Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1933: Exquisite Reasoning

The entire land is covered with thick volcanic rocks. Although it has been uninhabited for thousands of years, there is surprisingly no dust accumulated on the ground.

The two of us searched around the small square pit for a long time, but we didn't find any other clues, not even a piece of broken wine bottle!

At this time, we had searched almost the entire fist-shaped land, and found nothing except the suspicious square pit.

So, we continued to search in the remaining direction.

"Lao Liu, there seems to be a trace!" Not far away, I pointed to a small ditch on the ground and said.

Han Laoliu came over and took a closer look. The small groove was about six or seven centimeters wide, more than ten centimeters long, slightly curved, and there were regular patterns printed on the ground.

Han Laoliu frowned and continued moving forward with a flashlight.

"There's another one here!"

After walking a few steps, I discovered another small ditch with the same shape and pattern as before.

Next, the same traces are discovered again and again.

Or deeper, or lighter, or longer, or shorter, the only thing that remains unchanged is the width and pattern.

After searching for it, Han Laoliu suddenly stopped, turned his head and swept the flashlight and said: "Jiulin, are the traces we just found almost in a straight line?"

I looked back and used the potholes on the ground to carefully identify the general direction and said: "Generally speaking, it is in a straight line, but there seems to be some deviation from left to right."

"Yeah! That's right." Han Laoliu nodded and continued to look forward.

Once you have a general direction, you can search more quickly.

Gradually, we figured out some patterns. Not only were these small ditches generally in a straight line, but they were also very close to each other, about five meters apart.

Finally, we discovered something unusual in a small ditch.

Just on the bottom pattern, a small piece of filament is pressed.

Han Laoliu pinched it carefully, looked closely at it and said, "This is on the rope!"

"Rope." I was stunned for a moment and turned to look. He said with some surprise: "You mean, all these small ditches are traces left by ropes?"

"Yes!" Han Laoliu nodded and replied: "To be more precise, these small grooves are all traces left by stepping on the rope."

"Trampling on the rope?" I suddenly woke up: "Someone is deliberately imitating the iron rope on the magma!"

"Not bad!" Han Laoliu said with a solemn expression: "The traces of the rope are just like the wine bottles. They were just dropped. In other words, before we went ashore, someone put a rope here, disguised as lava. iron chain……"

"It's not a disguise, it must be an illusion! Then the first year of junior high school fell into the trap and thought this was the route back, so he jumped back along the rope to pick us up, so..." I said, glancing along the darkness ahead, and continued Said: "Thus, we fell into their trap."

"That's right!" Han Laoliu said: "Judging from the span on the mark, every step is five meters away, and there is no footprint left at all, and no trace is left at every step. This is probably the only time at this time. The talent of the first-year junior high school student has achieved it! Although he has gathered the power of the five sources and is very strong, he is not at the supreme god level after all. Moreover, this external force can only temporarily improve his cultivation level and has nothing to do with divine thoughts. If you encounter Even masters who specialize in illusions cannot escape."

"But after all, he has strong hard power now. Even if he leads Chu Yi into a trap, he can't do anything about it. Therefore, he should not be in danger for the time being. This is why I haven't sensed it and he hasn't come yet. .”

"Ito Shohei made a fake junior high school student to deceive us just because he knew that the first grade student was trapped and couldn't escape!" I added.

Han Laoliu nodded slightly and said with some worry: "With his current strength, the Amaterasu people really can't do anything to him, let alone all the masters to fight him to the death. But they The masters among them can also realize that Chu Yi's power will not last long, and when the source power retreats, Chu Yi will be in danger!"

"What about the little white dragon?" I asked strangely: "This rope maze was to lure the first grade of junior high school, and the little white dragon did not follow. Not only did he not have the five elements source power in his body, but he also had weak spiritual power. It's a bit pitiful, how could those Amaterasu people let him go?"

Han Laoliu shook his head and said: "It's hard to say! As you can see, that kid never plays his cards according to common sense. It's okay if he is with me and Chu Yi. If he is alone, no matter what he does, I’m not surprised at all what happened! However, I don’t sense that he’s in any danger—at least his life is safe for now.”

I thought for a while and said, "But how did those people from Amaterasu know that we would be divided into two groups and that they would come back to pick us up on the first day of the new year, so they set up the magic circle in advance? Did they know that the chain bridge was the only way to pass? Road, what kind of magic circle was set up there, and overheard our conversation?"

Han Laoliu thought for a while and said: "This is impossible! Have you forgotten Ito Shohei? He did what he did secretly behind other people's backs. If there was a magic circle with eavesdropping function here, he wouldn't be so bold. ——At least I won’t do anything there! Oh! I understand.”

With a sudden movement, Han Laoliu clapped his hands and said: "The problem lies with Xiao Bailong."

"Little White Dragon?" I was suddenly startled and said, "Are you saying that Little White Dragon's soul was also extracted before this?"

"No!" Han Laoliu said: "After leaving the Demon Vine Hall, Xiao Bailong has been walking at the end of the team. Even if they really have such means, they will never abandon the near and the far away. Who is drawn? The real problem is that On the magic vine.”

"Didn't the magic vine be cut off by Chu Yi? You also checked and said that it took a long time for it to return to its previous state." I wondered.

"The magic vine is just a general term for evil plants. Although they all look the same on the surface, their inner functions are different. That one magic vine may just have the power of darkness and eavesdropping. I jumped up the stone pillar alone and was the first to find it. It was Xiao Bailong who was holding the magic vine. Before the magic vine fell to the ground, he was the one closest to it. After the magic vine shattered, he went to look again and asked why Chu Yi had chopped off the head that looked like him a few times. . Maybe at some point, I will be provoked by this curse!"

"Before the forbidden door was opened, those in the Amaterasu Society may not have known about the existence of the magic vines in the tomb, but those little ghosts who fed the corpses were set up by them, and they were still filling the corpses. Therefore, among them, There are probably masters who are good at this kind of magic, and through Xiao Bailong, they learned about our division of troops..."

Han Laoliu paused with a solemn expression and said: "We really underestimated the Amaterasu Society before, and we have been focusing on cracking the underground palace mechanism. If these speculations are all true, we must be careful! From now on, we will be in close combat with the Amaterasu Society."

After Han Laoliu finished speaking, he put Miss Caiyun on his back again, stood up and said: "Little Bailong has a saying that is right, the brave will win when meeting on a narrow road, and the same is true between life and death! Before we came here, we knew that this must be the case. It’s a tough battle, and since it’s unavoidable, it’s better to kill him quickly! Let’s go.”

Then he took the lead and walked straight ahead.

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