Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1932: Stepping on lava and crossing the suspension bridge

"No need to wait!" Han Laoliu waved his hand and said: "Since the two of them have not come back, they must have encountered some special situation. There is no value in waiting any longer. And Ito Shohei dares to come here to lie to us at this time, at least This shows that he is extremely confident that he will not be discovered by other members of the Amaterasu Society."

"In other words, the other end of the iron rope is relatively safe!"

"Since Ito's soul escaped, he must find a way to make up for it. It would be bad if we wait any longer! Let's set off immediately, and we will also cross the iron rope." After saying that, he raised his head and drank the wine, and then pulled it out again. He picked up a bottle - only half of the wine in his backpack was left.

Han Laoliu drank four or five bottles in a row, then stood up, carried Miss Caiyun behind his back, and said to me: "This chain bridge is indeed very dangerous. In the first year of junior high school, the power of the five sources is gathered to make it pass unimpeded. Xiao Bailong relied on his lightness of skill to walk on the ground, but now that your spiritual energy is weak, it will be difficult for you to reach the end. Come on, let me take you there!"

"Lao Liu, you are now..." I couldn't bear it.

"No matter what I do, I still have a way to save my life. If you fall halfway, I will be in trouble." Han Laoliu couldn't argue, and directly threw out a green vine, wrapped it around my waist, and then hugged me sideways. In front of my chest, I stepped onto the chain bridge like a balance beam.

The iron cable swayed and swayed from side to side. The crimson lava surged and released a heat wave, making it all red in front of the eyes.

The iron cable kept swaying back and forth, and the lowest point was only about two meters high from the magma. I was afraid that a big wave could hit us!

"Stand up straight and don't move around. If you're scared, just close your eyes!" Han Laoliu warned as he ran forward quickly.

The red light in front of me was shaking more and more violently, and I really couldn't do much to help at this time, so I followed Lao Liu's instructions and closed my eyes.

Click, click, click...

Lao Liu stepped on the iron rope and ran all the way, his footsteps were crisp and loud, very rhythmic!

As he ran quickly, he brought up gusts of cold wind, which kept hitting his face, which was quite comfortable.

I don’t know how long it took, but I suddenly felt like Han Laoliu bent down and suddenly jumped into the air.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Han Laoliu was already in mid-air, falling rapidly with the sound of the wind!

It turns out that the chain bridge has reached the end, and there are huge black rocks scattered in the magma.

Han Laoliu was jumping from one end to the other with all his strength, and then jumped up again.

Many rocks are only slightly protruding from the magma by more than 20 centimeters, and will be submerged under the slightest wave. The black and red colors are everywhere, which is both thrilling and spectacular!

Han Laoliu was afraid of lava splashing on me, so he lifted me up to shoulder level.

Dong Dong...

Dong dong dong...

I could really feel his intense heartbeat.

What is extremely strange is that he seems to have two hearts, one beating quickly and the other slowly.

The sultry heat and strenuous activities had made Lao Liu's clothes soaked through!

But being so close to the magma, it was almost like a steel-making furnace, and it dried up quickly.

After drying and getting wet, getting wet and drying again, a layer of white frost marks appeared on Han Laoliu's clothes. That was salt!

It is deposited by the evaporating sweat!

Carrying Miss Caiyun on her back and holding me in her arms, we crossed the magma all the way, constantly consuming our energy...

My heart suddenly hurt! My eyes are a little moist.

I wanted him to put me down and move on alone, but I was afraid that it would hold him back and cause him trouble.

I can only keep this kindness deep in my heart!

I clenched my fists tightly, trying to hold back my tears and prevent them from flowing down.

Celebrities from all over the world are so kind to me! My only way to repay is to fulfill my mission and live up to their expectations and trust.

"We're almost there, look! That's the end of the bank." After running continuously for a long time, Han Laoliu suddenly stopped on a slightly larger boulder, raised my face to the opposite side and shouted loudly.

Sure enough, a tall, dark clearing was faintly visible in the mist.

After the clearing, there is no more red.

This is the end of the magma!

"Lao Liu, please put me down this time. It's just a journey, so I won't be in any danger, right?" I begged, looking at the stubble on his cheeks.

"It's not far behind." Han Laoliu said, wiped his sweat, and jumped up again...


Han Laoliu landed heavily on the ground, and after gently putting Miss Caiyun and I down, he lay down on his back, breathing heavily.

I took out a bottle of wine from his backpack, opened the cap and handed it over.

Han Laoliu shook his head weakly, his lips were pale and a layer of white skin appeared.

Han Laoliu, who has always been a heavy drinker, was so tired that he couldn't even drink!

I secretly wiped the corners of my eyes and turned around to see that there were tears in Miss Caiyun's eyes.

After a long while, Han Laoliu finally regained his breath, and then drank all the wine in his backpack in one breath.

Only then did his complexion regain some of its original color from the distressing paleness.

"Let's go!" Once he regained his strength, Han Laoliu immediately became energetic again, picked up Miss Caiyun on his back, and continued moving forward.

Although far away from the magma, the temperature here is still very hot.

Without the red light, the world in front of him returned to its usual darkness.

This section of the magma road almost made us forget that we are still in the unfathomable underground tomb!

It's just that this tomb dug through a natural underground cave and crossed the magma undercurrent, which invisibly expanded the underground palace countless times and became extremely majestic.

Han Laoliu turned on the flashlight and looked at the ground and surroundings very carefully as he walked, hoping to find any clues about Chu Yi and Xiao Bailong.

This is the end of the iron rope. It stands to reason that after Chu Yi and Xiao Bai Long arrive here, Chu Yi will go back to pick us up, while Xiao Bai Long will wait in the distance.

But such a long time has passed, and not only have they not come back, but they have killed a fake first-year student. But where have they gone?

To give a vivid metaphor for the terrain here, it's like clenching your fists and sticking them into a bathtub.

The water in the bathtub is the magma, and the fist is the land we are standing on now.

The entire ground is composed of thick volcanic rock, slightly greenish gray. Although there are high and low potholes, overall, it is still a flat plain with no high slopes or hills.

The flashlight light swept far away, and the place where I saw it was completely empty. There was no human figure at all!

"Huh?" Suddenly, Han Laoliu called out in confusion and squatted down.

Looking with the flashlight, it was a small pit that was slightly semi-square. To be more precise, it was the corner of a square.

I stared for a long time, but couldn't see anything, but Han Laoliu's eyes lit up, and he started searching around as if he had discovered some new continent.

"Lao Liu, what did you find?" I asked.

"That small hole was left by a wine bottle." Han Laoliu explained while searching harder: "When Xiao Bailong left, he asked me for a bottle of wine. This is where the wine bottle hit Left on the ground! This kind of wine is produced by a small factory in the Northeast, and it only started operation in the past few years. It doesn’t taste very good, but it is powerful. I have thrown away at least tens of thousands of this wine bottles, and I will definitely not Wrong! They have been here before! At least Little White Dragon has been here."

(PS: I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival! Laojiu’s reader group is open! Jiujiajun 1st group: 191657764, Jiujiajun 2nd group: 206012957, Jiujiajun 3rd group: 793762436, welcome new and old readers.)

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