Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1931 It’s rude to come and not return.

"Ito Shohei, you are quite capable." I smiled at him and admired from the bottom of my heart: "On your own, you dared to provoke us twice, and you almost succeeded! We in China have There is an old saying: It is said that you should not reciprocate when you come back. Now I have to return the favor! Let you also taste the feeling of having your soul extracted."

With that said, I took out a magic talisman, held the invisible needle in my hand and walked forward.

Ito Shohei glared at me fiercely and said word for word in that hoarse voice: "Zhang Jiulin, your body! Everything is mine! You can't escape."

"Really?" I said with a smile as I moved forward, "Then it depends on whether you have the ability!"

After saying that, he was about to forcefully extract his soul.

However, he suddenly swayed, his eyes rolled up, and then he lowered his head and fell down like a wooden stake, sinking straight into the abyss.


I was suddenly startled and shouted towards Lao Liu: "Quick! Catch him!"

Han Laoliu quickly used a vine to tie him tightly and pulled him up.

I walked closer, pressed on the arteries in his neck and took a look. This guy had no breath at all and was already dead. Even his soul had dissipated, and not a single trace was left!

The Three Talents Formation seems simple, but it locks the energy and spirit at the same time, making it impossible to move at all. However, if the trapped person dies unexpectedly, the formation will naturally lose its effect and dissipate naturally.

Didn't this old guy just say harsh words to me in an aggressive manner? How could he commit suicide so completely in an instant?

I ripped off the human skin mask he used to disguise himself as Junior One, and when I looked again, this face turned out to be extremely familiar.

It was the key member of the Amaterasu Society that Han Laoliu and I met when we beat up the American soldiers, and it was he who led us here.

"He should have a face!" Han Laoliu, who was sitting on the top of the steps, reminded.

"Is there another face?" I looked down my neck in surprise, and sure enough I found another tiny mark. I stretched out my hand and pulled off another mask, including the head and face.

This is an old man with wrinkles on his face, and his cheeks are covered with layers of age spots.

"Lao Liu, how did you know? And how did you find out that there was something wrong with the first grade of junior high school?" I asked.

Han Laoliu took a sip of wine and said: "The first time I saw him in a Tokyo business district building, he seemed to have a hidden wound on his leg, and he walked a little unnaturally. But then when we followed him and fled to the barren mountains, His legs are healed again, and his walking posture has also changed. When people are rushing on the road, they will always instinctively use the most commonly used gait - of course, ordinary people will only use one gait no matter how deliberately they change it. That’s it. At that time, we were chasing in a hurry, and there was no possibility that he was deliberately pretending, and he didn’t know that I hid a leaf under his feet.”

"It was discovered that he was not in the first grade of junior high school because of this leaf!" Han Laoliu said, pointing to the deceased's shoes.

Only then did I discover that there was a small bud the size of a fingernail remaining on the sole.

"Also, as soon as this guy came closer, Caiyun also reacted immediately. She gritted her teeth subconsciously, and the two index and middle fingers of her left hand also trembled slightly. These are her commonly used swiping fingers! This shows that this is her most popular A resentful person.”

"Who does Caiyun hate the most in this underground palace? It should be Ito Shohei who extracted her soul! So, based on these two clues, I immediately concluded that the Chuichi in front of me must be a fake."

Regardless of strength, from a reasoning point of view, Han Laoliu and Xiao Bailong are completely different types.

Xiao Bailong always has a sudden flash of inspiration, starting from some unique angles and coming up with whims.

What Han Laoliu is good at is observing the details and making clever arrangements based on careful calculations.

From this point of view alone, from what I have seen, no one can compare!

When I think about how not long ago, I was still hesitant to face the real and fake Han Laoliu, who was in the first grade of junior high school, until he jumped off the cliff to save me, I still felt deeply guilty for having doubts about him.

"Lao Liu, at that time..."

I was about to apologize to him when Han Laoliu waved his hand and said, "You don't have to feel guilty. In that situation, no one can make the right decision right away. If I really fall into the trap, we can Join forces to kill the first grade of junior high school, and it’s too late to regret it! What’s rare is that in such a situation, you can make a right and smart choice right away! On the contrary, my approach was a bit reckless, and I was a little bit embarrassed. Caiyun’s hatred went to her head.”

Hearing what Han Laoliu said, I felt a lot calmer.

Lao Liu is really a temperamental man, who dares to love and hate, and knows right from wrong!

I looked down at the dead body lying on the ground and said, "It seems that this guy is just a scapegoat who is good at disguise, not Ito Shohei himself! Otherwise, Caiyun should have woken up long ago when Ito died."

Han Laoliu nodded and said: "Although he is not Ito Shohei, he is definitely not an unknown person! Just now on the iron rope, I couldn't take him down for a while! And his disguise skills are so superb. His tone and expression , all imitated so realistically that even we were deceived. This level is rare in the world. If your guess is correct, it should be a heavenly guardian."

After he mentioned it, I also remembered a question.

"But his soul just now is clearly Ito Shohei! I originally wanted to extract his soul to get some information about the Amaterasu Society, but the old guy seemed to be prepared for it, and he did it so simply, and suddenly quit the shrine. Consciousness, killing this person makes me unable to do anything. If this person is really the guardian of heaven, wouldn’t it mean that..."

"Killing each other?" Han Laoliu said stunned for a moment.

"Yes!" I nodded: "The Amaterasu Society may not be monolithic! At least Ito Shohei is an alternative. He has some small plans in his mind! And these calculations are all behind other people's backs. In order to achieve his own goals, For his purpose, everyone else is a bait that can be sacrificed at any time."

Han Laoliu silently took another sip of wine and said: "If this is the case, it will be a good thing for us..."

He seemed to have thought of some good idea, frowned slightly, and kept rubbing his fingers.

I raised my foot and kicked the guy's body directly into the abyss. I took a long look at the vast mist at the end of the iron rope and said, "Lao Liu, are Chu Yi and Xiao Bai Long okay?"

Han Laoliu shook his head and said: "There is no danger at all. I have never sensed it. But something is wrong with the situation!"

"If they find something that they can't handle, they will immediately come back and discuss it with us. If everything is normal, they should have returned in the first grade of junior high school, but now no one has come back. Instead, they have come for a holiday. One, this is indeed abnormal.”

"Then should we continue to wait here, or..." I asked.

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