Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1939 The mural comes alive!

The mural comes alive!

The light on the screen still did not dissipate. Instead, the red sun at the top became brighter and brighter, illuminating the dark space with blood.

"Continue." Han Laoliu urged.

Continue, how can we continue? I'm a little worried.

This thunder talisman is already the strongest talisman I can master at present. What else can I do if I want to continue?

If there is a person or a ghost in front of me, I still have a way to fight with him! But this is obviously a mural, so how can I continue to decipher it?

swish swish...

At this moment, the faint sound coming from the far distance was getting closer and closer.

Han Laoliu sprouted a green vine in each of his hands and took another step forward.


The seven white bones took a step forward at the same time, and the tip of the knife in their hands was only two meters away from Han Laoliu.

"Break it for me." Han Laoliu misplaced his arms and threw forward suddenly. The two green vines formed a fork shape and flew straight towards the bones.

Dang Dang Dang!

The bones don't move when they are still, but when they move, they are as fast as lightning!

Moreover, the division of labor is orderly and not chaotic at all.

The three skeletons on the left were divided into top, middle and bottom. They blocked the ivy on this side with their swords. The three on the right blocked the other. The skeleton in the middle jumped up and rushed towards Han Lao's six-sided door!

Not only did he prevent Han Laoliu's attacks from the left and right at the same time, but the one in the middle also went straight to the critical point as quickly as possible!

Han Laoliu hurriedly waved his arms to withdraw the ivy to block it, but the six knives on both sides were between the lightning and flint. The blades of the blades were wrong and clamped the ivy tightly.

"Be careful!" When I saw something was wrong, I quickly drew my knife and jumped, leaping in front of Han Laoliu.

The two swords for killing ghosts and gods were crossed into a cross, and they were fiercely thrust outwards!

when! Bai Gu's figure trembled and quickly retracted.

My wrists were numb from the shock, and I took three or four steps back and almost bumped into Han Laoliu.

What kind of force is this?

The skeleton was in mid-air, but I was on the ground. It was holding a knife with one hand, but I was waving both arms, and was actually knocked back by it!

This skeleton alone is so difficult to deal with, let alone seven more.

And I still don’t know what the rustling noise coming from far away is, and the stone wall behind is so weird!

This is how to do?

Han Laoliu took advantage of this gap and hurriedly pulled the two green vines that had become as thin as his fingers back from the blades of the white bones.

"No! These guys are too weird! It's not an option to continue fighting like this." Han Laoliu was a little worried.

"That mural is even more evil! I threw three spells in succession, and there were three levels of changes, each one more weird than the last. And until now, I still haven't figured out where the mechanism is, let alone what this restriction is about. ." I said.

Han Laoliu gritted his teeth and said: "The power of the Five Sources has not been restored yet, and we cannot exert our full strength now. It will be dangerous if we are really entangled by these guys."

"Let me try it!" I said, taking a step forward, swinging out my two swords, and shouted: "Shocking Slash."

These bones remind me of the Ten Yin Guards.

They were swept away by my shocking slashes and were absorbed into the ebony core.

The Dragon Roar Guards have something in common with these bones. They are all dense bones, and they also have immortal souls. Using Shocking Slash again should have some effect.

really! When the white skeleton on the opposite side saw my knife slashing down, he couldn't help but trembled, and he hurriedly raised his knife to meet me.

But this time, it was far less powerful than before. The sword fell to the ground with a clang, and the whole body collapsed instantly.

Split into pieces with a crash!

Um? Shocking Slash actually worked.

I was so surprised that I didn't have time to think too much, and I slashed at several other skeletons with my knife.

"Shocking Slash!"



The long knife fell to the ground and the bones shattered. In an instant, the seven bones collapsed into one piece.

I was a little shocked and wiped the sweat on my forehead, but before I could put down my hand to wipe the sweat, a red light shot out from the mural.

It just shines on a pile of bones.


The white bones gathered much faster than the first time. They stood up suddenly, became good-looking again, and rushed forward again with a long knife in hand. Moreover, the sword is more powerful and the speed is faster!

"Cut!" Without hesitation, I threw the knife out again.

"Left!" Han Laoliu shouted loudly.

I also heard a sound of wind coming from the left, and hurriedly turned to one side and brandished another knife.

Click! A pile of bones lay scattered at my feet.

The red light on the mural condensed into a beam, like a flashlight on a stage, shining on several other piles of bones one after another.

Immediately, these bones stood up again one by one, and swooped in many times more ferociously than before. This was a real fight to the death!

Although they were still vulnerable, they kept repeating themselves and getting closer and closer to me. I really couldn't resist them anymore and had to keep retreating. They were about to approach the mural.

Only now do I understand why these seven bones committed seppuku here, making the place where Emperor Jimmu's body was hidden so obvious. It turns out that this seemingly easy-to-break stone wall is the most powerful mechanism!

These white bones are still broken with a single chop, but the speed of recovery has not slowed down at all. No matter how they are chopped by me, they can stand up again intact.

The bones of those corpses were all chopped into inch-sized pieces by me, but half of them remained and they gathered together again and again.

They are not tired at all, and they seem to have no energy to waste, but I can't stand it anymore!

The simple thing is that the red light shining from the stone wall can only restore one white bone at a time, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with it.

Han Laoliu also tried to help me several times, but the bones seemed not to be afraid of his ivy at all. Even if they were tightly bound by the ivy, they could instantly separate themselves and get rid of the ivy like magic. The restraints gathered into human form again.

After so many life-and-death fights, this was the first time I encountered such a difficult situation.

No matter how hard you try, you can't kill him, but what should you do?

While I was retreating step by step, my mind was racing to think of ways to crack it.

He had just chopped down a white skeleton and was about to chop at another one illuminated by red light.

But the red light suddenly dimmed and became silent.

Um? I looked around, and there were no signs of bones standing on the ground.

"What's going on?" Could it be that the power of the red light has been exhausted.

I turned around and looked back. The light on the mural gradually dissipated. Only the red sun was still shining, but it was like the setting sun that was about to fall. It was not as dazzling as before.

"Oh, I know." Han Laoliu suddenly woke up: "This stone wall borrows external force as its source of power! In other words, if we don't touch the stone wall, it will not trigger the mechanism. How much force can we exert on the stone wall? It will use these forces to fight back. But if we don't touch the stone wall, we will never be able to open it! It's an endless cycle."

I thought to myself, this is really the case.

I threw three spells in succession, which triggered three changes. My spells became more fierce each time, and the changes became more and more weird and magical. Especially the power provided by the Thunder Talisman almost pushed us both. Into a desperate situation!

"Jilin, look!" Suddenly, Han Laoliu pointed forward and shouted.

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