Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1935 Underground River

Han Laoliu held up his flashlight and carefully felt the direction in which the leaves were drifting. I held the invisible needle tightly and continued to pursue it in this dark underground wilderness.

The ground and the roof of the cave are all covered with blue-gray rock flow. In such a wide area, not even the slightest support can be seen, and I don't know how it was formed.

After following the winding waterway for a long time, the sound of running water in my ears became louder and louder.

Han Laoliu and I couldn't help but be a little more vigilant and slowly approached.

There was a piece of gravel scattered on the ground, and there was a large hole three meters in diameter in the middle of the gravel.

The shape of the hole is very irregular, and the traces of the breach are all new.

Shining a flashlight and looking down, there is running water a few meters above the ground, reflecting the twinkling lights.

Han Laoliu leaned down to check and said: "It is indeed the little white dragon. These are all traces caused by the wind blade!"

The water surface was about two meters above the broken surface. Han Laoliu and I jumped in one after another, and the water just covered our waists.

Maybe it's because it's so close to the magma. The temperature in the water is much higher than upstream, about 20 degrees Celsius. It's about the same as a bathroom, but it's very comfortable.

Not far from the water, there is a slightly narrow pass. The stone walls on both sides have been chopped open, barely enough for one person to pass. Because the river has narrowed, the water level has suddenly risen a lot.

"Look here!" After taking two steps, Han Laoliu pointed to a symbol on the stone wall: "This is the mark left by the little white dragon for us, reminding us that there are living creatures here, and it may be dangerous! However, , he has already entered."

"What did he go in for?" I asked with some confusion: "Since he has discovered the water source and there is danger, why did he go in?"

"This is what I find strange. The purpose of his coming here is to find the water source. But he has already found the water source, but he continues to follow it. He must have discovered something." Han Laoliu thought.

"Even if we find something, we should return the same way and wait for us to gather together. If we hadn't discovered the underground river by chance, where would we have gone to find him? Didn't he think about this?" I asked.

Han Laoliu thought for a while and said: "Although Xiao Bailong is impulsive by nature, he will never be so reckless. Since he chose to go in first without waiting for us, the situation must have changed and there was no time to wait for us to meet up. Let's go over there. Let's take a look!" Han Laoliu said and moved forward again.

I quickly squeezed in ahead of him.

Although Han Laoliu is very capable and has Qingmu to protect him, he suffered too much loss along the way, especially when he carried me across the long river of magma. Now I have finished the wine again without any refill.

Besides, he was carrying Miss Caiyun on his back, so it was inconvenient to travel in deep water. It would be troublesome if he encountered any danger.

The river flooded his chest, and the flow speed suddenly accelerated. He almost didn't have to walk, he was just pushed forward.

Following the water flow, after turning several turns, the cave became wider again. The water level dropped to around the chest, but the flow rate became faster and faster. It was extremely difficult to stand still, let alone retreat!

After being rushed out for another ten meters, the river in front of him suddenly disappeared, and there was darkness again.

"Be careful, this is falling..."

Han Laoliu shouted loudly, and before he could finish speaking, the two of us were carried by the current and fell straight down!


I quickly drew my knife and plunged it into the rocks of the cliff. Han Laoliu also took action at the same time, and a green vine clung tightly to the crack in the stone, as if it was born from here.

The warm water rushed down our bodies, and the arms holding the knives felt a little numb and sore.

The two of us stuck our heads out and took a look. It turned out to be an underground waterfall. Dozens of meters away, there was a bottomless black pool.

The falling water stirred up little white lights in the dark pool, like fireworks exploding in the night sky!

It turns out that when the underground river reached here, it turned deeper into the ground. No wonder it was not noticed when it was close to the magma shore.

I took advantage of Lao Liu's ivy and slowly fell down. When he was close to the water, he used his strength to fall on the rocks next to him. He looked around carefully and found no danger. Then he shook the ivy and took Han Laoliu down.

As soon as Han Laoliu landed on the ground, he sniffed subconsciously.

"What's wrong?"

"It smells like blood." Han Laoliu said solemnly. Then he shook his head and muttered: "It's strange, how come there are still plants and trees growing in this place?"

The rolling water fell straight down, and then flowed out of the pool and followed a deep valley far ahead. There were small blue-black stones on both sides of the river bank.

The stones are not big, and they are very uniform, almost the size of a fist, and slightly oval.

I looked down and said, "This seems to have been washed away by water over the years."

"That's right." Han Laoliu looked back at the surroundings and said: "This underground river should have been much wider than it is now a long time ago, and the flow rate was even more amazing. The entire cave was washed out by the water. Yes. The gravel on both sides of the river valley was originally river pebbles."

After walking along the river for a while, a small white dot suddenly appeared on the dark river. When I got closer, I saw that it was half a human skull.

The top of the nose was cut in half. The cut marks were relatively long-lasting and were buried deeply under the gravel. This was obviously not done by Xiao Bailong.

But Xiao Bailong's wine bottle was placed next to the skull, and there was also a sign made of stones.

Clearly, he was trying to tell us something.

Han Laoliu took a look, turned to the side in confusion and said, "Xiao Bailong asked us to go from here, but here..."

I followed his gaze and saw that in that direction was a black stone wall, which was no different from the surrounding scenery.

But since Xiao Bailong took advantage of the conspicuous position of his skull to leave this mark, it would never be without purpose.

I leaned over and looked with a flashlight, and then I discovered two crooked handwritings carved on the stone wall. I looked at them for a long time, and then I barely recognized them. They seemed to be: God Cries.

"God cries?" What does this mean?

Han Laoliu came forward and said, "Yes, this is written by Xiao Bailong."

"Then what does this god crying mean? Is it also a secret code between you two?" I asked.

"What's the code?" Han Laoliu snorted disdainfully: "He wanted to write about artifacts, but he didn't know many characters at all. He couldn't write the characters for artifacts, so he cried instead."

This guy Xiao Bailong turns out to be semi-literate!

No wonder he doesn't understand the spells and spells very well. Maybe in his opinion, the words are as difficult to understand as the Tao spells!

Fortunately, I can still recognize the word "divine", and Han Laoliu guessed the cry.

But what is he going to say? He discovered the artifact's location.

And, right behind this stone wall?

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