Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1940: The Army of Poisonous Insects

I looked in the direction he pointed and saw that the cave we came from was densely packed with something that seemed to be surging towards us.

Han Laoliu pointed his flashlight at it and saw that it was a plant with roots that looked like intestines!

The strands were dark and shiny, squirming incessantly, like giant maggots. It was really as disgusting as possible.

This thing is actually alive?

The skeletons are broken but not dead, and the plants are rolling forward. What the hell is this place?

As the large intestine-shaped insects crawled over, the entire cave was filled with a fishy smell that almost made people vomit.

Swish, swish, swish...

These guys were not squirming very fast, but they did not stop at all and were about to crawl towards us.

Buzz! Under the illumination of the flashlight, another group of black mist floated in the distance.

The gold-eating ants also flew over!

Moreover, there are some dark things crawling quickly on the intestinal worms on the ground.

Even closer, you can see clearly: spiders, scorpions, snakes, toads, and centipedes.

This is the five poisonous things!

Obviously, these things crawled out from the slightly larger holes seen earlier.

These reptiles were all covered in bright red, as if they had just crawled out of a pool of blood. If they were bitten, there was no need to think about what would happen.

Although Han Laoliu's ivy leaves can ward off evil spirits and eliminate poisons, I wonder if he can still cope with so many poisonous evil creatures at the same time!

Not to mention, he has not yet recovered the power of the Five Sources, and is extremely weak both physically and spiritually.

Even so, Han Laoliu still took a step forward, handed me a piece of green leaf and said: "Jiulin, you rest for a while, let me deal with this thing!" As he said that, he quickly formed seals with his two fingers. Form a formation.

"Burial Sky Forest!"

Poof, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and the blood turned out to be red.

When facing Ye Shisan, Han Laoliu had half of his head smashed off and his heart was pierced. The blood that flowed out at that time was dark green. But this time he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of red blood.

As soon as the blood hit the ground, it sizzled, emitted bursts of black smoke, and at the same time gave off an even more disgusting smell!

"Ah..." I couldn't help but retched, almost vomiting out my stomach! I quickly held the leaves in my mouth, and the disgusting smell was reduced a lot, but the strong smell was still a bit irritating to my eyes.

The blood was constantly bubbling and gurgling, and then it continued to expand like a bloody swamp, spreading out over a large area in an instant.

Han Laoliu's hands trembled slightly and he kept mumbling something.

The blood water is like boiling hot water, with more and more bubbles and more and more dense!

Then, pieces of small buds emerged from the bubbles.

The small green leaves are tender and crispy.

It grew faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, it was more than one meter tall. A small green forest appeared out of thin air between the two of us and the intestinal worms rolling forward.

swish swish...

The intestinal worm crawling at the front touched the blood.

The blood and water were like sulfuric acid, and the places where the intestinal worms came into contact immediately melted away.

But those intestinal worms had no sense, and they could feel no pain, but they still wriggled forward.

Half of them, whole ones, one after another, crawled into the bloody water one after another.

All the intestinal worms melted away, melting into a bubble of ink-like pus, mixed with the blood.

The pungent smell is even stronger!

But those saplings are also growing faster!

Gold-eating ants flew over and fell one after another as soon as they entered the trees, one after another, one after another...

Like fighter planes that were collectively bombarded by dense anti-aircraft guns, they fell one after another.

At this time, those seemingly weak saplings suddenly started to move.

The branches swayed, the leaves spread, and the ant colonies were wrapped up one by one, like cocoons, hanging all over the branches!

That piece of blood is like a bottomless abyss. Whether it is intestinal worms or gold-eating ants, they will be swallowed up as soon as they enter it! Then it turned into blood.

The blood is expanding wantonly, and the saplings are growing crazily!

After a while, the Five Poison Insects also crawled closer, but by this time the bloody water had spread four to five meters wide, and the sapling was as tall as a person.

The poisonous insects rushed into the forest without hesitation.

Bang bang!

These poisonous insects are much larger than intestinal worms and gold-eating ants. Once they enter the blood water, they splash with waves from time to time. After two flutters, they disappear and float one by one on the water, like ants on a hot pot. Like chocolate, it melts rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Layer after layer of corpses kept piling up, and then fell one after another.

The blood continued to spread, flowing far forward, facing the rolling army of intestinal worm poison!

Although the bloody water seems very deep, it has been floating on the ground. Except under our feet, there is a bloody ocean everywhere!

Above the vast sea of ​​​​blood, a gently gloomy small tree is growing vigorously.

They are constantly stretching their branches and leaves, waving their hands, like a group of hungry babies, eager to suck!

Suck the breath of death and the taste of corruption that makes them greedy!

As the blood spread and the trees grew wildly, Han Laoliu's face became increasingly ugly. His entire face glowed with a green light, and even his eyes turned green. The exposed skin turned dark black, and cracks exploded, just like the bark of an old tree that had experienced time, exploding layer by layer!

Han Laoliu was trying his best to fight to the death!

If he hadn't been here, I wouldn't have known how to deal with such a huge amount of poison rushing towards me without fear of life or death.

Killing a thousand or ten thousand is useless! All it takes is one bite or one touch and it's over.


Lao Liu, can you still hold on?

I looked at his shaking body, feeling a little distressed and worried, but I didn't know how to help him.

Burial Sky Forest, this is his last trump card!

At this time, his power of five sources has not yet been restored, but he managed to do it with difficulty. Lao Liu, please don't let anything happen to you!

I clenched my fists tightly and stared at him intently.

Han Laoliu didn't even look at me, he clenched his teeth tightly. Due to excessive force, his gums were bleeding, and they were actually blood red.

Immediately, bloodshot eyes and nostrils also appeared, all filled with red blood!

Lao Liu, you have to hold on! We are here to save Miss Caiyun.

Now, Miss Caiyun is on your back, and you still have to take her out.

When we go out, I will hold a wedding for you, a sensational wedding!

Lao Liu, hold on!

You must hold on!

Han Laoliu's body shook sharply, and the fingers in his hands kept shaking. With every shake, the whole piece of blood rose and fell like the waves of the sea, and the woods seemed to be blown by a typhoon, bending their heads. waist.

But Han Laoliu was still trying hard to hold on, trying hard to control the blood water a little further, a little farther, even an inch!

Suddenly, Han Laoliu swayed and fell to the ground with a thud.

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