm afraid it will be difficult to cross the chain bridge. Why don't you walk behind me, in case something happens?" If something unexpected happens, you can still take care of me."

"Okay!" Chuyi stepped aside when he heard the words, and I walked past him.

As soon as I passed by him, I jumped up and jumped down the seven or eight steps to put some distance between me and him. He turned around and smiled: "If my guess is correct, it should be you again! Mr. Shohei Ito."

Swish, swish, swish!

On the first day of the month, three golden rays of light lit up at his feet, darkening the position of heaven, earth and man, locking him firmly in it.

"Jiulin, what's wrong with you?" Chu Yi was full of shock: "Han Laoliu has been hit by a magic barrier, but don't listen to his tricks! The iron rope is about to break, we have to hurry over and join Xiao Bailong .”

I smiled slightly and said: "It's easy for me to believe you, as long as you can break this body-locking curse!"

"You..." Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, and the look on his face finally became a little unnatural.

"Lao Liu, come up!" I shouted towards the bottom of the steps.

A green vine flew out of the mist and clung tightly to the stone surface. Then Han Laoliu jumped up the steps with Miss Caiyun in one hand, one behind the other, sandwiching the fake first day of the new year in the middle.

The expression on the fake junior high school student's face was a bit painful. This was the result of being trapped in the body locking formation but forcing his way out.

The function of the Body Locking Sancai Formation is very simple, that is, it can fix the body's limbs so that they cannot move. The more you struggle, the tighter they will be. It is similar to the horse buckles commonly used by farmers in the countryside. There are hundreds of ways to break it from outside the formation, but if a person trapped in the formation wants to save himself, there are only two ways. One is to bite the tip of his tongue and spit it on his nose.

Another way is to wait. This formation is simple to cast and has little effect. Even if no one cracks it, it will dissipate on its own after an hour.

But don't look at this three-talent formation as simple and easy to perform. It seems to have no difficulty. It has no Taoist skills but can't even see through it!

If he was in the first year of junior high school, there would be nothing that could be done to him, but if not, there would be nothing he could do.

" did you discover the flaw?" The expression on the fake junior high school student's face changed several times, and finally he admitted unwillingly.

"To be honest, just a short time ago, I was still a little uncertain. However, now I can tell whether it is true or false." I smiled.

Actually, I didn’t mean to offend him by saying this, but it was the true truth.

The Three Talents Formation seems simple and can be formed with only three spells. But his only difficulty is that these three spells cannot be cast at the same time. There must be at least a hundred breaths between the two spells.

As early as when I was fighting on the iron rope with Han Laoliu in the first day of the fake junior high school, I left one by falling off the cliff, and I left another one when I just passed by him.

At this point, the formation is complete.

But even when I locked him up, I still couldn't tell whether this person was in the first year of junior high school.

Because this guy is almost exactly the same as Chu Yi in terms of physical features, tone and expression.

But I can't force him to ask questions to identify the truth. If he notices that I have suspicions and suddenly takes action, my current cultivation level may not be able to kill him in a short time. Moreover, this place is so dangerous and narrow that I can't even escape. There is no place to escape!

Therefore, I can only set up the formation quietly and secretly.

As for why I could immediately tell that he was Ito Shohei, in fact, this was mostly a guess!

Shohei Ito once extracted the soul memory of Miss Caiyun, and he was very familiar with Chuyi. Then he pretended that Miss Caiyun had woken up, and imitated Chuyi's tone and expression so vividly that even I couldn't tell the difference between them. Fake.

But if he hadn't extracted the soul memory of the first grade of junior high school, he would never have cracked this formation.

At this time, the first grade of junior high school condenses the power of the five sources, and his strength is close to its peak. I don’t think he has the ability!

To put it another step back, even if he really extracted the soul of the first grade of junior high school, it would be a fool's dream to search out such an inconspicuous method to crack the Three Talents Formation from the huge and complex memories of the first grade of junior high school in such a short period of time.

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