Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1934: The Trace of Green Leaves (Additional Update)

After following the traces left by the rope for more than half an hour, we finally walked out of this narrow strip of land, and at the end was a vast and boundless wilderness.

As we get further and further away from the magma, the temperature gradually drops back to normal, and the air is no longer so dry, and it is actually slightly damp.

The flashlight light fell in all directions, it was all unobstructed darkness!

As we walked, the traces of the rope came to an end. After searching for dozens of meters, we couldn't find any signs.

Han Laoliu and I expanded the search area and searched around for a long time, but we didn't find anything suspicious.

Han Laoliu thought for a while and said: "Jiulin, if you were the first grader who was under the illusion of magic at this time, and you went back along the iron rope but didn't find us, what choice would you make at this time? Return to the iron rope and find Xiaobai. Will the dragons join together, or will they continue to look for us along the steps?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I don't even choose! As long as we don't wait for him there, there must be some accident. But whether it's the steps or the iron rope, it's the only way. He just came back from the direction of the iron rope. It's really... If something unexpected happens, it can only come from the direction of the steps. So why do we rush into danger instead? If it were me, I would definitely think that something happened to you, and I hid in desperation. The abyss, hidden on the cliff - just like me at that time."

Han Laoliu nodded slightly and said: "This is quite common sense, but here are all plains, with a boundless view. Even if he is hit by an illusion, where will he jump? He can't dig the ground into a door, right?"

"Maybe he is really underground." I pointed to my feet and said, "I don't know where there is, but there is a secret entrance, but we haven't found it yet." I said, turning back towards the lava away from us. He looked in the direction and said: "But then again, although this place is endless and vast, there is only one road. Judging from all these signs, the little white dragon at that time was not affected by the illusion, so where did he go? What’s up?”

Han Laoliu was also at a loss, so we had no choice but to move on.


Suddenly, a slight sound came into my ears.

The sound was not too loud, but the underground wasteland was extremely empty, and any sound would be infinitely amplified.

We both stopped at the same time, listening breathlessly.

Wow, wow wow...

The sound continued to enter the eardrums.

"Is this... the sound of water?" I asked with some confusion.

"Yes, it's water, it should be an underground river or something..."

"Little White Dragon!" Suddenly, we both shouted in unison.

Little White Dragon is a spirit body of ice and snow, and the origin of his body is water attribute.

When he was in the magma, he couldn't bear the burning anymore, so he proposed to cross the chain bridge with Chu Yi first.

But when we get here, it’s actually no different from the other side!

Except for magma, it's just hard rock.

Seeing Chu Yi stepping onto the iron rope and then not returning for a long time, he must have lost his temper, so he wandered around and threw away the wine bottle.

He is far more sensitive to water than ordinary people. He may have discovered the existence of the underground river a long time ago and ran to it! Later, he probably wanted to bring some back to us, so he took the empty bottles back.

Thinking about it this way, the little white dragon most likely rushed in the direction of the underground river!

Since we both called out Xiao Bailong's name at the same time, we all naturally guessed it. There was no need to communicate at the moment, and we ran together towards the sound of the rushing water.

As we ran all the way, the sound of the water became louder and louder. Although it sounded close to my ears, when I looked around, there was still no trace.

After running for another distance, the sound of water became increasingly distant.

In desperation, we had to turn back and gather at the place where the sound of water was the loudest.

Han Laoliu stamped his feet and said: "The underground river should be down here. It is closest to the ground, so you can hear the sound."

"But let alone holes here, there aren't even any traces." I pointed in all directions and said, "This is not the shore. There is dust everywhere. Look, except for the footprints of the two of us, there are no other traces." There are no traces. I can guarantee that Xiao Bailong has never been here! Otherwise, with his temperament, even if he cannot find water, he will definitely smash a big hole in the ground."

"Yes, yes..." Han Laoliu, who was thinking about something, was awakened by me and said repeatedly: "You can't think according to our ideas, you have to think according to Xiao Bailong's temperament."

"We followed the traces of the rope until we heard the sound of water in the wasteland. However, the little white dragon is very sensitive to water and discovered it not long ago on the shore. And we can only hear it when the water is close to the surface. , he can explore further than us. So we are looking in the wrong direction!"

I took the flashlight from Han Laoliu's hand and looked back and said, "We probably found the wine bottle in that direction. Now we only need to judge the general direction of the water flow to determine where the little white dragon appeared. His temperament must be straightforward.”

"The direction of the water flow?" Han Laoliu muttered silently and said, "Yes! Come on, Jiulin, blow this place up."

"What's the use of exploding..." I pointed down a little strangely: "There's no need to explode this. You can tell that it must be flowing in this direction. But this wasteland is so big, who can Do you know where it will flow next? And the ground is so thick that it can’t blow up the entire wasteland..."

Han Laoliu smiled and said nothing. He stretched out his index finger and shook it at me.

There was a small green leaf growing on the fingertip.

"Oh, I understand!" It suddenly dawned on me.

Little White Dragon can control water, but Han Laoliu can also control wood!

Just use the trick he used to follow green leaves, and just throw the leaves into the water and let the leaves drift with the water. Then he can know which direction the flow is going without even looking.

I asked Lao Liu to step back further, then took out two explosive charms and threw them towards the place where the sound of the water flow was the loudest.



There were two explosions in succession, and the ground rose, with rubble flying.

A large deep pit was blasted out on the ground, and instantly, the cheerful sound of water became louder.

I took a flashlight and saw that the rocks at the bottom of the pit were a little wet, but there was no water flow yet.

I jumped down directly, drew out my two knives, and dug downwards with chopping and prying. After a while, a stream of slightly clear water appeared.

We still have some water in the water bag, but we are afraid that there will be nowhere to replenish it, so we have been reluctant to drink it. This is great!

Lao Liu and I had a good drink one after another and wiped our faces a few times, feeling much refreshed immediately.

"Let's go!" After filling the water bag, Han Laoliu threw the green leaves into the water. Seeing the green leaves floating into the ground along the flowing water, he said with confidence: "If nothing happens, we will find the little one soon." White dragon."

It was a good thing to be able to find the little white dragon in this way, but at this time, the puzzle that had never been solved appeared in my mind again.

Chu Yi, Han Laoliu and I combined the power of the five sources. I represent the earth in it, but why don't I have obvious attribute symbols like them?

Also, what they said has always been ambiguous. When the Devil's Valley opened the gate to the Five Elements of Heaven, Chu Yi pulled out a piece of my hair and opened the gate to earth.

When the Magic Vine Hall merged the power of the five sources, Xiao Bailong said: You can be regarded as earth.

During the Nine Yin Killing Formation, Han Laoliu said: You can also treat yourself as soil.

What does it mean to count it as a matter of fact?

Am I the origin of earth? Or...or there is another deeper meaning that they can't tell me yet?

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